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Magellan's Expedition Civilization 1

Magellan's Expedition Civ1

Magellan's Expedition is one of 21 Wonders of the World in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Civilization 1.

Magellan's Expedition increases the movement rate of all sea units by one point.

  • Magellan's Expedition Cost: 400
  • Magellan's Expedition Prerequisite: Navigation

In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan sailed from Spain, seeking to reach the spice-rich Moluccas Islands of Indonesia by sailing west, instead of east. Although the leader was killed by natives in the Philippines, Magellan's Expedition proved conclusively that the world was round, and, more importantly, that the Americas were indeed a New World. Magellan's Expedition was one of the great sea voyages of history and it inspired further expeditions by other adventurers. Its discoveries opened new worlds and reduced the dangers to those who followed in its wake.

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