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Mountains Civilization 1

Mountains Civ1

Mountains is one of 12 Civilization 1 Terrain Types in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Civilization 1.

  • Food: 0 units
  • Production: 1 (2 with Mining) units
  • Trade: 0
  • Movement Cost: 3 MP
  • Defense Bonus: +200%

Gold Civ1: Mountains Special Resource

Mountains of Gold in Civilization 1:

The special resource for Mountains is Gold.

  • Food: 0 units
  • Production: 1 (2 with Mining) units
  • Trade: 6%*

* -1 if government is Despotism or an Anarchy
% +1 if government is a Republic or a Democracy

City of Gold

The City of Gold was built on a Hill square in order to snare four special resources, including 3x Gold deposits. Each Gold Deposit yields 12 Trade due to Colossus.

In the above screencap, the City of Gold has reached its peak output in terms of Tax revenue and Research aka Knowledge Production. The discovery of high-tech Advances actually reduces Tax revenue and Research since high-tech advances cancel the effect of Colossus, Copernicus' Observatory and Isaac Newton's College. However, the discovery of high-tech advances leads to greatly increased city Shield Production (the rate of building, manufacturing and training).

The City of Gold is by no means an optimal Civilization city since its population growth is restricted by hilly terrain. It was built because its catchment snared 3x Gold deposits and took in a square river system (uniqueness).

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