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Communism Civilization 2

Communism Civ2

Communism is one of 89 Civilization 2 Advances in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2. Communism makes Marco Polo's Embassy obsolete.

Communism allows:

Communism prerequisites:

Communism Unit Support

  • Each unit beyond the third costs one shield per turn.
  • Settlers eat one food per turn.

Communism Happiness

Up to three military units in each city will institute "martial law", converting two unhappy citizens into content citizens (so a total of six unhappy citizens can be suppressed).

Communism Corruption & Waste

Under Communism, state control of the economy eliminates organized crime. Your cities, therefore, experience no corruption.

Communism Special

All spy units produced under Communist governments are given Veteran status. Under Communism, none of the science, tax and luxury rates may be set higher than 80%.

Communism Hints

Communism is best for large, far-flung empires which need to maintain a large military. Use your powerful spies to steal technology from the capitalist pigs.

Communism is a conceptualized system of government in which resources and production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist society, labor is shared equally as well, and the benefits of labor are distributed according to need. Under such a system, all people would be equal, without class stratification. Although the basic idea of communism has existed since the time of Plato, modern communism is identified with the system of government described by Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels in the "Communist Manefesto". They believed that capitalistic systems, in which the rich upper class prospered through the exploitation of the powerless lower class, were bound to destroy themselves. At this point, the poor would rebel against their former opressors and form a classless society. This prophecy has never come true, and countries who have attempted to base their governments on communism have ultimately failed to achieve the utopia described by Marx and Engels.

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