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Nod Units Command and Conquer 1

Nod Units Command & Conquer 1

Nod Units are combat and utility units of the Nod Faction in Westwood's RTS Game of 1995, Command and Conquer 1. Mortal enemy of the Global Defense Initiative, the Brotherhood of Nod are a terrorist organization.

Nod Missions Command and Conquer 1


In order for the Brotherhood to gain a foothold, we must begin by eliminating certain elements. Nikoomba, the nearby village's leader, is one such element. His views and ours do not coincide, and he must be eliminated.


In order for the Brotherhood to gain a foothold, we must begin by eliminating certain elements. Nikoomba, the nearby village's leader, is one such element. His views and ours do not coincide, and he must be eliminated.


GDI has kept a stranglehold on Egypt for many years. Set up a forward attack base in your area. To do this you must double click on your Mobile Construction Vehicle. (MCV) From here you can begin to build a base. This area contains plenty of Tiberium, so establishing the base should be easy.


GDI has kept a stranglehold on Egypt for many years. Set up a forward attack base in your area. To do this you must double click on your Mobile Construction Vehicle. (MCV) From here you can begin to build a base. This area contains plenty of Tiberium, so establishing the base should be easy.


GDI has established a prison camp, where they are detaining some of the local political leaders. Kane wishes to liberate these victims. Destroy the GDI forces and capture the prison, do not destroy it.


GDI has established a prison camp, where they are detaining some of the local political leaders. Kane wishes to liberate these victims. Destroy the GDI forces and capture the prison, do not destroy it.


GDI is attempting to relocate a village of sympathetic civilians. Intercept the convoy and destroy it. It is imperative that the villagers be totally destroyed, as a lesson to any other natives who may oppose us.


A small village friendly to our cause has been increasingly harassed by GDI, and the Brotherhood wishes you to assist them in their efforts. Seek out the enemy village and destroy it. The event will be disguised as a GDI attack.


Our brothers within GDI tell of us of A-10 strike jets scheduled to be deployed here soon. Our suppliers have delivered new Surface to Air Missiles to aid you. Use the SAMs to defend your base, then seek out their base and destroy it.


GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing flare once you have stolen the device.


GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing flare once you have stolen the device.


GDI has imported a Nuclear Detonator in an attempt to sway a few local political leaders. Penetrate the base and steal the detonator. A chopper will be sent to meet you at a designated landing zone. Look for the landing flare once you have stolen the device.


The Brotherhood has located a huge field of Tiberium in the area. The nearby village has laid claim to the field. Eliminate the villagers, as to prevent any infection of our own workers. GDI forces are reported to be minimal, so elimination of them is of secondary importance.


The Brotherhood has located a huge field of Tiberium in the area. The nearby village has laid claim to the field. Eliminate the villagers, as to prevent any infection of our own workers. GDI forces are reported to be minimal, so elimination of them is of secondary importance.


GDI has left themselves open to the deadliest weapon of all, information. Our spies tell us the GDI base in your area contains an advanced attack helicopter, the Orca. Steal this weapon, then fly to the nearby village and destroy it. The attack will be blamed on GDI.


Since we are low on troops, you will have to make use of all available resources. Locate the abandoned GDI base in the area and restore it to operational status. Once that is done, use GDI's own weapons against them. Be sure that no GDI forces remain alive.


Since we are low on troops, you will have to make use of all available resources. Locate the abandoned GDI base in the area and restore it to operational status. Once that is done, use GDI's own weapons against them. Be sure that no GDI forces remain alive.


GDI is attempting to retake Egypt. Use every available resource in your efforts to stop them. The populace has once again swayed in support of GDI forces, so show no mercy in dealing with the villagers.


GDI is attempting to retake Egypt. Use every available resource in your efforts to stop them. The populace has once again swayed in support of GDI forces, so show no mercy in dealing with the villagers.


GDI is developing an orbital weapon. Our spies have told us of a large lake near the location of the R&D center. Find the base, and use the sniper to eliminate their scientist.


GDI is developing a new, heavily armored tank. Our spies have located the GDI R&D base. Use your small strike force to locate and penetrate the center. Be sure to destroy the tanks in the base and the factory.


GDI has captured one of our technology centers. You must recapture the base and recover the stolen information. Our forces in the area don't have time to find a way across the river, so you will have to control the two forces separately.  


GDI has captured one of our technology centers. You must recapture the base and recover the stolen information. Our forces in the area don't have time to find a way across the river, so you will have to control the two forces separately.


Somewhere in this area there is a GDI Advanced Communications Center. Inside this center are the firing codes for their orbiting Ion station. The Brotherhood must have these codes. Capture the Center and retrieve the codes, do not destroy the center.


Somewhere in this area there is a GDI Advanced Communications Center. Inside this center are the firing codes for their orbiting Ion station. The Brotherhood must have these codes. Capture the Center and retrieve the codes, do not destroy the center.


Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces are to destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs, even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you.


Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces are to destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs, even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you.


Establish your base, then build and defend the Temple of Nod. All GDI forces are to destroyed. Kane has ordered you to defend the Temple at all costs, even your own life. Do not allow GDI forces to overrun you.

Nod Covert Operations Missions


We need to remove all GDI forces from this area. Unfortunately, the civilians in this area are GDI friendly. You must remain undetected until your base is ready. If either GDI or the civilians discover you, GDI will attack.  


GDI has attacked and cut off one of our bases. Find a way into the base. One of our agents will assist you by placing a landing flare at the right time. Once you're in, rebuild the base and destroy the GDI forces in the area.


GDI influence in this area is running rampant. Establish a well positioned strike base, and clean the area out. A nearby town may provide a suitable location for your base, if the occupants were "persuaded" to move...


A nearby GDI base is conducting further ion research. In doing so, they use a large number of chemicals, located in their bio centers. Destroy all the bio centers, and "contaminate" all units and civilians. Leave all the other structures intact, so that it looks like an accident.


GDI has intercepted and captured one of our MCVs. We were counting on that vehicle to establish a foothold in the area. Recover the MCV and remove any trace that GDI had even been there.


This mission is simple. GDI has taken a region that belongs to us. Take it back.


GDI has pinned us down inside our base, and funds have run out. Reports have it that GDI is ready to send in Airstrikes to finish us off. The situation looks hopeless...


After our setback in Europe, our recovery efforts have been hindered by GDI's use of its Ion Cannon. Now they have a relay in North Africa! We only have limited forces, but you must take out the Advanced Comm. Center or slowly Africa will begin to fall as well.

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