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Reign of Fire Brood War: Zerg Mission 2

Reign of Fire Brood War

Reign of Fire is the second mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS expansion of 1998, StarCraft: Brood War. Staged on Braxis, Reign of Fire sets the Zerg Swarm, Grendel Brood of the Renegade Zerg and Raynor's Raiders of Mar Sara against the Epsilon Squadron of the UED Garrison. In addition, Reign of Fire introduces the Psi Emitter of the Terran, the Zerg Torrasque (an enhanced Ultralisk) and the Zerg Devouring One (enhanced Zergling).

Reign of Fire Mission Objectives

  • Destroy the Psi Disruptor.

As soon as the SCV lands, have one of the Drones establish your base as you move the SCV south and then west to build up an initial force of stock and enhanced Zerg (sprites colored in red).

It is much easier and quicker to take out the Psi Emitter with Hunter Killers, Devouring Ones and the Torrasque than it is to defend two bases against Terran forces while building up a stock Zerg force.

The second base should be built to the northwest of the first base.

Over stock Zerglings, Devouring One claws inflict +5 damage. And Devouring Ones have +85 health and +3 armor over stock Zerglings. Armor max: 3(+2), Damage Max: 10(+2).

Over stock Hydralisks, Hunter Killer Needle Spines inflict +10 damage. And Hunter Killers have +80 health and +2 armor over stock Hydralisks. Armor max: 2(+2), Damage Max: 20(+2).

Over stock Ultralisks, Torrasque Kaiser Blades inflict +30 damage. And Torrasques have +400 health and +3 armor over stock Ultralisks. Armor max: 4(+4), Damage Max: 50(+6).

With support, upgrades and a bit of player skill, such a force is capable of rushing and destroying the Psi Emitter.

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