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Inhein Who Was Taken, Icewind Dale 2

Inhein Who Was Taken IWD2

Inhein Who Was Taken is an Icewind Dale 2 enemy in Black Isle's cRPG of 2002, Icewind Dale 2. A member of Lost Followers IWD2, Inhein Who Was Taken is most notable for her divine spellcasting prowess.

Inhein Who Was Taken Stats

  • Inhein Who Was Taken Stats: 10-20-10-30-20-9 (Cleric 24)
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Attack Roll: 18-13-8-3
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Number of Attacks: 1
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Armor Class: 20
  • Inhein Who Was Taken HPs: 80
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Saving Throws: 14-13-19
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Weapon: Quaterstaff: 1d20 for 1-20 dmg
  • Concentration: 30
  • Search: 10
  • Spells: Draw Upon Holy Might, Hold Person, Animate Dead, Circle of Blades, Divine Shell, Dominate Person, Blasphemy, Symbol of Hoplessness, Tremor.
  • Undead Immunities: Fatigue, Panic, Poison, Sleep, Petrifcation, Confusion, Berserk, Charm, Paralyze, Slay, Stun, Disease, Energy Drain, Bleeding, Vampiric, Death Magic, Mental Domination, Emotion: Rage, Emotion: Despair, Emotion: Hope, Wail of the Banshee.
  • Other Immunities: Blindness, Haste, Silence, Slow, Feeblemindedness, Deafness, Intoxication, Sanctuary, Grease, Hopelessness, Control Creature, Nausea, Enfeeblement, Vampiric Touch, Entangle, Web, Bane, Translocation, Trick, Soul Easter, CTouch, LTouch, Finger of Death, Bless, Flaying, Bane, Chant.

Inhein Who Was Taken Feats

  • Armor Proficiency (3)
  • Armored Arcana (1)
  • Combat Casting
  • Discipline
  • Dodge
  • Improved Initiative
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Shield Proficiency
  • Simple Weapon, Quarterstaff (1)

Inhein Who Was Taken Heart of Fury Stats

  • Inhein Who Was Taken Stats: 20-30-20-40-30-19
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Attack Roll: 27-22-17-12
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Number of Attacks: 4
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Armor Class: 25
  • Inhein Who Was Taken HPs: 470
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Saving Throws: 19-18-24
  • Inhein Who Was Taken Weapon: Quaterstaff: 1d20 +7 for 8-27 dmg
  • Concentration: 35
  • Search: 15

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