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Level 7 Wizard Spells, Icewind Dale 2 IWD2

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Level 7 Wizard Spells Icewind Dale 2

There are 17 level 7 Wizard spells in Icewind Dale 2 (IWD2). The best level 7 Wizard spells in IWD2 are Delayed Blast Fireball, Mass Invisibility and Mordenkainen's Sword.


  • (Abjuration) 
  • Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 7, Helm 9
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: Will negates

Upon completion of this spell, all summoned creatures in the area of effect must make a Will save or be returned to the place they came from.  This spell has no effect on creatures that are not summoned.


  • (Conjuration) 
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 15 rounds
  • Casting Time: 1 round
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: None 

When this spell is cast, it will create a demon that will go on a rampage attacking and killing everything in sight.  Anyone protected from evil will not be targeted by the demon.  This is a dangerous spell to invoke, saved best for desperate times.

Control Undead

  • (Necromancy) 
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 1 minute / level
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: Will negates

The control undead spell allows the caster to take control of 1-4 undead creatures within the area of effect.  A Will save is allowed to negate the effect.  The undead remain under control of the caster for the duration of the spell or until they are affected by a dispel magic.

Delayed Blast Fireball

  • (Evocation) 
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: Special
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: Reflex half

This spell creates a fireball that hovers at a point determined by the caster.  The fireball will stay in position until someone walks too close to it, at which point it will explode for 1d8 points of damage per caster level. (Reflex save for half damage).

Elemental Barrier

  • (Abjuration) 
  • Level: Clr 7, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Touch 
  • Duration: 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area 'of Effect: 1 creature
  • Saving Throw: None 

This spell confers damage resistance of 15/- to acid, fire, cold and electrical damage.  This effect lasts for the duration of the spell or until dispelled.

Finger of Death

  • (Necromancy)
  • Level: Drd 8, Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster 
  • Duration: Permanent 
  • Casting Time: 5
  • Area of Effect: 1 creature
  • Saving Throw: Fortitude partial

The caster utters the finger of death incantation, points his index finger at the creature to be slain, and unless the victim makes a Fortitude save, the victim dies instantly.  Even if the save is successful, however, the brush with death still inflicts 3d6 + 1 point/level of damage.  Characters slain by a Finger of Death cannot be resurrected - they are gone forever.

Malavon's Rage

  • (Evocation)
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Caster
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: Reflex half

Malavon's Rage was created by the dark elf sorcerer Malavon.  It shoots darts of pure energy out from the caster's body in all directions, harming friend and foe alike.  The small wedges of magic do 20-80 points of piercing damage to everything caught in their path.  This spell is especially useful when a mage is surrounded by enemies.  A successful Reflex save will reduce the damage done by the spell by 50%.

Mass Invisibility

  • (Illusion)
  • Level: Brd 7, Sor/Wiz 7, Mask 8
  • Range: Sight of Caster 
  • Duration: 10 minutes / level
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: None

Mass Invisibility hides all allied creatures within its area of effect as per the Invisibility spell.

Mordenkainen's Sword

  • (Evocation)
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 1 round/level 
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: Special
  • Saving Throw: None

This spell summons a shimmering sword of force that can be mentally wielded by the caster. Despite the fact it is held in the hand, it can hit creatures anywhere within the sight of the caster. The sword has a bonus to attack equal to the caster's level plus 4 and damages its target for 4d6+3 points of damage.  It is a considered a +3 weapon, so it can damage creatures normally that are resistant to damage from lesser magical items.

Power Word: Stun

  • (Conjuration)
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Oghma 6, Tempus 8
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: Special 
  • Casting Time: 1
  • Area of Effect: 1 creature
  • Saving Throw: None

Similar to Power Word: Silence and Power Word: Kill, Power Word: Stun is another of the words of power. Creatures with less than 50 hit points are stunned for 4-16 rounds, those with 51 to 100 hit points are stunned for 2-8 rounds, those with 101 to 150 hit points are stunned for 1-4 rounds, and those with more than 151 hit points are unaffected. The spell checks the creature's current hit points, not their maximum, so even the toughest creatures can be affected by this spell if they are wounded. 

Prismatic Spray

  • (Evocation)
  • Level: Brd 7, Sor/Wiz 7, Selune 9
  • Range: Caster 
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: 70 x 15-foot spray
  • Saving Throw: Special

This spell causes shimmering rays of light to flash from the wizard's hand, in a cone 70 feet long and 15 wide at its end. Any creature touched by the rays may be inflicted with a random effect depending on the color (see below), but any creature with 8 hit dice or less is blinded for 2-8 rounds, regardless of any additional effect. The colors of the prismatic spray do the following: red (inflicts 20 hit points of fire damage, Reflex for half), orange (40 hit points of acid damage, Reflex save for half), yellow (80 hit points of electrical damage, Reflex for half), green (Fortitude save or die - survivors still take 20 hit points of poison damage), blue (Fortitude or turn to stone), indigo (Will save or go insane), or violet (Will save or be warped to another plane and back again instantaneously with the lasting effects of having 5 levels drained). There is also an equal chance that any creature within the area of the spell will be hit by two of the beams.

Seven Eyes

  • (Abjuration)
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Helm 8
  • Range: Caster
  • Duration: 20 rounds
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: Caster
  • Saving Throw: None

This spell conjures forth seven magical orbs that float in a ring above the caster's head.  Each eye has a defensive and offensive ability, though once either one is used the eye will lose its power. Any subsequent castings of Seven Eyes will fail if cast before the expiration time, whether or not any eyes remain. The powers of each eye are described below.

  • Eye of the Mind: This orb protects the caster against mental attacks, such as charm, emotion, and fear.  The eye may be expended as the 1st level wizard spell Charm Person.
  • Eye of the Sword: This eye deflects the first physical damaging attack that strikes the caster.  The eye may be expended as the 1st level wizard spell Magic Missile (5 missiles).
  • Eye of the Mage: This eye absorbs one manifestation of fire, electrical, cold, or acid damage.  The eye can also be expended as the 3rd level wizard spell Lightning Bolt (4d8 damage).
  • Eye of Venom: This eye halts any one attack or effect that could poison the caster.  The eye can also be used to poison one creature, dealing 30 points of damage over a period of 30 seconds.
  • Eye of the Spirit: This eye blocks one instant-death magic attack (Death Spell, Finger of Death, Power Word Kill, Slay Living, Destruction).  The wizard may instead choose to expend the eye's power similar to a Ray of Enfeeblement, dropping a target's strength by -10, reducing its chance to hit, and the damage it deals.
  • Eye of Fortitude: This eye blocks one stunning, deafness, blindness, or silence effect.  It may alternatively be expended as the 4th level wizard spell, Shout.
  • Eye of Stone: This eye shields the caster from a single petrification attack.  It can also be used as the spell, Hold Person.

Any subsequent castings of Seven Eyes will fail if cast before the original spell expires, whether or not any eyes remain.


  • (Transmutation)
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Bane 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 4 rounds
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
  • Saving Throw: Fortitude half

This spell draws the breath out of all creatures within the area of effect. Creatures that do not breathe are unaffected. Suffocating creatures suffer -4 to armor bonus, -4 attack bonus, -6 to dexterity, half movement rate, and take 4d8 points of damage per round. A successful Fortitude save negates all effects but 2d8 points of damage for one round. The effects begin to fade when the creature moves out of the area of effect, although it may take a round for a character to catch their second wind.

Summon Djinni

  • (Conjuration) 
  • Level: Brd 7, Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 1 round
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: None 

With this spell, the conjurer can cajole a djinni, a massive genie with powerful abilities, to leave the Elemental Plane of Air and enter the Prime Material plane. The djinni will serve for the duration indicated above, attacking the enemies of the caster.  Casters are warned to be careful of this spell for a mistreated djinni will turn on his master at the first available opportunity. The summoned djinni does not offer wishes to the caster.

Summon Efreeti

  • (Conjuration) 
  • Level: Brd 7, Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 8 rounds + 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 1 round
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: None 

With this spell, the conjurer can cajole an efreeti, a massive genie with powerful abilities, to leave the Elemental Plane of Fire and enter the Prime Material plane. The efreeti will serve for the duration indicated above, attacking the enemies of the caster. The caster is warned to be careful of this spell, for a mistreated efreeti will turn on its master at the first available opportunity. The efreeti does not provide wishes to the caster.

Summon Monster VII

  • (Conjuration) 
  • Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7, Tempus 7
  • Range: Sight of Caster
  • Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 6
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: None 

This spell summons a monster who will aid the caster for the duration of the spell. The type of creature that comes is random. The creature summoned is more powerful than creatures summoned by lesser versions of this spell.


  • (Conjuration) 
  • Level: Sor/Wiz 7
  • Range: Caster
  • Duration: 1 round/level
  • Casting Time: 7
  • Area of Effect: Caster
  • Saving Throw: None 

This spell summons vipers which leap forth from the caster's mouth to attack her enemies. Starting on the round the spell is completed, the caster spits forth one viper each round for the duration of the spell.  Spat vipers land at the caster's feet and stay for 3 rounds. Until the caster has brought forth all the snakes summoned by this spell, she cannot cast spells.

Level 1 Wizard Spells IWD2Level 4 Wizard Spells IWD2Level 7 Wizard Spells IWD2
Level 2 Wizard Spells IWD2Level 5 Wizard Spells IWD2Level 8 Wizard Spells IWD2
Level 3 Wizard Spells IWD2Level 6 Wizard Spells IWD2Level 9 Wizard Spells IWD2

Icewind Dale 2Abilities IWD2Races IWD2Classes IWD2Wizard Spells IWD2
Icewind Dale 2 WalkthroughSkills IWD2Feats IWD2Party IWD2Cleric Spells IWD2

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