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Siege of Dragonspear, Glint Gardnersonson

Glint Location

Glint Gardnersonson is a companion in Beamdog's cRPG of 2016, Siege of Dragonspear.

Glint is found at the start of Chapter Eight in the Flaming Fist Encampment of the Coast Way Crossing. Just look for the lil' guy running around the encampment.

Glint Stats

Glint Gardnersonson doubles down on utility to bring great versatility to the party: in addition to dealing with locks & traps he is able to heal, buff and ward against evil. Unless your heart is set on Safana and Viconia I would consider replacing them with the two-in-one Glint.

Perhaps oddly, Glint does not possess exclusive items that one would expect of a tinkering gnome; just generic gear and the Belt of the Cunning Rogue (Open Locks +15, Find Traps +15). But then, he hardly needs specialty gear to improve his chances of recruitment. Glint gains +1 first circle, +1 third circle and +2 fourth circle spell slots if you gift him the Tome of Understanding (x3) found in the original campaign. Gift him the Ring of Holiness in addition and he will sport a total of seven first circle slots, six second, four third and four fourth.

Gnome Cleric/Thief multi-class

Stats: Strength 13 | Dexterity 17 | Constitution 16 | Intelligence 14 | Wisdom 16 | Charisma 13

Glint's Default Skills (at time of recruitment): Open Locks (105), Find/Remove Traps (100), Pick Pockets (30), Move Silently (30), Hide in Shadows (25), Detect Illusion (10), Set Traps (5), Backstab Multiplier (x3), Turn Undead (6), Lore (23).

Glint's Weapon Proficiencies: Flail / Morningstar (Proficient), Sling (Proficient), Sword & Shield Style (Proficient).

Glint's Custom equipment: Belt of the Cunning Rogue (Open Locks +15, Find Traps +15). It's not exclusive to him, though.

Choice spells: Armor of Faith, Bless, Doom, Sanctuary, Aid, Barkskin, Chant, Draw Upon Holy Might, Find Traps, Silence 15' Radius, Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Miscast Magic, Invisibility Purge, Strength of One, Zone of Sweet Air, Cure Serious Wounds, Death Ward, Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Holy Power, Lesser Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Protection From Evil 10' Radius.
Romanceable? Yes.

Glint's Quest

Look for Glint's relatives; namely: 

  • Hoach Randymonk: Bridgefort Interior
  • Pritchard: Coalition Camp
  • Litla: Cave of the Lost, Underground River
  • Rhonda: Warrens.

Siege of Dragonspear Walkthrough Dynaheir Siege of Dragonspear M'Khiin Siege of Dragonspear
Siege of Dragonspear Companions Edwin Siege of Dragonspear Neera Siege of Dragonspear
Baeloth Siege of Dragonspear Glint Siege of Dragonspear Rasaad Siege of Dragonspear
Caelar Argent Siege of Dragonspear Jaheira Siege of Dragonspear Safana Siege of Dragonspear
Corwin Siege of Dragonspear Khalid Siege of Dragonspear Viconia Siege of Dragonspear
Dorn Siege of Dragonspear Minsc Siege of Dragonspear Voghiln Siege of Dragonspear

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