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Eye for an Eye StarCraft 1: Zerg Mission 8

Eye for an Eye StarCraft 1

Eye for an Eye is the eighth mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS of 1998, StarCraft 1. Staged on Char, Eye for an Eye sets the Zerg Swarm against the Akilae and Sargas Tribe Expeditionary Forces of the Protoss. In addition, Eye for an Eye introduces the Ultralisk of the Zerg and the Dark Templar, High Templar and Archon of the Protoss.

First of all, be sure to defend the beacon in the center. You need to keep an Overlord at each beacon or the cloaked Dark Templars will not be spotted. Position Kerrigan at the center beacon since that is the most active one.

Use the Nydus Canals to transport your units between areas. Take the resources to the east as quickly as possible.

Note that Zerg Guardian range exceeds Protoss Photon Cannon range (a luxury). Guardians take a while to build, but their swarms are the easiest way to beat the mission (and there are not many airborne Protoss units in this mission that can trouble them).

That said, keep your Mutalisks and Guardians away from Archons and High Templars.

And feel free to build a horde of rampaging Ultralisks.

Eye for an Eye Mission Objectives

  • Destroy the Protoss bases.
  • Let no Dark Templar escape.
  • Kerrigan must survive.

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