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GDI Units Command and Conquer 1

GDI Units Command & Conquer 1

GDI Units are combat and utility units of the GDI Faction in Westwood's RTS Game of 1995, Command and Conquer 1. Mortal enemy of the Brotherhood of Nod, the Global Defense Initiative are world's peacekeeping forces.

GDI Missions Command and Conquer 1


Use the units provided to protect the Mobile Construction Vehicle. (MCV) You should then deploy the MCV by double clicking on it. Then you can begin to build up a base. Start with a Power Plant. Finally, search out and destroy all enemy Nod units in the surrounding area.


Defend your position, deploy the MCV, then build a sizable force to search out and destroy the Nod base in the area. All Nod units and structures must be either destroyed or captured to complete objective.


Build up forces to destroy Nod base. Once all Nod SAM sites are neutralized then air support will be provided to combat obstacles such as turrets. Destroy all units and structures to complete the mission objective.


Build up forces to destroy Nod base. Once all Nod SAM sites are neutralized then air support will be provided to combat obstacles such as turrets. Destroy all units and structures to complete the mission objective.


Nod has captured classified GDI property. You must find and retrieve the stolen equipment. It is being transported in a shipping crate. Use the new APC to strategically transport infantry through Nod forces.


Nod has captured classified GDI property. You must find and retrieve the stolen equipment. It is being transported in a shipping crate. Use the new APC to strategically transport infantry through Nod forces.


Nod is moving to capture and hold a civilian town. Your mission is to reach the town first and hold off invading Nod units until GDI reinforcements can arrive. All invading Nod units must be destroyed.


A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and structures.


A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and structures.


A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and structures.


A GDI field base is under attack. They have fended off one attack but will not survive another. Move to the base, repair the structures and then launch a strike force to destroy the Nod base in the area. Destroy all Nod units and structures.


Use a GDI Commando to infiltrate the Nod base. **** ** destroy the ******** so that the base is incapacitated. Get in, hit it, and get the **** out.


Previous mission objective not complete. Airfield was to be targeted. New objective: Build up a base and Destroy remaining Nod structures and units. Reinforcements will be provided.


U.N. Sanction has cut funding to the Global Defense Initiative. Field Units are helpless. Use the repair facility to keep your units in the field long enough to destroy the Nod base in this region. All Nod units and structures must be destroyed.


Dr. Moebius is establishing a Hospital to treat the civilians in the region who are falling ill due to exposure to Tiberium. Protect Moebius and the civilians. Eliminate Nod presence in the area.


Take out Nod turrets along shore so Gunboats can move in safely on the Nod base. The Nod base must be destroyed. If gunboats can get in, they should be able to destroy the base with no difficulty. Keep an eye out for the new weapon Nod is rumored to be working on.


U.N. funding has been re-established. You now have access to a new aircraft, the Orca. This unit is to be used to scout out the immediate area. Destroy all Nod presence in this region.


U.N. funding has been re-established. You now have access to a new aircraft, the Orca. This unit is to be used to scout out the immediate area. Destroy all Nod presence in this region.


Intelligence operative, code-name Delphi, has info on Kane and a new bio-research laboratory. After landing on the beach here in Corinth move north to make contact with him. Nod will attempt to stop you. You must reach Delphi!


A GDI base is under siege in this region. Dr. Moebius is trapped in the base. Move in, grab Moebius, and then a transport helicopter will be sent to you. Get Moebius into the transport. Make sure that there are no SAM sites in the area or else the transports will be useless.


A GDI base is under siege in this region. Dr. Moebius is trapped in the base. Move in, grab Moebius, and then a transport helicopter will be sent to you. Get Moebius into the transport. Make sure that there are no SAM sites in the area or else the transports will be useless.


Delphi's info decoded and Kane has been found. He is overseeing experiments at a Bio-research facility in this area. Destroy facility while we have him cornered. Build an Advanced Communications center to access the new Ion Cannon. It will greatly assist you in your objective.


Delphi's info decoded and Kane has been found. He is overseeing experiments at a Bio-research facility in this area. Destroy facility while we have him cornered. Build an Advanced Communications center to access the new Ion Cannon. It will greatly assist you in your objective.


We have learned the path of evacuating Nod forces. They are moving through this valley. Cut them off so that they can't rejoin the main force. Attack and destroy all the vehicles in the Nod convoy.


The Temple of Nod has been located. We are sure Kane is there. Destroy him, the temple, and any other remnant of Nod that exists there. Nod has been rumored to have completed its own nuclear device so it's do or die time. Let's do it!


The Temple of Nod has been located. We are sure Kane is there. Destroy him, the temple, and any other remnant of Nod that exists there. Nod has been rumored to have completed its own nuclear device so it's do or die time. Let's do it!


The Temple of Nod has been located. We are sure Kane is there. Destroy him, the temple, and any other remnant of Nod that exists there. Nod has been rumored to have completed its own nuclear device so it's do or die time. Let's do it!

GDI Covert Operations Missions


We need to establish a base in this area. Unfortunately, so does Nod. They have already put up Obelisks to guard the only way in. We need you to cut the power to the Obelisks before our MCV arrives. With the MCV, set up a base and eliminate the Nod forces.


Nod is attempting to rebuild their Temple with its Nuclear missile. Establish a base and wait for contact with Agent Delphi. He will show you the best way to their base. Use everything at your disposal to stop The Brotherhood.


Infiltration! Nod has breached our base in Eastern Sudan and has begun taking it over! Recapture the base and reestablish our military dominance in the area.


Nod has stolen some key components to our Tiberium research. Retrieve them. A local civilian is willing to help clear the way and take us to the site, if we free his wife and return her to safety.


NOD has launched a missile which is aimed at the global peace conference. Get the delegates from the conference to the evac point as quickly as possible. Time is critical -- good luck.


We had set up a small recon post in NOD territory, but they captured and reinforced it. Getting that post back would be a major coup. An MCV and armed convoy are on their way to aid you in establishing a new base. Once established, eliminate all NOD forces in the area.


Your mission: Use your commando to establish control on our side of the river. We will send some help when all SAM sites are taken out. Then send your forces across the river and attack Nod from the rear. Destroy them all. They won't be surprised for long, so act quickly.

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