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James Pond Amiga Vectordean Chris Sorrell 1990

James Pond: Underwater Agent 1990

Vectordean released the original James Pond: Underwater Agent for the Amiga in 1990. James Pond is a scrolling platformer notable for its puzzles, precise controls and polished presentation.

James Pond consists of 12 missions with the object of each varying from freeing caged lobsters with keys, leading fish to an escape-pipe, blowing up a platform with dynamite and plugging leaks in oil tankers. In essence, James Pond is mostly about collecting a number of objects and employing them elsewhere in order to satisfy mission objectives.

James Pond is an amphibious fish aka mudskipper. When swimming in the sea James Pond can move in eight directions, pick up items and blow bubbles that temporarily box-in monsters. Once a monster is boxed in a bubble it can be vanquished by moving into the bubble, bursting it. James Pond can also jump on platforms when out of the water.

In addition, James Pond can head-butt blocks to reveal hidden items, access secret caverns via holes in the caverns and warp via mushroom portal. Walls can be switched as well as appear and disappear via interaction or based on time.

Another novel feature of James Pond is the abiltiy to return home via home pipe, from which Pond can store and retrieve items.

James Pond seems to have been influenced by Flood of 1990 and Bubble Bobble of 1988.

James Pond was designed, programmed and drawn by Chris Sorrell. James Pond audio was composed by Richard Joseph and Chris Sorrell.

James Pond was distributed on 1x 3.5" 880 kB diskette.


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