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Siege of Dragonspear Chapter 13 walkthrough (Part XVI)

Part XVI of the Siege of Dragonspear Guide.

Siege of Dragonspear Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen does not strictly need a write-up since it mostly consists of a series of cutscenes and dialogue segments. But still, for the sake of my claim to completeness I am obliged to post the sixteenth and final part of my walkthrough. So here we go... the end of Siege of Dragonspear!

Baldur's Gate city, Revisited:

A cutscene fires showing armed guards escorting you through the city streets, lined by jeering crowds.

Flaming Fist H.Q: The Trial

There is a cut to a hearing taking place on the streets outside the Flaming Fist H.Q. Evidence against Charname is heard from expedition members and Bence Duncan. In turn, evidence you are able to give in your defense depends on how you approached certain aspects of the campaign. I was able to give four of five pieces of evidence that related to my good deeds and heroism (the thread simply didn't present the fifth option after I gave the fourth, but it's no biggie).

Entar Silvershield (Skie's father) interrupts proceedings to accuse Charname of murder; after which, he is escorted to his estate.

Belt ends proceedings at this point, revealing to Charname that Skie's soul is trapped within an artifact known as the Soultaker dagger.

Flaming Fist H.Q: Prison Escape

Charname is taken into custody and placed under lock and key. Corwin may visit you before the Hooded Man once again graces you with his presence...

Another cutscene fires showing Irenicus "slaying" Skie with Soultaker.

I thought this artifact was already broken in the climactic events of Tales of the Sword Coast (see here), but whatevs: I guess artifacts are not so rare, afterall...

Anyway, Irenicus commands you to wake up:

Fleeing Baldur's Gate City

How events unfold here depends on what happened during the trial. There are two variations.

Variation 1

If you gave four pieces of evidence supportive of your good character then Duke Belt himself will spring you from the clink.

Then, one of his mercs will lead you down a trapdoor to the basement. Don't forget to grab your gear from one of the tables before you leave! Now, the merc will reveal a secret door in the basement leading to a passage that lets you bypass the sewers and exit the cavern to the forest. This exit is in the southwest.

Variation 2

If you did NOT give evidence (or enough evidence) that supports your good character then a thief in the employ of Imoen will orchestrate a jailbreak.

You don't need to quaff the invisibility potion he gives you; what happens is, the other prisoners spot you and call out to the guards...

... but nothing comes of it because...


Ok, grab your gear from the table and then drop down the trapdoor to the basement. Here the thief will reveal the same secret door to you.

Now you must fly solo through the sewer system!



Crap to kill: Green Slime x5 (65 XP ea), Carrion Crawler x3 (420 XP ea), Flaming Fist Mercenary x2 (420 XP ea).

The Not So Great Escape

Head in a northeasterly direction from your starting point. A corpse in the northernmost point holds a Damp Note & Rusty Key (x=1960, y=250).

Next, head south to the waterfall where Duncan (and possibly Corwin) will catch up with you. A battlemage will throw up a ward to prevent you backtracking. Slay them if you wish but in order to escape you must jump from the top of the waterfall, down into the lake below! Wheeeeeeee!

Corwin (3,000 XP, default gear), Bence Duncan (1,400 XP, Bastard Sword +1, Ring of Protection +1, Large Shield +1, Full Plate Mail), Flaming Fist Mercenary x5 (1,400 XP), Flaming Fist Battlemage (2,000 XP).

At the foot of the waterfall you will find a stash holding potions and scrolls (x=4300, y=2888). This is what the Rusty Key opens. Completed Quest: The Not So Great Escape.

Ok, head west and take the exit to the forest!

Outlying Forest: Imoen

As you emerge from the cave you will be spotted by childhood friend, Imoen!

In the darkness of the night Imoen will lead you through the trees to the gathered canon party; i.e, the party that is assumed to have been with you at the time of your capture, and the ones who - with the exception of Khalid and Dynaheir - may be recruited in Chateau Irenicus, the first area of Shadows of Amn.

Anyway, after a short hike the party decides to rest...

Hey, do you feel a little... off? - Imoen.

The final cutscene fires showing the party being ambushed by thieves...
Your eyes burn as a thin acrid mist rises from the ground and envelopes you.
Your mind clouds... shadowed figures strike and fade away.
Your companions' cries echo in your skull, and the world around you fades to gray...

... And the credits roll...


Now, we move onto Baldur's Gate 2 Walkthrough.

End of Walkthrough

Baldur's Gate Walkthrough Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough Baldur's Gate Chapter 10
Baldur's Gate Companions Baldur's Gate Chapter 7 Baldur's Gate Chapter 11
Siege of Dragonspear Companions  Baldur's Gate Chapter 8 Baldur's Gate Chapter 12 
Siege of Dragonspear Item Codes Baldur's Gate Chapter 9 Baldur's Gate Chapter 13


  1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2016

    Excellent walkthrough! Thanks for all the hard work!

    1. Thanks, Anon. I'm glad to finally be done with it!

    2. I followed your instructions to the letter but I still get the criminal springs me at the end of the game not belt what am I doing wrong

    3. I'm not sure. Beamdog have patched and updated SoD since I wrote this walkthrough. Thus, it is possible that a parameter has been changed.

  2. AnonymousJuly 24, 2016

    I would like to add that there's some kind of goodbye speech from any romanceable npc. So far I've seen:

    - Corwin
    - Glint
    - Safana
    - Neera

    Maybe Dorn and Rasaad do have some banters too but I found them too annoying.

    1. GallowglassAugust 04, 2016

      In addition to the above, I recall a "romance goodbye speech" from Voghiln in a previous run.

  3. AnonymousJuly 25, 2016

    Viconia has a goodbye speech as well. She runs away with M'Khiin when you're arrested, but will come visit you in jail.

    I believe there are also romance speeches when stepping into the portal to Avernus.

    1. M'Khiin did not consistently disband in my game. No biggie, though.

    2. GallowglassAugust 04, 2016

      In my latest run (just completed), Viconia and M'Khiin were both in my party. Viconia disbanded when I was arrested, but M'Khiin did not. I re-played the same scene several times to check, and Viconia sometimes disbanded and sometimes didn't, but M'Khiin never did.

      I assume from this that there must be both a trigger factor (criterion unknown) to determine who might disband, and a random element to decide whether disbandment actually occurs.

    3. Viconia disbanded when Duncan came, but did not make a visit to the lovely prison in Bally G.

  4. AnonymousJuly 26, 2016

    It was a sufficient expansion overall, it did add some nice backstory to some npcs but the great downsides were the hub quests and the railroad experience.
    I also like to add that some "epic" battles like the bridge fort or the final assault were not so epic in my view, I felt disappointed. Maybe it's the engine limitation but still...
    I think that my expectations were high and the nostalgia may have a role in my review or it's just the last decade's trend on gaming industry to simplify the gameplay at the lowest (I still remember Falcon 4.0 and it's huge keyboard mapping and manual).

    Games once were harder to master but funnier when achieving that knowledge, some kind of nerd thing I guess.

    PS: it's a lame thing that any RPG so far rewards more the good approach than the evil one, that yourself can't be the greatest evil than the villain.

  5. GallowglassAugust 04, 2016

    Pretty good walkthrough - excellent work for a blind run!

    As for the expansion itself ... overall I like it. It's a good solid play. There are some minor features which are inappropriate, and some quest structuring which is uninspired, and some writing which is out-of-character, but these issues don't substantially detract from a mostly satisfying and coherent explanation of how the protagonist got from the ending situation of BG1 to the opening situation of BG2.

  6. Great guide!

    Kinda dissapointed with the murder of Skie. Seems like it just gave more loose ends than it tied up. Maybe BG3-material that Beamdog will continue working on?

  7. You can also present evidence of your evil deeds with the reasoning that you'd definitely admit you killed Skie if you'd done all of those things freely, and then Belt will still show up to bail you out.


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