Siege of Shadowdale Walkthrough
Siege of Shadowdale is the first of three completed AL-series modules. Collectively, I call these modules alazander's Forgotten Realms Trilogy.
- AL1: Siege of Shadowdale (2002): Built for levels 1-7 (covered here)
- AL2: Crimson Tides of Tethyr (2005): Built for levels 7-15
- AL3: Tyrants of the Moonsea (2006): Built for levels 15-17
AL1-3 can be thought of as a trilogy of sorts in that we can take one character through all three modules thanks to their progressive level ranges (recommended); plus, there are no enforced item strips. However, each module constitutes an entirely separate adventure that stands on its own and doesn't reference the other - with one or two exceptions.
Siege of Shadowdale Introduction
Like a tide of darkness they came, butchering the folk of the Dale with wanton glee. Many are the foes I have battled in my long life, but were it not for the actions of one brave adventurer I fear even I would have been undone that fateful day... - Elminster of Shadowdale, 1372 DR.
Siege of Shadowdale Overview
AL1: Siege of Shadowdale (SoS) is a Forgotten Realms classic -- alazander's first module, authored back in 2002. Many years ago I merely dabbled in it before jumping straight into his subsequent larger-scale module, Crimson Tides of Tethyr (AL2).
This run employs Project Q and NWNCQ.
Siege of Shadowdale's resting rules are liberal: there are no restrictions on location or frequency. However, I only rest when resources have run out and progress becomes too difficult or impossible. I try my best not to "rest spam" - that is, rest after every fight to heal, or, in the case of a spellcaster, empty my spellbook to destroy the world, rest, repeat.
Siege of Shadowdale's resting rules are liberal: there are no restrictions on location or frequency. However, I only rest when resources have run out and progress becomes too difficult or impossible. I try my best not to "rest spam" - that is, rest after every fight to heal, or, in the case of a spellcaster, empty my spellbook to destroy the world, rest, repeat.
Much of the loot from receptacles is randomized as is common in NWN and its modules.
For this adventure I've decided to roll with a Human Female Wizard (1) of Chaotic Good alignment. I imagine the early game will be potentially tough due to limited spell slots and being squishy, but I'll wield a ranged weapon and have a Familiar accompanying me (a Pseudodragon named Aera) which should give me some breathing space.
So without further ado, let's begin this adventure!
Amusingly, I find myself smack dab in the middle of the town of Shadowdale without even a journal entry or at least a bit of text to let me broadly know who I am or what's going on. I'm just dropped in and left to my devices... which is fine by me, I guess - I wasn't really expecting the DM to hold my hand...
My pockets jingle with 75 GP, so I guess I'm no pauper. I'm also in possession of a Wizard's Robe, Woodman Outfit, Light Crossbow, Bolt (99), Dagger, Torch, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3), scrolls of Magic Missile, Sleep, Protection From Alignment and Summon Creature I. Sweet, no need to beg, borrow and steal either!
Talking to the Dalesfolk in town "fills in" my map and marks down points of interest, in addition to giving me some job-hunting leads: I should ask around at the tavern, and also visit the troubled farmlands to the south.
For this adventure I've decided to roll with a Human Female Wizard (1) of Chaotic Good alignment. I imagine the early game will be potentially tough due to limited spell slots and being squishy, but I'll wield a ranged weapon and have a Familiar accompanying me (a Pseudodragon named Aera) which should give me some breathing space.
So without further ado, let's begin this adventure!
Central Shadowdale
Amusingly, I find myself smack dab in the middle of the town of Shadowdale without even a journal entry or at least a bit of text to let me broadly know who I am or what's going on. I'm just dropped in and left to my devices... which is fine by me, I guess - I wasn't really expecting the DM to hold my hand...
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Left: Bird's eye view of Shadowdale Right: The Temple of Chauntea |
My pockets jingle with 75 GP, so I guess I'm no pauper. I'm also in possession of a Wizard's Robe, Woodman Outfit, Light Crossbow, Bolt (99), Dagger, Torch, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (3), scrolls of Magic Missile, Sleep, Protection From Alignment and Summon Creature I. Sweet, no need to beg, borrow and steal either!
Talking to the Dalesfolk in town "fills in" my map and marks down points of interest, in addition to giving me some job-hunting leads: I should ask around at the tavern, and also visit the troubled farmlands to the south.
The Dalesfolk regard me as a stranger to Shadowdale, and perceive me as an adventuring sort. Good to know I don't owe anyone money, and no one around town's likely to mess with me!
Shadowdale consists of seventeen buildings, but only five of those can be initially entered:
- The Old Skull Inn
- The House of Plenty - Temple of Chauntea
- Jamble the Eye - Merchant
- Bronn Selgard - Smithy
- Hoareb Nimblefingers - Healer
Five other areas branch off from the town:
- Elminster's Tower and the Twisted Tower of Ashaba to the west
- The Sinkhole and fertile Southern Farms to the south
- And thickly-wooded Outer Cormanthor to the east
I'm free to visit these places in any order, but my first port of call will be the Old Skull Inn to scope out sidequests - besides, the Forest Warden guarding the gate to Outer Cormanthor did hint that I seem to lack "experience".
Old Skull Inn

Old Skull Inn
Here I accept my first optional quest from the owner-innkeep, Jhaele: [Jhaele's Waitress]. How do I know it's optional? It's prefixed with [Opt] in the journal.

Jhaele has asked me to obtain a cure for Kella, one of her waitresses at the Old Skull Inn. I am to visit the local midwife and healer, Hoareb Nimblefingers, and receive the cure which I am then to deliver to Kella at her home in the south-east of town. - DM Alazander.
I stroll on over to the healer's house.
I stroll on over to the healer's house.
Hoareb Nimblefingers - Healer

I use the key to enter Kella's house.
Kella's House
A worried dog paws at the door leading upstairs, to which a blood trail leads. This doesn't look good...
Kella's House - First Floor
The trail leads to Kella's bedroom...
Kella, waitress at the Old Skull Inn, has been found dead in her home, murdered.
Murthered! And not just murthered, but bruthally murthered - "her head caved in with a large blunt object".
Old Skull Inn - First Floor
There are five rooms on the first floor, the southwestern one containing a locked chest in which I find a Ring of Protection +1 (DC-18).
I now confront Narvel in the southeastern room.
I found Narvel skulking around in his room at the inn. Upon confronting him, he admitted to murdering Kella, claiming he had caught her cheating on him. In a fit of rage, he murdered her. Narvel attacked me, and I was left with no option but to defend myself.
My pseudodragon, Aera, tanks Narvel (a Rogue) as I snipe with the crossbow (+40 EXP, Dagger, Topaz).
I had better inform Jhaele of the events that have transpired.
I found Narvel skulking around in his room at the inn. Upon confronting him, he admitted to murdering Kella, claiming he had caught her cheating on him. In a fit of rage, he murdered her. Narvel attacked me, and I was left with no option but to defend myself.
My pseudodragon, Aera, tanks Narvel (a Rogue) as I snipe with the crossbow (+40 EXP, Dagger, Topaz).
I had better inform Jhaele of the events that have transpired.
Old Skull Inn - Ground Floor
+1,000 EXP, +250 GP
Jhaele was heartbroken upon hearing of Kella's demise. Her steely exterior obviously hides a woman of great character and compassion. It transpires that Kella's secret male visitor was in fact her brother on a visit from Archendale. At least I managed to obtain a small measure of vengeance for her. Jhaele also gave me a considerably larger reward than promised.
+1,000 EXP, +250 GP
Completion of the [Jhaele's Waitress] quest bumped me up to second level. So far so good! Since that first quest was a little depressing, we'll end on a lighter note by briefly visiting Elminster's Tower.
A signpost reads:
This ancient path is cracked and paved,
With visitors who could not behave!
Another signpost:
Rumors of spike-filled pits along this path,
are almost entirely false. Thank you for your caution.
And yet another signpost:

No trespassing. Violators should warn next of kin!
Have a pleasant day!
A placard at the tower reads:
Gone gathering spell components. - Elminster.
By the looks of it, this post has been here for years. - DM.
The door to Elminster's tower is magically locked and reinforced. There is nothing to do here yet, so I head back to Central Shadowdale to prepare for the Southern Farms and The Sinkhole (which will be the module's first dungeon crawl).
Part II of Siege of Shadowdale. Siege of Shadowdale (2002) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Southern Farms
This fertile region consists of three separate farms overrun by goblins, two four-packs of which are busily bludgeoning chickens with flails upon our arrival. Being a squishy Wizard, I snipe them cautiously from afar as Aera tanks most of the aggro.
I enter a farmhouse in the northeast.
An old man is just standing around in here, looking troubled.
Sulcar Reedo's Farmhouse
An old man is just standing around in here, looking troubled.

I wind my way southward to the windmill and enter the goblin-infested farmhouse.
Abandoned Farmhouse

The shaman yielded +109 EXP and Sulcar's Ring. Two crates contain random loot (Gloves of Concentration [Conc +3]).
Sulcar Reedo's Farmhouse
I deliver the ring to the old man..
Sulcar was extremely grateful for the return of his dead wife's wedding ring and was happy to part with his amulet in exchange for it. [/A Memento Lost]
+500 EXP, Amulet of Fire Resistance (Fire resist 20/-).
I stroll over to the opposite farmhouse.
Kulnar Ohane's Farmhouse
It seems Kulnar Ohane and Blaesgard don't need my help fighting off several goblins, despite Kulnar thanking me afterwards.
I have agreed to hunt down and destroy a band of goblins that has been raiding the farms south of Shadowdale, in particular Kulnar Ohane's farm. They have made their lair in the remains of the tunnels at the bottom of the Sinkhole. To get into the tunnels, I will need to present the guard, Rast, with Kulnar's ring. Once the leader, Margblat, is dead, I am to return to Kulnar for my reward of 250 gold pieces. His head will be required as proof of my success. [The Goblin Raiders]
The Sinkhole
I show Rast Kulnar's ring and he opens the gate.
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Stinkhole Tunnels |
This dungeon is infested with about seventeen goblins (+14 EXP ea), including one Elite (+72 EXP) and three Shaman (+109 EXP ea). Oh, and two Worg Pups (+109 EXP ea). Enemies are encountered only in small packs, so they are fairly easy to pick off with the crossbow as Aera tanks them (AC 20), though it's somewhat dangerous until I find the Wand of Sleep (50 charges) at the southwest dead-end (see map). Aera's True Seeing is useful against the Shamans (one of which drops an Amulet of Natural Armor +1). Other perks of Aera are immunity to Sleep and insta-heal by being "fed". This keeps us going until the goblin boss, Margblat, whom we face off against just after I reach third level.
- Margblat: +141 EXP, Margblat's Journal, Margblat's Head, Short Sword +1, Dagger.
- Treasure room: +91 GP and useless random garbage.
The leader of the goblins, Margblat, is dead. It seems the recent rise in Drow activity within the forest was the reason for the goblins relocating to the old tunnels. I should return to Kulnar for my reward.
I backtrack aalll the way to Kulnar's farmhouse..
I have collected my reward from Kulnar. Hopefully his farm shall recover in time to face the hard winter months. [/The Goblin Raiders]
+250 GP, +1500 EXP
I now sell of a load of garbage and purchase a Ring of Protection +1 from the smithy (-1231 GP).
Level Up to 3!
Lilura: Wizard (3), Empower Spell, Spells: Invisibility, Gedlee's Electric Loop.
Old Skull Inn
Another quest can be found at the inn.
Durman Hilesta, a bouncer at the Old Skull Inn, has made me a proposition. He will let me have his magical belt, which greatly enhances the strength of the wearer, if I can find some other means to help him do his job. [Durman's Belt]
Outer Cormanthor
This four-pack of orcs (+14 EXP ea) looks a lot more intimidating than they are. Sleep followed up by Coup de grâce, ftw. These guys and two Black Bears (+72 EXP ea) can be led to a group of elven rangers, for players who find them too hard to handle (I'll talk to the elves later..).
A non-hostile ogre is located in the southeast of the forest.
I have encountered an outcast ogre in the Cormanthor forest who is willing to help Durman. Hopefully, he will now be willing to part with his belt.
Old Skull Inn
Durman was happy to part with his belt after Jhaele recruited the ogre Larn to assist him. One look at a ten-foot-tall ogre with a club the size of a tree should deter even the rowdiest tavern patron. [/Durman's Belt]
+750 EXP, Belt of Hill Giant Strength (STR +3)
I now head straight back to the forest to speak with the elves.
Outer Cormanthor
Well met, Wizard. Keep your eyes and ears open and be on your guard while in the forest - these are dangerous times. - Elven Ranger.
Standing in the middle of the forest is Halinor Avalael and his elven rangers. The lore-rich dialogue is rudely interrupted by five ambushing Drow militia led by a female wizard, Zaertha.
The sharpshooting rangers mow the Drow down and then shred Zaertha to ribbons, from whose corpse I loot a note and a Drow Recall Stone.
At Halinor's request I hand him the Stone mentioned in the note (+1000 EXP). He activates it, and we step into the portal that appears.
A drow raiding party led by one of the leaders of House Jaelre, Jezzryn, has set up a temporary camp in the area. I, together with Halinor of the Elven Court and his men, have decided to strike a blow for the good of the forest and the Dalelands by assassinating the drow leader. He is recognizable from his limp, the source of his nickname. [Jezz the Lame]
Level Up to 4!
Lilura: Wizard (4), INT +1, Spells: Ghostly Visage, Flame Weapon
House Jaelre Camp
The camp is well-guarded with assassins and militia backed up by a mage and led by a priestess. I order Aera to stay put, then cast Invisibility on myself - under which effect I remain for the battle's duration - before entering their camp. The surface elves utterly decimate the Drow from range, then move in to chop them to pieces.
We now enter the tent.
This dashing young drow must be Jezz the Lame. He sneers at you contemptuously.
Intruders! Prepare to be eviscerated, fools! - Jezz.
Jezz fails his save against Aera's stinger (poison: Oil of Tagget) but being a Drow he's immune to Sleep. However, he still drops like a sack of potatoes once the rangers burst into the tent. Somehow amidst the arrow volleys it was me who shot Jezz down (+308 EXP). It was a completely unfair fight, I almost felt sorry for the poor guy..
Intruders! Prepare to be eviscerated, fools! - Jezz.
Jezz fails his save against Aera's stinger (poison: Oil of Tagget) but being a Drow he's immune to Sleep. However, he still drops like a sack of potatoes once the rangers burst into the tent. Somehow amidst the arrow volleys it was me who shot Jezz down (+308 EXP). It was a completely unfair fight, I almost felt sorry for the poor guy..
+1500 EXP
- Jezz the Lame: Silent Moves Leather Armor +2 (Move Silently +10), Unsent Letter, Map of Drow Camp, Potion of Invisibility.
- Chest (trapped! [?] and locked [DC-18]): +250 GP, random garbage.
Jezz has been slain. Although House Jaelre will no doubt recover from this small setback, the death of one of their leaders should ensure a somewhat easier time for the Dalelands and elves of the forest - at least for a time. [/Jezz the Lame]
Halinor now bids me farewell, referring to me as "friend" and telling me I'll "always be welcome amongst the Tel'quessir of the old Elven Court".
The map I looted merely points the way back to Outer Cormanthor, which is a hidden exit in the southwest of the map. I backtrack through the forest to Central Shadowdale.
Part III of Siege of Shadowdale. Continuing from Part II: The Sinkhole. Siege of Shadowdale (2002) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Central Shadowdale
An Ashaba tower servant named Milly runs up to me and gives me the lowdown on current events. It seems we have more Drow problems..
The Twisted Tower of Ashaba is under attack from the drow. Staging a mass assault from the Underdark that connects with the dungeon level of the tower, they are forcing their way upwards towards the main entrance of the tower. If they succeed in breaking through, Shadowdale is most probably doomed. Their charge must be halted! [Assault on the Tower]
A servant of the Twisted Tower, Milly, has begged me to find her son, Jaime. She was forced to flee the tower without knowing his whereabouts, and she fears he may still be in the tower, or worse, dead. [A Lost Child]
Twisted Tower of Ashaba
I arrive just in time to witness the Tower Guards cut down a pack of drow.
I am to seek out Thurbal, commander of the men-at-arms, near the front entrance doors, and see what help I can offer.
I step into the tower, finding myself in the Great Hall.
Twisted Tower - Ground Floor
I fumble for my crossbow as Tower Guards - including Elite units - grind a trio of drow into mincemeat. By the time I lift my crossbow to take aim, they are already dead.
You know, these guys seem more than capable of kicking drow ass, what in hell do they need me for?
With the drow splattered all over the marble floor, I now speak with Thurbal.
Thurbal has given me a key to unlock the armoury door. There I will find a helmed horror, a powerful magical construct. I am to activate it by saying the word 'Aumar'. [The Helmed Horror]
I sneak past a large group of drow en route to the armory in the northwest.
I have activated the helmed horror. Its fearsome presence should be of great use in the battle against the drow. [/The Helmed Horror]
Yeah, especially when I cast Flame Weapon on it..
The construct now hovers from the armory to the Feast Hall, bathing in the blood of many drow along the way. In the Feast Hall it stomps on three Giant Spiders and three more drow packs, thanks to me opening the doors to the Servant Room and Kitchen to draw them out to the slaughter.
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The Helmed Horror is a BEAST, about 20 Drow fell to it |
I found Jaime cowering in the pantry. He is extremely lucky to be alive. He offered me his thanks and departed to find his mother. [/A Lost Child]
+850 EXP, Gloves of Swordplay (Parry +3).
I inform the commander that the construct has been activated (+1000 EXP).
Thurbal wants me to check on Lord Mourngrym and the Lady Shaerl. Perhaps they have something I can assist them with.
Level Up to 5!
Lilura: Wizard (5), Spell Penetration, Spells: Fireball, Summon Creature III
Loot on this level:
- Audience Chamber (Bookshelf): Lore books: A History of Shadowdale, Famous Citizens of Shadowdale.
- Armory (Armoire): Mace +1, Bolt of Lightning (99), Thieves' Tools +1, Half Plate.
I head upstairs to the next floor, but the Helmed Horror won't follow. It continues to patrol downstairs, though.
Twisted Tower - Second Floor
A few more drow packs lurk up here, their spawn number somewhat random. I cast Summon Creature III to conjure a Dire Wolf to "replace" the construct.
The Dire Wolf buffed with Flame Weapon feasts on the drow.
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Fangs of fire! |
I find Mourngrym in the Lord's Chamber, flanked by two Harper Agents and many tower guards.
Mourngrym has asked me to find out any information I can about the motives behind the drow assault.
Hiding in the library is a Drow Mage and a Fire Mephit, both of whom were munched on by my conjured minions.
From the mage's corpse I loot a sapphire and an Odd Message.
I have found a letter on the body of a drow which indicates there is certainly a traitor within the tower. I should report this to Mourngrym. [The Hidden One]
It appears that the drow are after some kind of artefact, which is hidden within the Twisted Tower. They are doing so at the behest of someone named Malauntyr.
It appears that the drow are after some kind of artefact, which is hidden within the Twisted Tower. They are doing so at the behest of someone named Malauntyr.
Twisted Tower - Third Floor
I head upstairs for flavor convos with Storm Silverhand, Shaerl Rowanmantle and Scotti - who "slips up" in conversation.
Twisted Tower - Second Floor
Mourngrym is handed the Odd Note.
Twisted Tower - Third Floor
Scotti Amcathra has mysteriously disappeared, just as evidence has been discovered that suggests he is the traitor within the tower. He must be found!
Twisted Tower - Second Floor
En route to the ground floor I come across "Scotti" in the parlour room.
Help me! These dark elves are going to kill me! - Scotti.
The Hidden One is a Doppelganger.
The Hidden One is a Doppelganger.
Doppelganger: +51 EXP, Bag of Holding, Ring of Protection +2.
I found what appeared to be Scotti surrounded by dark elves. After slaying the drow, 'Scotti' attacked me, revealing his true form - a doppelganger. Before it died, the evil shapechanger claimed the real Scotti Amcathra was in the clutches of the drow, if indeed he still lives. At least I now know who betrayed the tower's secrets to the dark elves. [/The Hidden One]
+1500 EXP
Twisted Tower - Ground Floor
I'm informed by a wounded guard that drow are swarming up from the dungeons below the tower. I high-tail it to the Grand Entry Hall where I witness the death of Thurbal at the hands of the drow.
I am so sorry... my Lord... we have failed. -Thurbal (Bastard Sword +1).
I am so sorry... my Lord... we have failed. -Thurbal (Bastard Sword +1).
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I couldn't help but launch a Fireball into the juicy cluster. |
But wait, what's this? Six swaggering knights strut into the tower and quickly take control of the situation.
The Knights of Myth Drannor arrived just as Thurbal, Warden of Shadowdale, was slain attempting to hold back the advancing drow. Florin Falconhand, leader of the band, has sworn to rescue Scotti or die trying. With the aid of the Knights it should be possible to reach the Underdark, where the boy is being held captive by the dark elves. [Rescue Scotti]
The knights now charge down to the dungeon level with me following and meekly calling out to them "Wait for meeee..!"
The knights now charge down to the dungeon level with me following and meekly calling out to them "Wait for meeee..!"
Part IV of Siege of Shadowdale. Continuing from Part III: Twisted Tower of Ashaba. Siege of Shadowdale (2002) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
Twisted Tower - Dungeon Level
It might just be my mood, but I find this segment hilarious! I basically hang back while the Knights of Myth Drannor storm through the dungeon - from the southern entrypoint to the Underdark entrance in the north - leaving a trail of dead drow and duergar in their wake. I just sort of follow along, gazing around dumbly and casually looting the odd corpse and side-chamber en route to the Vernia encounter in the northeast.
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The Knights of Myth Drannor |
I have encountered a drow priestess named Vernia, a truly fanatical devotee of the Spider Queen. In her arrogance, she informed me that the assault on the Twisted Tower was only a small part of the drow's fiendish plans; most of their forces are even now preparing to fall upon Shadowdale from the north, from the great stone outcrop known as the Old Skull.
Vernia, of course, stands no chance. The poor dear should have fled immediately at the sight of a passageway jam-packed with knights vying with each other for the kill, but I guess she failed her self-preservation check.
Vernia Quenthal: - Mace +1, Large Shield +1.
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Note Rathan in the back row (left).. |
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Reverse angle: that's one hell of a charge, Rathan! |
With the news that Shadowdale town itself is about to be attacked by a legion of drow, the Knights of Myth Drannor have had to abandon their quest to rescue Scotti, returning to the surface to lend their aid in the desperate struggle. If I am to recover the boy, I must do it alone.
Now alone, I explore the western section of the dungeon before descending into the Underdark, facing three encounters of note.
The first is that of a Drow Mage in a central side chamber who has summoned a Shadow Mastiff. +51 EXP, Bracers of Armor +2.
The second is that of a dual-wielding Drow Captain in the northeastern armory. My pseudodragon tanked him as my wolf inflicted a devastating flanking crit. +120 EXP, Boots of Striding +1, Chest: Battleaxe +1, Longsword +1.
The third and last is that of Rethaun, a drow wizard. He surrenders after taking a beating, then summons a fire elemental when we decide to end him. +156 EXP, Cloak of Fortification +1.
Notable loot on the level: Northeasternmost Cell (corpse): Amulet of Acid Resistance (Resist acid 20/-), Eastern chamber (crate): Large Shield +1.
Lord's Crypts
The crypts are a completely optional area, but the sidequest in here is worth doing.
(Don't bother checking any of the sarcophagi for loot - you won't come up with a single dime)...
There is "a ghostly figure of a beautiful woman" waiting at the northern end of the crypt.
Do not be afraid. I would speak with you. - Sylune.
The undead spirit of Sylune Silverhand, the famed Witch of Shadowdale, has asked me to a recover an amulet given her by her dead husband, Lord Aumry. The drow looted the treasure before she appeared to drive them off. [Sylune's Amulet]
Underdark Level One
A series of tunnels connects the caverns. Barrels on my immediate right contain utility potions and ammo.
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(Map has been rotated 90 degrees clockwise) |
U = The vast Underdark stretches out for miles. To venture forward without proper guidance would be suicide. - DM.
The Amulet of Fire Resistance should be worn due to how often Fireball is cast by the enemy mages.
I warm up on a loathsome Hook Horror (+84 EXP, Longbow +1).
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Pseudodragon Cone of Fire |
My Fireball roasts some unsuspecting duergar down one of the many tunnels (+15 EXP ea).
Just north from this point is a drow priestess flanked by two giant spiders. Her corpse is relieved of Sylune's Amulet.
Briefly Back to Lord's Crypts
I have returned Sylune's amulet to the undead sorceress. [/Sylune's Amulet]
+2000 EXP
Level Up to 6!
Lilura: Wizard (6), Greater Spell Penetration, Spells: Greater Magic Weapon, Haste.
My spell picks are sort of tailored to buffing the Dire Wolf, since I hate rest-spam to cast Fireballs over and over. The wolf is a solid summon, inflicting 2-12 +7 when buffed. It has Improved Critical (creature), Knockdown, Power Attack and Cleave.
Back to Underdark Level One
A second Hook Horror lurks in the far north, guarding a treasure pile containing a Ring of Resistance +1.
Heading east and then south - through drow and duergar packs - I reach a narrow intersection at which point crafty drow have set up a makeshift barricade. As a wizard, my only option is to cast Fireball, since I can't out-duel superior marksmen at range.
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The barricade |
I interrupt an Ogre Berserker which was busily gnashing its teeth in the darkness. Without my faithful wolf, I would have had no chance of defeating the enraged monster. +98 EXP, Greatsword +1.
Now, all that stands between me and the next Underdark level is a rowdy duergar.
Arr, ye've come far enough. Looks like ol Grimbold is gonna 'ave to take care o' business! - Grimbold Tornhelm. (+98 EXP, Greataxe +1).
My minions silence him.
Underdark Level Two
The tunnels here are littered with Drow and Derro.
The Derro Savant is a pain in the ass, casting Invisibility followed up by Fireball to annoying effect - not to mention low level disablers (Grease) and debuffs (Slow).
+117 EXP, Staff of Defense (AC Bonus +2, Ghostly Visage (3) 2 Charges/Use, Mage Armor (2) 1 Charge/Use, Protection from Alignment (5) 3 Charges/Use), Wand of Lightning (Lightning Bolt [5] 5 charges/use).
Chest: Fire Arrow (99), Poison Bolt (99), Ice Bullet (99).
A spear-wielding fighter guards the buildings to the east.
At last... a worthy foe to fight. Prepare to meet your doom! - Durntrag.
+98 EXP, Kerishnar +1 spear (+2 piercing).
I've arrived at the matron's base of operations... the buildings require a key to enter.
Seeing Matron Kinetha Draurin - standing by an altar atop a ledge overlooking the cavern - I buff the Dire Wolf with Flame Weapon, Greater Magic Weapon, Endurance, Protection From Evil, Endure Elements and Haste (potion).
"Release the hound!" - Lilura.
Fool! Do you truly believe you can seriously threaten my power! I will cut out your heart and feed it to the Spider Queen! - Matron Kinetha Draurin.
The drow priestess and grunt are first cleaved by the wolf, which then rushes Kinetha before she can cast the potentially game-ending Hammer of the Gods or Flame Strike.
+264 EXP, +3000 EXP
Asp +1 heavy flail (+1d6 acid), Matron's Key.
I have slain the drow Matron, Kinetha Draurin. With her death, the remaining dark elves beneath the Twisted Tower should cease their attacks. However, most of their forces are now preparing to assault the town itself. [/Assault on the Tower]
Key in hand, I head back to the previous cavern and use it to enter the barracks.
Drow Barracks
Chest: Longsword +1.
Scotti is finally found in here!
![]() |
The barracks |
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Matron's Quarters |
Back "Outside"
Scotti and I waste no time in leaving, but we only manage to reach the next cavern before we bump into a shadowy, sinister figure.
Mandatory evil rant:
Ah, so you are the fool who has been causing so much trouble. The Matron was merely a pawn. When Shadowdale is destroyed, I shall take the Stone for my own. Then I shall dispense with the drow, and the world shall tremble at the coming of the Shadowmasters! Come then, insect; come witness the fate of Shadowdale and its wretched people! - Malauntyr.
Part V of Siege of Shadowdale. Continuing from Part IV: Knights of Myth Drannor. Siege of Shadowdale (2002) is a NWN Module for Neverwinter Nights 1 (2002).
This is a short update, just describing the final section and boss fight to finish off this recounting.
After entering the portal created by Malauntyr, I have been transported to the Old Skull, a huge outcrop of rock north of Shadowdale. This is obviously where Malauntyr has made his base. Perhaps if he is defeated, the tide of battle will turn in Shadowdale's favour. [Defeat Malauntyr]
Scotti now gives me a Ring of Spell Resistance (SR 14) and then scampers off home (I don't believe there was any quest experience reward for rescuing Scotti, which I find rather odd..)
You can hear the sounds of fierce battle echoing from the town. - DM.
I must ascend the huge rock of Old Skull, taking out copy-pasta drow packs en route to the summit.
This cave must be where the Old Skull connects to the Underdark.
Barrels: Fire Arrow (99), Bolt of Fire (99), Arrow of the Vampire (2), Short Sword +1, various scrolls and potions.
You can't enter the cave.
Looking down on the town, you can see the Knights of Myth Drannor in bloody combat with the drow.
Level Up to 7!
The Knights of Myth Drannor are being forced back by the sheer numbers of the drow. Storm Silverhand stands alone battling a dozen drow, her silver blade arching back and forth like lightning death.
I reach the summit. Buffing time! I only bother to buff my pseudodragon and newly acquired dire spider.
Malauntyr is confronted.
Malauntyr is completely covered in a shroud of unnatural shadow. Two globes of golden light shine with an unearthly hatred from the cowls of his hood.
So you made it this far? No matter. I shall rend your soul! - Malauntyr.
Malauntyr conjures two shadows of himself, buffs with Stoneskin, and then teleports back a bit as my spider summon makes short work of the conjured shadows.
Malauntyr unleashes ILMS followed by Cloudkill on my minions (who take no acid dmg due to their Endure Elements buff). The minions then close in and start chipping away at him.
Enough. I tire of these games. - Malauntyr.
Malauntyr now transforms into a Shadow Dragon.
Elminster appears and transforms into a Gold Dragon.
They duke it out while I apparently watch in awe.
Elminster ends Malauntyr with Meteor Swarm.
Ugh... this cannot be... NOOOOO! - Malauntyr.
Malauntyr has been slain! The combined efforts of myself and the Sage of Shadowdale, Elminster, have finally put an end to the Shadowmaster's evil schemes. [/[Defeat Malauntyr]
Final Reward: Netherese Blast Scepter (Call Lightning [10] 5 charges/use).
Entering the portal exports the character and rolls the credits.
And this concludes Siege of Shadowdale.
Siege of Shadowdale has a few shortcomings, but one has to remember it was made in 2002. For me, this module feels sort of like an experiment, or a showcase/spectacle in some ways, but it has undeniable strengths in the form of its strong Realmslore and Realms-flavored writing that enhance the critical path and six optional quests (all of which are above average).
I would say SoS is pleasure to read (especially if the player knows their FRCS), but not so much to play - mainly because of the copy-pasta encounters (lacking that handcrafted touch), hardly any skill checks in dialogue (aka no "role-playing"), and the tendency for items and encounters to favor warrior builds (Wizards & Rogues will feel kinda left out). Some players also might not appreciate being "shown up" in a few places by Realms heroes, but others might enjoy rubbing shoulders with them, who knows.. I myself got some laughs out of them, so I don't mind.
Experience points mostly come from progressing in the plot and completing side-quests rather than from killing things. This means the player doesn't have to be overly concerned about experience penalties or vying with NPCs for the kill - just create a character and play. That's not to say tough encounters are non-existent - for new players I highly recommend a "sword n shield" warrior.
Is Siege of Shadowdale a classic, though? For FR fans I would answer yes.
Note: when I played this "series" (I'd honestly say it's not worth your time to play SoS and it doesn't even relate to CToT -- play CToT and then TotM, both are much better, if you want but none are connected anyway) I played as a lawful good sorcerer, so caster issues/benefits will be similar, I think.
ReplyDelete"AL1: Siege of Shadowdale (SoS) is a Forgotten Realms classic"
I would definitely not call this a classic. That's the author trying to hype himself up and it annoyed me as soon as I read it. Pretty sure I'd prefer playing even Caereena - Krakona Rising (yes, I had to look the spelling up) over SoS and you'd have to pay me to play that again (not in the sense that it was absolutely horrible but in the sense that I'd much rather do other things).
"My pseudodragon, Aera, tanks Narvel (a Rogue) as I snipe with the crossbow (+40 EXP, Dagger, Topaz)."
If I recall correctly, I really disliked that as well because it basically forces you into melee combat where he can instantly crit and kill you. You can manage to avoid it (the average player won't) but it's still a terrible design decision for low level casters.
Also, something important you should know:
At some point in the module you'll be informed that there is an EMERGENCY and you NEED to go to a place RIGHT NOW because it's URGENT. Ignore that. If you did something reasonable like, say, going to take care of that rather than turning in a completed side quest, you will NOT be able to turn in the side quest later. Delay the EMERGENCY IMPORTANT stuff until you're done with the side quests.
On calling SoS "a classic":
DeleteDid Alazander call his own module "a classic"? I wasn't aware... I called it a classic cuz I remember this module has LOTS of accurate FR lore integrated into the dialogue. The start of the module is quite average (it was his first module), but it does pick up. You just need to give it a chance..
On early difficulty:
Level 1 arcane spellcasters are just weak as kittens no matter what, though. I knew what I was in for. Other than my familiar, Sleep followed up by coup de grâce works wonders on orcs/goblins etc, and in the first dungeon I found a Wand of Sleep with FIFTY charges.
By the way, I'm gonna be recounting another adventure module CONCURRENTLY with this one - I just need to work out some technical issues with the other mod (Project Q's tlk is overwriting the portraits so they just come up as white rectangles, gah!). Why concurrently? To mix things up, so I don't get bored and things don't get stale.
Here's the description of CToT:
Delete"From the author of the classic module "Siege of Shadowdale" comes a new single player adventure of epic proportions!"
Yeah, he called his own module a classic. Wasn't quoting someone else who said it was a classic, just flat out called it a classic.
"I called it a classic cuz I remember this module has LOTS of accurate FR lore integrated into the dialogue."
Perhaps, but the last half of the module or so just felt like it was basically "OH LOOK HERE'S MORE FR CHARACTERS LOOK AT THEM WOO HOO!" Seemed like he was trying to cram in famous characters for the sake of doing so because he thought people would think it was totally cool and rad and stuff...or something. Leeching off their fame to get people to play.
"You just need to give it a chance."
I did, I played it the whole way through, which is how I know about that really stupid quest design that I mentioned. I actually thought the first part was better -- nothing amazing but at least decent...and I really disliked the revolving door of FR characters during the last half.
"Level 1 arcane spellcasters are just weak as kittens no matter what, though"
Sure, but you also shouldn't force them to talk to someone who then immediately tries to melee them! The tactic as a caster is to stay AWAY from melee at that level.
"By the way, I'm gonna be recounting another adventure module"
Oh? I wait in suspense. Hoping it's a good one like Swordflight, Sanctum of the Archmage, Hex Coda, or even a mini-module like Snickersnack or Snow Hunt.
Oh, I hope he includes Drizzt too! :P
DeleteYou can't blame an amateur module author (who is no doubt a fan of FR and knows the lore well) for including famous characters, can you? I mean even BioWare did that in their Baldur's Gate series (which I think he was also a fan of - CToT has Baldur's Gate 2 locations/chars)...
As for the Narvel encounter, physically weak classes have time to run away, no one's forcing you into melee. I'm not saying you don't have a point, though. Anyway, that is nothing compared to what I face in the next update. Note also that you fight the drow at low lvl with ALLIES in Outer Cormanthor (you can even draw the hostile wildlife to the elves). Sure, a Wizard won't get many kills, but the kill EXP is trivial compared to quest EXP, anyway.
I was gonna recount SotA, but not right now. It's quite exhausting to recount even at the beginning, A LOT happens. I will definitely recount it at a later date, though.
I honestly wouldn't care if he included Drizzt. It's not THAT he included famous characters, it's that he included so many and the manner of which he included them.
DeleteThey come in, often make you look pathetic/useless, and leave (I definitely recall that happening at least twice, possibly more -- the ending was the worst). It felt like a revolving door of "Look how awesome they are!"
In other words: if I ran into Drizzt and he wanted help with something because he was taking care of something else, great. If I run into Drizzt where he saved me from certain death...and then I run into Wulfgar where he kills everything while I watch...and then I run into get the idea.
Maybe the best way to describe it is that I felt less like I was playing a game as a protagonist and more like I was watching a movie of FR characters doing stuff. The whole module left a sour taste in my mouth -- but I'll point out that despite that I liked CToT far more, so it's not like I suddenly concluded Al was a terrible author. CToT > TotM >>>> SoS.
"As for the Narvel encounter, physically weak classes have time to run away, no one's forcing you into melee."
I'm 99% sure that when I played the module he got an AoO and crit me when I tried to run, instant death. Sure, I could have moved farther away from him while in combat and/or buffed up with Mage Armor/Shield prior to talking to him...but that's pretty silly to have to do. And yeah, your pseudodragon with really good (18) AC tanked it...but that's also costing you 20% experience which is annoying.
"Note also that you fight the drow at low lvl with ALLIES in Outer Cormanthor (you can even draw the hostile wildlife to the elves)."
I don't remember them being so bad, honestly, not like some other things in that module (the final boss was really aggravating -- in a bad way).
"A LOT happens."
That pretty much summarizes 90% of SotA :P Definitely a very rich module in terms non-combat stuff.
"And yeah, your pseudodragon with really good (18) AC tanked it...but that's also costing you 20% experience which is annoying."
DeleteI don't see why, low lvl enemies only yield tiny EXP in this module, anyway.. you need 1000 EXP to reach lvl2 and completing that "murder mystery" quest gives you +1000 EXP, another +500, yet another +500 - all in the first 30 mins, and that's not affected by percentage reduction from a large party. I also proved in my HotU run where I had 20% EXP penalty that over 25 lvls it resulted only in -1 lvl.
"I don't see why, low lvl enemies only yield tiny EXP in this module, anyway"
DeleteWhich you only know after the fact. And I find it annoying because that is not the case in many modules (lot of times kill XP is very significant) and basically just mages have to eat the XP penalty. Everyone else has more HP, better weapons, and/or better AC.
"I also proved in my HotU run where I had 20% EXP penalty that over 25 lvls it resulted only in -1 lvl."
It resulted in -1 levels over 10 levels -- the XP penalty wasn't a factor in going from 1 to 15 because you received the XP all at the start. I also often finished HotU at level 28 which would be -2 levels.
More importantly, though, those first early levels matter so much more to a caster, particularly when you hit a new spell level. Getting stuff like Ghostly Visage is massive defensively or getting Fireball/Flame Weapon for offense/buffing -- and in something like Aielund Act 1 you could imagine the difference of trying to fight the wolves at level 1 vs level 2 or the bandits at level 2 vs level 3 and so on (because you're some XP short due to the XP penalty).
"It resulted in -1 levels over 10 levels -- the XP penalty wasn't a factor in going from 1 to 15 because you received the XP all at the start. I also often finished HotU at level 28 which would be -2 levels."
DeleteGah, I forgot about that.. I've never reached lvl28 in my runs of HotU, though.
In lvl1-2 Aielund I'd say the quest EXP and "playing to alignment EXP" is there to buffet a 20% kill EXP penalty somewhat, unless you don't explore and then just rush onto the highway to be ravaged by wolves.. but even then, you've got companions to help you through.
My point is, I summoned a pseudodragon for -10 EXP yield on Narvel in a quest that rewards +1000 EXP on completion, it just doesn't annoy me. :P
I can see how it could become an issue, but I've never really felt it as one.. maybe I will later in SoS, we'll see I guess. ;)
"My point is, I summoned a pseudodragon for -10 EXP yield on Narvel in a quest that rewards +1000 EXP on completion, it just doesn't annoy me. :P"
DeleteThe point I'm trying to make is that most NWN modules, including the official campaigns, have kill XP with more far impact. Thus mages typically try to avoid summoning a familiar or summon -- hell, that one familiar eats up as much XP as a full fledged companion/henchman. That's basically ingrained into you unless you're max level.
If SoS has most of the XP from quests then yes, it might make far less of a difference and obviously if a mod is easy enough then it doesn't even matter. But it still goes against every instinct in an XP limited campaign.
Hence why I said it was annoying. Not gamebreaking or supremely frustrating, just annoying.
Update: I still reached Level 7 by modules end, despite having a Familiar _and_ Summon. So it doesn't matter for SoS.
DeleteYou being level 7 means you had level 4 spells for the final boss you actually fight. As a sorcerer I don't have level 4 spells until level 8. Out of curiosity, how close were you to level 8?
DeleteI had only just reached level 7, so way off.
DeleteHow far into 7? Now I'm wondering if I even hit it! Though you seem to be using NPCs to kill stuff a lot more than I did, I wanted the XP.
DeleteI do remember the final boss that you actually fight being really stupid and like impossible to damage for me, think he had higher DR or something? Don't recall now.
Only a couple hundred EXP over 7.. and yeah, I gladly let the NPCs kill most of the crap cuz I realized early on that QEXP >>> KEXP. You may not have done the optional Sylune quest for +2000 EXP..
DeleteI want to say I actually went back and did the Sylune quest once I was using debug mode to turn the quest in at the end anyway. I really hate "optional side quests" that you're supposed to do while the game is also trying to tell you "Hurry hurry crisis going on!"