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Baldur's Gate Gameplay Vids

These vids are archived technical/reference vids. Note that I have modded pre-existing mods for the purposes of some of these tests. When modding isn't employed, I've made a note in each entry ("no mods").

Maximum possible collective ApR on the original Infinity Engine (30 ApR). Extreme effects. Note how there isn't any slow-down until things get really crazy, like when dozens of AoEs are dropped all at once. In some cases we hit the sprite limit, too.

ApR and other tests. Test subject is 40th level Kagain with 383 HPs. Build is Fighter 13 / Mage x dual:

Fighter / Mage dual, spellcasting speed demo (aura cleansing bypass of DRAC). 4½ ApR melee + ranged:

Drizzt kill. Dropped by six archers, no kiting (no mods). 24 collective ApR is the max possible, unmodded:

Total Party Kill (TPK) and companion death cries. Characters are all at their lowest recruitable level. Note how Khalid miraculously tanks 3 fireballs. Then Viccy tanks fireballs and cloudkill due to drow magic resistance (MR). No mods.

Of course, Xzar has best death cry.

"We're all doomed!" Xan 130% fire resistance (no mods):

Shandalar cheese-kill: 30 magic missiles on non-hostile (no mods):


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