Act II: Defender of the Crown
I awaken in my chambers aboard The Redoubtable, an Aielundian royal navy vessel bound for Fairloch. After some small talk with a sailor who thinks his rat is a cat (and the ship's mascot), I check on Princess Criosa in her chambers, guarded by a royal marine. Seeing her dressed in what amount to rags, I ask her if she can find clothes more suitable to her station (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Alas, no. So I leave her to it.

Heading up to the next belowdecks level, the cook tells me he's making mutton stew. I pass. The quartermaster is also on this level, and here I restock my potions and splash out for a Ring of Protection +2.
On the level above I find Captain Horatio Vale in his chambers, again guarded by a royal marine. After a brief chat about the dragon the Captain asks me to go speak with his executive officer, Lieutenant Masterson.

I head out to the bridge where Masterson asks me to inform the Captain of a suspicious ship tailing The Redoubtable, but the Captain doesn't seem concerned about lowly pirates, what with his ship's impressive armaments (+100 EXP).

I'm then time-lapsed back downstairs to my cabin for some more R&R, but then...
You are startled awake by the sudden sounds of violence on the deck above! - DM.
Blimey! We're under attack! Battlestations!! - Sailor.
Grab your weapons and get on the deck, before it's too late! - Sailor.
I exit out to the bridge. Chaos ensues! Bodies litter the decks. I help to hack up the pirates, then fire the ballista to pwn the pirate scum (including a wizard) on the rival ship.
Mister Masterson, repel those borders! Man the ballistae. And God help us all! - Captain Horatio Vale.

Offering to look for evidence that this isn't just some random pirate attack, from the forecastle I swing by rope to reach the scow. The pirates here are tough critical cure-quaffing bastards, yielding +385 EXP ea (player lvl 9).

I barge through the door to belowdecks and kick open another door to the Pirate Captain's chamber (the Captain in here would be a delicious mark for an assassin build).
I thought I told you to abandon ship! Nevermind, help me burn this evidence, quick! - Pirate Captain.
I engage in a tough duel with the scimitar-wielding, hook-handed scourge of the high seas! (+715 EXP, Pirate's Cutless +2 [2d6 Mass Crits]).
With the Pirate Captain dead, I find an unsigned, charred note ordering him to attack The Redoubtable if it sets sail for Fairloch. The Pirate Captain's Attire (+2 DEX) is found in an armoire.
Down the stairway hatch and a lone pirate falls to my sword. I bash down the electrified door to the wizards den but find nothing but a Wizard's Robe (+1 Concentration) and +9 GP (the wizard died on the deck to ballista fire but he left no corpse or loot).
Down again, this lowest deck is on fire and the flames lick dangerously at barrels containing alchemist fire (used by the ballistae).
The fire is almost to these barrels of fire oil, you don't have much time! - DM
Time, that is, to loot the treasure room and get out before she blows. Past these barrels is an inviting stash barred by a locked door which I bash down.
I am then slightly roasted, but manage to loot the lot and GTFO before I'm turned to cinders. The haul was piles of gold (+2642 GP), Bolt of Piercing (21), assorted precious stones (including a valuable Lesser Ioun Stone [Pale Blue]), two potions and two arcane scrolls (Flame Arrow and Isaac's Greater Missile Storm). Probably not worth third degree burns, but whatevs.
I return to Captain Horatio Vale and show him the note (+750 EXP, +50 GP), after which I'm time-lapsed back to my cabin to dress my wounds and rest up. The Redoubtable sails on to Fairloch without further incident.
Act Two, Part II: Fairloch City & Thieves' Guild, Maggie, Valennia:

We arrive at nightfall amidst gentle snow. The Captain asks me to escort Princess Criosa directly to the Fairloch Castle.
Taking some convincing, the street-wise Ronan Aethur also joins us (True Neutral Half-Elf Rogue [9]). I let him know that "duty calls" (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Ronan gave up his life of crime and joined the navy as bo'sun, but for now he's helping us unfold this conspiracy.

Back belowdecks, we loot Ronan's chest (Leather Armor +3, Short Sword +2 (2), Shortbow +2, Boots of Agility (+2 DEX, Tumble +5), Arrow +3 (298) and potions. Ronan also wears bracers granting him Weapon Specialization: Short Sword and Slashing resist 5/-. I give him Slicer to wield in his main hand, an Amulet of Armor +2, Ring of Protection +2, the Helm of Mind Shielding, Archer's Belt and Cloak of Fortification +1.

Then we step down the boarding plank onto a pier of the Docklands district where we meet Kipper Bob, our fisherman friend from Culdeny. Bob needs me to help with some thugs running a protection racket from a warehouse on the Docks. We agree to help, but this quest can wait for now.

We enter the Market District and head east directly towards the Castle.
Oh, the House of Fashions is just to the south. But no... must... resist... shopping. - Criosa
Down a dark alley...
Kill them quickly, and be done with it! - Assassin Elite.
The Assassin Elite casts Darkness and attacks with blinding speed and precision, but fails to hit his mark (+572 EXP, Assassin's Blade +2 [Keen], Assassin Armor +2 and Hard Leather Boots). His orders to kill are signed simply with the figure "1".

Rounding a corner, we enter Fairloch Castle and are greeted by the Castellan, who, upon seeing the Princess, grants us immediate permission to enter the Throne Room.
Etiquette demands that you speak to the Duke first, madam. - Sir Godfrey Davis.
I deliver the unharmed Princess to Duke Charles Montague, her uncle, who is over the moon to see her returned safely (+200 EXP). He promises a kingly sum of 10,000 GP if I can bring down the guild of assassins who are hellbent on hitting their royal mark. I tell His Grace I could not refuse the mission even if there were no reward (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Sir Godfrey now hands me a letter of the Marque and also refers me to the Captain of the City Watch for more information and assistance on this urgent matter. My sole Henchman, Ronan, also interjects here with info about the thieves guild (of which he was once a member) and its links to the elusive assassins. We take our leave.

I enter the Tradeway Tavern in the Residential District wherein I find and recruit my second Henchman: Maggie Fairweather, a True Neutral Halfling Druid (9). Being a tiny Halfling, Maggie can't wield the Pirate's Cutlass while holding the Large Metal Shield +2, so I have her poke with the Assassin's Blade +2 instead. I give her an Amulet of Natural Armor +2 and purchase for her a Ring of Protection +2 and Greater Gloves of Concentration (Conc +6).
While equipping Maggie I also sell off excess loot, bringing the party bank balance up to about 60,000 GP. That isn't nearly enough to purchase all the better gear show-cased by the merchants (now with a buyer cap of 10,000 GP per item). Speaking of merchants, a bald-headed tattooed woman sells all sorts of exotic gear from "the East", including four pages of weapons I've never seen before in NWN, added by CEP.

At this point there are actually two more recruitable Henchmen found in other taverns: Valennia Far-Eagle, a Chaotic Neutral Human Barbarian (9) - a young attractive woman who is specced for greatsword; and Sir William Bryce-Clifton, a Lawful Good Human Paladin (9) - an old man. You can only have a maximum of two Henchmen, however, so at this stage, I won't be recruiting them (and I don't see myself doubling up on Pallies in the future, either).

Fairloch consists of four main districts featuring 42 areas including a Royal Castle (multiple areas), a Senate (and later, a House of Lords), an Admiralty, an art gallery, a cathedral (with catacombs), a mage tower, a guardhouse, a library, three warehouses (including Naval storage), a three-level Assassins' Guild, two multi-storey noble estates, four inns (one a playhouse), five sewer zones (complete with Thieves' Guild) and six shops including blacksmith, tanner, fletcher and tailor/dressmaker. Yes, merchants aren't just standing around in an open marketplace peddling epic wares in Fairloch: they have their own establishments.
First things first, we take up Kipper Bob's offer to cleanse the Docks of a protection racket. We enter a dilapidated warehouse and speak with Justin, flanked by a small army of thugs - some armed, others bare-fisted. My Persuade (9) check was not enough to get them to close up shop, but was enough to aggravate Justin, so they came straight at us with crude weapons drawn and scabby fists up. But even grubs from the slums should have known better than to take on a Holy Warrior who in self-defense grimly cuts them down along with their cocky leader, Justin, who's death yielded +396 EXP and a Longsword +1.

Level Up to 10!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (2) / Paladin (4)/ Fighter (4), Sacred Defense, Improved Critical: Longsword
Ronan: Rogue (10), Crippling Strike
Maggie: Druid (10)
We return to Kipper Bob to tell him the good news (+750 EXP, Boots of Striding +2).
Secondly, we head to the university sub-section and into the Fairloch Cathedral. Here we meet Bishop Anthony Brown who asks us to delve the catacombs in search of a mad cardinal who is raising the dead down there. A quest tailored to a divine build, how could I refuse? From the Bishop I buy anti-undead items including an Amulet of Health, Lesser Amulet of Health and Blessed Mace of Disruption +2 (+1d12 divine) for a total outlay of 35,000 GP. As a >lvl2 Paladin I'm immune to Disease (Divine Health) and Fear (Aura of Courage), but the Amulet of Health adds Poison and Level Drain to that list, just in case. I also have Remove Disease but one casting per day is a joke, really. Hence, the two Health amulets.
I thought I told you to abandon ship! Nevermind, help me burn this evidence, quick! - Pirate Captain.
I engage in a tough duel with the scimitar-wielding, hook-handed scourge of the high seas! (+715 EXP, Pirate's Cutless +2 [2d6 Mass Crits]).

With the Pirate Captain dead, I find an unsigned, charred note ordering him to attack The Redoubtable if it sets sail for Fairloch. The Pirate Captain's Attire (+2 DEX) is found in an armoire.
Down the stairway hatch and a lone pirate falls to my sword. I bash down the electrified door to the wizards den but find nothing but a Wizard's Robe (+1 Concentration) and +9 GP (the wizard died on the deck to ballista fire but he left no corpse or loot).
Down again, this lowest deck is on fire and the flames lick dangerously at barrels containing alchemist fire (used by the ballistae).
The fire is almost to these barrels of fire oil, you don't have much time! - DM
Time, that is, to loot the treasure room and get out before she blows. Past these barrels is an inviting stash barred by a locked door which I bash down.
I am then slightly roasted, but manage to loot the lot and GTFO before I'm turned to cinders. The haul was piles of gold (+2642 GP), Bolt of Piercing (21), assorted precious stones (including a valuable Lesser Ioun Stone [Pale Blue]), two potions and two arcane scrolls (Flame Arrow and Isaac's Greater Missile Storm). Probably not worth third degree burns, but whatevs.

I return to Captain Horatio Vale and show him the note (+750 EXP, +50 GP), after which I'm time-lapsed back to my cabin to dress my wounds and rest up. The Redoubtable sails on to Fairloch without further incident.
Act Two, Part II: Fairloch City & Thieves' Guild, Maggie, Valennia:

We arrive at nightfall amidst gentle snow. The Captain asks me to escort Princess Criosa directly to the Fairloch Castle.
Taking some convincing, the street-wise Ronan Aethur also joins us (True Neutral Half-Elf Rogue [9]). I let him know that "duty calls" (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Ronan gave up his life of crime and joined the navy as bo'sun, but for now he's helping us unfold this conspiracy.

Back belowdecks, we loot Ronan's chest (Leather Armor +3, Short Sword +2 (2), Shortbow +2, Boots of Agility (+2 DEX, Tumble +5), Arrow +3 (298) and potions. Ronan also wears bracers granting him Weapon Specialization: Short Sword and Slashing resist 5/-. I give him Slicer to wield in his main hand, an Amulet of Armor +2, Ring of Protection +2, the Helm of Mind Shielding, Archer's Belt and Cloak of Fortification +1.

Then we step down the boarding plank onto a pier of the Docklands district where we meet Kipper Bob, our fisherman friend from Culdeny. Bob needs me to help with some thugs running a protection racket from a warehouse on the Docks. We agree to help, but this quest can wait for now.

We enter the Market District and head east directly towards the Castle.
Oh, the House of Fashions is just to the south. But no... must... resist... shopping. - Criosa
Down a dark alley...
Kill them quickly, and be done with it! - Assassin Elite.
The Assassin Elite casts Darkness and attacks with blinding speed and precision, but fails to hit his mark (+572 EXP, Assassin's Blade +2 [Keen], Assassin Armor +2 and Hard Leather Boots). His orders to kill are signed simply with the figure "1".

Rounding a corner, we enter Fairloch Castle and are greeted by the Castellan, who, upon seeing the Princess, grants us immediate permission to enter the Throne Room.
Etiquette demands that you speak to the Duke first, madam. - Sir Godfrey Davis.
I deliver the unharmed Princess to Duke Charles Montague, her uncle, who is over the moon to see her returned safely (+200 EXP). He promises a kingly sum of 10,000 GP if I can bring down the guild of assassins who are hellbent on hitting their royal mark. I tell His Grace I could not refuse the mission even if there were no reward (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Sir Godfrey now hands me a letter of the Marque and also refers me to the Captain of the City Watch for more information and assistance on this urgent matter. My sole Henchman, Ronan, also interjects here with info about the thieves guild (of which he was once a member) and its links to the elusive assassins. We take our leave.

I enter the Tradeway Tavern in the Residential District wherein I find and recruit my second Henchman: Maggie Fairweather, a True Neutral Halfling Druid (9). Being a tiny Halfling, Maggie can't wield the Pirate's Cutlass while holding the Large Metal Shield +2, so I have her poke with the Assassin's Blade +2 instead. I give her an Amulet of Natural Armor +2 and purchase for her a Ring of Protection +2 and Greater Gloves of Concentration (Conc +6).
While equipping Maggie I also sell off excess loot, bringing the party bank balance up to about 60,000 GP. That isn't nearly enough to purchase all the better gear show-cased by the merchants (now with a buyer cap of 10,000 GP per item). Speaking of merchants, a bald-headed tattooed woman sells all sorts of exotic gear from "the East", including four pages of weapons I've never seen before in NWN, added by CEP.

At this point there are actually two more recruitable Henchmen found in other taverns: Valennia Far-Eagle, a Chaotic Neutral Human Barbarian (9) - a young attractive woman who is specced for greatsword; and Sir William Bryce-Clifton, a Lawful Good Human Paladin (9) - an old man. You can only have a maximum of two Henchmen, however, so at this stage, I won't be recruiting them (and I don't see myself doubling up on Pallies in the future, either).

Fairloch consists of four main districts featuring 42 areas including a Royal Castle (multiple areas), a Senate (and later, a House of Lords), an Admiralty, an art gallery, a cathedral (with catacombs), a mage tower, a guardhouse, a library, three warehouses (including Naval storage), a three-level Assassins' Guild, two multi-storey noble estates, four inns (one a playhouse), five sewer zones (complete with Thieves' Guild) and six shops including blacksmith, tanner, fletcher and tailor/dressmaker. Yes, merchants aren't just standing around in an open marketplace peddling epic wares in Fairloch: they have their own establishments.
First things first, we take up Kipper Bob's offer to cleanse the Docks of a protection racket. We enter a dilapidated warehouse and speak with Justin, flanked by a small army of thugs - some armed, others bare-fisted. My Persuade (9) check was not enough to get them to close up shop, but was enough to aggravate Justin, so they came straight at us with crude weapons drawn and scabby fists up. But even grubs from the slums should have known better than to take on a Holy Warrior who in self-defense grimly cuts them down along with their cocky leader, Justin, who's death yielded +396 EXP and a Longsword +1.

Level Up to 10!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (2) / Paladin (4)/ Fighter (4), Sacred Defense, Improved Critical: Longsword
Ronan: Rogue (10), Crippling Strike
Maggie: Druid (10)
We return to Kipper Bob to tell him the good news (+750 EXP, Boots of Striding +2).
Secondly, we head to the university sub-section and into the Fairloch Cathedral. Here we meet Bishop Anthony Brown who asks us to delve the catacombs in search of a mad cardinal who is raising the dead down there. A quest tailored to a divine build, how could I refuse? From the Bishop I buy anti-undead items including an Amulet of Health, Lesser Amulet of Health and Blessed Mace of Disruption +2 (+1d12 divine) for a total outlay of 35,000 GP. As a >lvl2 Paladin I'm immune to Disease (Divine Health) and Fear (Aura of Courage), but the Amulet of Health adds Poison and Level Drain to that list, just in case. I also have Remove Disease but one casting per day is a joke, really. Hence, the two Health amulets.
We descend into the tombs beneath the Cathedral...
I smell death... unnatural death. - Maggie.
Herein lurk dozens of Mummies, Mummy Priests and their summoned Skeleton Warriors. I basically solo these guys because Ronan is susceptible to Fear and Maggie can't really bring much to the table except cure (x) wound spam (which is handy, no doubt). Still, they are both fairly weak in combat against undead. (Nellise would obviously decimate down here, but she's selflessly decided to help heal Culdeny instead of saving the whole of Aielund, so I can't hold that against her...)
This is what a Pally is made for. I'm in my element, below.

Towards the end of this middle-sized dungeon we face off against the tankiest foe yet: the Mummy Warlord, one tough mutha with a fear aura and a ream-long immunity list, pictured below.
Phew, what's that stench. Oh, it's you. - Ronan.
(Giving lip to a foe you run in fear from, and can't even kill on your own. Typical cocky rogue. I guess he takes me for granted...)
Maggie and Ronan are vulnerable to Knockdown, so I do my best to attract the aggro and eventually whittle him down with divine-augmented melee (+924 EXP).
From his battered mummified corpse we loot a Large Shield +3 and Longsword +1, the former being extra D for Maggie.

I smell death... unnatural death. - Maggie.
Herein lurk dozens of Mummies, Mummy Priests and their summoned Skeleton Warriors. I basically solo these guys because Ronan is susceptible to Fear and Maggie can't really bring much to the table except cure (x) wound spam (which is handy, no doubt). Still, they are both fairly weak in combat against undead. (Nellise would obviously decimate down here, but she's selflessly decided to help heal Culdeny instead of saving the whole of Aielund, so I can't hold that against her...)
This is what a Pally is made for. I'm in my element, below.

Towards the end of this middle-sized dungeon we face off against the tankiest foe yet: the Mummy Warlord, one tough mutha with a fear aura and a ream-long immunity list, pictured below.
Phew, what's that stench. Oh, it's you. - Ronan.
(Giving lip to a foe you run in fear from, and can't even kill on your own. Typical cocky rogue. I guess he takes me for granted...)
Maggie and Ronan are vulnerable to Knockdown, so I do my best to attract the aggro and eventually whittle him down with divine-augmented melee (+924 EXP).
From his battered mummified corpse we loot a Large Shield +3 and Longsword +1, the former being extra D for Maggie.

I now have Maggie buff me with Stoneskin, Endure Elements and Resistance, after which I self-buff with Divine Might. Then the trio step into the Tomb of Sir Marcus where they face off against a hostile priest: Cardinal Eric Notting, gone mad.
There he is. Looks like he's made some new friends, geddit? - Ronan.
Ronan is referring to Sir Marcus, a long-dead knight who was already reanimated by the Cardinal when we stepped into the tomb. Maggie opens up with Ice Storm and then Call Lightning on the Cardinal while I wail on Sir Marcus with the divine mace. Ronan sneak attack criticals the Cardinal, who only managed to cast Darkness before surrendering at Near Death status (+90 EXP). I then give Sir Marcus one last divine bludgeoning (+748 EXP), prematurely capping off the encounter. (So it turned out I didn't need Level Drain immunity, afterall. Oh well, I'm sure there'll be more potent undead encounters later in the module where the Amulet of Health will come in handy.)

The Cardinal agrees to return with us to face the music (+200 EXP) and so we time-lapse back to the Bishop and hand over the madman for punishment. The Bishop suitably impressed (+1200 EXP), he entrusts to me Lightbringer +3 (1d6 Evil, Dispel Magic 1/day) and the Lesser Shield of Invulnerability (DR 5/+2). Beaming with pride and genuinely misty-eyed, I reverently slide the holy longsword into my scabbard, stiffen my upper lip, and sincerely thank his Eminence for the generous gift.

My Henchmen still patting me on the back, we now enter the arcane Halls of Knowledge across the street to ask Harold Webber if he has any work. He gently hands us a fragile package of magic goods to deliver to one Auberon at the Amalis wizard tower. We put this on hold for now.

Downstairs I agree to test Wiliand Nottias's teleportation experiment. I buy two Stones of Recall (952 GP ea) which enable me to recall back to the lab from any location. Basically, very similar to the Relic of the Reaper in Hordes except that at this point the only binding is the lab itself. Still, that's handy as hell since I can venture down the South road to Amalis and just bind back here when done. But first, the trio decide to explore the rest of Fairloch for other quests within the city.

We enter the Grand Library in the Senate District and discover a Devil on the first floor who has taken three hostages. This down-sized Mephistopheles from Hordes senses a powerful tome somewhere in the library and asks us to retrieve it for him in exchange for the hostages' release. The trio run off to rummage through the many bookshelves, finally finding a Tome of Power which we take back and hand the Devil, who then frees one of the hostages (+200 EXP).

The Devil then asks for an Elixir of Binding or he won't free the others, so the trio run off to the Halls of Knowledge in search of one. I fail my Persuade check on Webber so we have to fork out 800 GP for it. We then buy Holy Water from the Bishop and pour the holy water into the Elixir of Binding, thereby blessing it.

Now back in the library, the anti-infernal elixir is delivered to the Devil (+500 EXP) who greedily chugs it down. The divine damage reduces him to Badly Wounded which causes him to rage hard and attacks the trio with flaming melee thrusts. Ronan is quickly killed by the assault but is instantly avenged by my crit that downs the Devil in turn (+1188 EXP). With mini-Meph's antics ended the freed hostages burst into tears, thank us, and run off to find their worried families.

There he is. Looks like he's made some new friends, geddit? - Ronan.
Ronan is referring to Sir Marcus, a long-dead knight who was already reanimated by the Cardinal when we stepped into the tomb. Maggie opens up with Ice Storm and then Call Lightning on the Cardinal while I wail on Sir Marcus with the divine mace. Ronan sneak attack criticals the Cardinal, who only managed to cast Darkness before surrendering at Near Death status (+90 EXP). I then give Sir Marcus one last divine bludgeoning (+748 EXP), prematurely capping off the encounter. (So it turned out I didn't need Level Drain immunity, afterall. Oh well, I'm sure there'll be more potent undead encounters later in the module where the Amulet of Health will come in handy.)

The Cardinal agrees to return with us to face the music (+200 EXP) and so we time-lapse back to the Bishop and hand over the madman for punishment. The Bishop suitably impressed (+1200 EXP), he entrusts to me Lightbringer +3 (1d6 Evil, Dispel Magic 1/day) and the Lesser Shield of Invulnerability (DR 5/+2). Beaming with pride and genuinely misty-eyed, I reverently slide the holy longsword into my scabbard, stiffen my upper lip, and sincerely thank his Eminence for the generous gift.

My Henchmen still patting me on the back, we now enter the arcane Halls of Knowledge across the street to ask Harold Webber if he has any work. He gently hands us a fragile package of magic goods to deliver to one Auberon at the Amalis wizard tower. We put this on hold for now.

Downstairs I agree to test Wiliand Nottias's teleportation experiment. I buy two Stones of Recall (952 GP ea) which enable me to recall back to the lab from any location. Basically, very similar to the Relic of the Reaper in Hordes except that at this point the only binding is the lab itself. Still, that's handy as hell since I can venture down the South road to Amalis and just bind back here when done. But first, the trio decide to explore the rest of Fairloch for other quests within the city.

We enter the Grand Library in the Senate District and discover a Devil on the first floor who has taken three hostages. This down-sized Mephistopheles from Hordes senses a powerful tome somewhere in the library and asks us to retrieve it for him in exchange for the hostages' release. The trio run off to rummage through the many bookshelves, finally finding a Tome of Power which we take back and hand the Devil, who then frees one of the hostages (+200 EXP).

The Devil then asks for an Elixir of Binding or he won't free the others, so the trio run off to the Halls of Knowledge in search of one. I fail my Persuade check on Webber so we have to fork out 800 GP for it. We then buy Holy Water from the Bishop and pour the holy water into the Elixir of Binding, thereby blessing it.

Now back in the library, the anti-infernal elixir is delivered to the Devil (+500 EXP) who greedily chugs it down. The divine damage reduces him to Badly Wounded which causes him to rage hard and attacks the trio with flaming melee thrusts. Ronan is quickly killed by the assault but is instantly avenged by my crit that downs the Devil in turn (+1188 EXP). With mini-Meph's antics ended the freed hostages burst into tears, thank us, and run off to find their worried families.

I loot the infernal corpse for the very valuable Devil's Trident +2 (on-hit DC 14 Daze), resurrect Ronan by means of a Raise Dead scroll, and then head downstairs to inform the librarian that Fairloch bookworms can now return to their studies, thereby capping off the quest in the journal (no +EXP).
Next up, we head to the Admiralty Building - also in the Senate District. Here we meet with Admiral Frazer Chesterton who hands us a Navy Permission Slip to access barrels of alchemist fire for possible use against the conspirators.

We stroll down to the Docklands and hand the permission slip to the City Watchman guarding the Navy Storage Building, who then opens the door for us. But once inside the building one of the many alchemist fire barrels ignites - threatening to set off a chain reaction and blow us out into the sea! Not wanting to be part of the fireworks, I try to open the door but its been relocked and can't be bashed open! We move away from the door just as the first barrel detonates, exploding the door open. Now with a way out and the other barrels igniting around us, we waste no time in leaving. Back outside, we notice the guard has gone. Damn, we wanted so bad to wring his neck.

We return to the Admiral and complain about our singed hair (+750 EXP). He concludes that this was an attempt to take me out of the picture, since I'm an obstacle to those who seek to assassinate Princess Criosa. Thank you, Admiral Obvious.
Next up, we head to the Admiralty Building - also in the Senate District. Here we meet with Admiral Frazer Chesterton who hands us a Navy Permission Slip to access barrels of alchemist fire for possible use against the conspirators.

We stroll down to the Docklands and hand the permission slip to the City Watchman guarding the Navy Storage Building, who then opens the door for us. But once inside the building one of the many alchemist fire barrels ignites - threatening to set off a chain reaction and blow us out into the sea! Not wanting to be part of the fireworks, I try to open the door but its been relocked and can't be bashed open! We move away from the door just as the first barrel detonates, exploding the door open. Now with a way out and the other barrels igniting around us, we waste no time in leaving. Back outside, we notice the guard has gone. Damn, we wanted so bad to wring his neck.

We return to the Admiral and complain about our singed hair (+750 EXP). He concludes that this was an attempt to take me out of the picture, since I'm an obstacle to those who seek to assassinate Princess Criosa. Thank you, Admiral Obvious.
Level Up to 11!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (3) / Paladin (4)/ Fighter (4), Smite Evil
Ronan: Rogue (11), Sneak Attack (+6d6), Uncanny Dodge III
Maggie: Druid (11)
Ok, time to advance the main plot a touch. As advised by Sir Godfrey, we pay a visit to Captain Deckard at the Docks' Guardhouse. The grizzled veteran reveals the location of the thieves guild as being in the sewers underneath the Market District. I use Lawful dialogue to tell Deckard that finding the assassins is the only way to protect Princess Criosa (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Amazed that a bounty is on her head, he informs us that the only people other than royalty who could afford to pay the assassins a mammoth sum matching the insane risk would be Lord Johnson, Lady Chelsea and Thomas Bartlett.
Laying this knowledge aside for now, we take our leave of Deckard and head into the sewers to find the thieves guild.
Just a note on the sewer system, it (logically) lies under every District of Fairloch, but the Castle sewers are inaccessible as far as I can tell - at least at this stage. The Docks and Market sewers are pretty tame, containing spawns of annoying Dire Spiders (+220 ea), Greater Gelatinous Cubes and Stag Beetles (facerolls). The Residential sewers are a step up: there is an encounter with a Queen Spider (+836 EXP) and another one with a trio of fairly powerful undead: Greater Mummy (+396 EXP), Revenant and Shadow Fiend (+220 EXP ea). Lastly, lurking in the Senate sewers are two Intellect Devourers (+220 EXP). So solid EXP for clearing out the sewers, but no loot to write home about.

Anyway, we now brave the Market sewers.
The stench of the sewers makes your head spin. The stone floor is slippery and treacherous. - DM.
(It's actually possible to slip and fall down here, a sort of momentary Knockdown effect. Slightly annoying...)
We explore... we kill Dire Spiders, and then...
The entrance is around here somewhere. Can't be far now. - Ronan.

The stench of the sewers makes your head spin. The stone floor is slippery and treacherous. - DM.
(It's actually possible to slip and fall down here, a sort of momentary Knockdown effect. Slightly annoying...)
We explore... we kill Dire Spiders, and then...
The entrance is around here somewhere. Can't be far now. - Ronan.

The secret door is spotted and we enter the Thieves Guild (+500 EXP).

To no surprise the guild is headed up by another Halfling, this one named Peridoc Dabbenfold. Peri, like much of his race, is a fairly jovial carefree character and is actually surprisingly forthcoming with information about the assassins: their location (under the Art Gallery [a front] in the Senate District), two different means of access (one not as well guarded, in the sewers) and even the name of the leader, Holister Swiftblade. And all that without one Persuade check, when if Holister survives and finds out who tipped us off this could cause a full-blown guild war...
I thank him for all the info and then purchase items from Sparky, including a Ring of Appraisal (Appraise +10), Thieves Hood (Poison immunity, +3 rogue skills), potions and medkits - totaling about 11,000 GP.

To no surprise the guild is headed up by another Halfling, this one named Peridoc Dabbenfold. Peri, like much of his race, is a fairly jovial carefree character and is actually surprisingly forthcoming with information about the assassins: their location (under the Art Gallery [a front] in the Senate District), two different means of access (one not as well guarded, in the sewers) and even the name of the leader, Holister Swiftblade. And all that without one Persuade check, when if Holister survives and finds out who tipped us off this could cause a full-blown guild war...
I thank him for all the info and then purchase items from Sparky, including a Ring of Appraisal (Appraise +10), Thieves Hood (Poison immunity, +3 rogue skills), potions and medkits - totaling about 11,000 GP.

Technical nonsense, no need to read:
Speaking of thieves, I've been struggling up until this point to have my rogue Henchmen (first Criosa, and now Ronan) Disable Traps (and unlock chest n doors, actually [Open Lock]). They were able to detect traps fine (Search), but then they just stood there like idiots with the traps flagged red right under their noses. This meant I had to either walk around the traps and avoid trapped corridors entirely, or simply set them off by stepping on them and hoping for the best (just frustrating and wasteful of medkits). It also meant I had to tediously bash open chests and bash down doors with Power Attack. But I finally found the solution to the problem, which is thankfully very simple: Aielund rogue Henchmen need to be in Guard Me mode. If they're in Follow mode they simply won't disable or unlock, and they were almost always in Follow mode. Note that in official NWN content this isn't a problem, so I guess Tomi and crew auto-engage Guard Me mode when standing still. This is why I was stumped and thought it might be a bug, but yeah, all fixed now. Ronan is promptly disabling/unlocking when in Guard Me mode. The only other issue I have is that he lacks the dialogue option to recover traps, unlike Criosa who was able to recover them into her inventory to be sold (on the black market) or re-used. I'm not sure if this feature was disabled for game balance reasons, though. But I guess it's a fairly trivial issue, anyway.
Back to the adventure...
We exit the sewers and head to the Residential District in the south of Fairloch, where we happen upon an altercation between a pompous businessman (another Fairchild, in fact - perhaps the brother of the poacher we let live in Calespur ranges..) and a City Watchman. Basically, a tribe of orcs are raiding caravans on the south roads so I put my foot forward to slay them and their leader (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP) who's head I agree to present to the City Hall in Amalis.

Speaking of thieves, I've been struggling up until this point to have my rogue Henchmen (first Criosa, and now Ronan) Disable Traps (and unlock chest n doors, actually [Open Lock]). They were able to detect traps fine (Search), but then they just stood there like idiots with the traps flagged red right under their noses. This meant I had to either walk around the traps and avoid trapped corridors entirely, or simply set them off by stepping on them and hoping for the best (just frustrating and wasteful of medkits). It also meant I had to tediously bash open chests and bash down doors with Power Attack. But I finally found the solution to the problem, which is thankfully very simple: Aielund rogue Henchmen need to be in Guard Me mode. If they're in Follow mode they simply won't disable or unlock, and they were almost always in Follow mode. Note that in official NWN content this isn't a problem, so I guess Tomi and crew auto-engage Guard Me mode when standing still. This is why I was stumped and thought it might be a bug, but yeah, all fixed now. Ronan is promptly disabling/unlocking when in Guard Me mode. The only other issue I have is that he lacks the dialogue option to recover traps, unlike Criosa who was able to recover them into her inventory to be sold (on the black market) or re-used. I'm not sure if this feature was disabled for game balance reasons, though. But I guess it's a fairly trivial issue, anyway.
Back to the adventure...
We exit the sewers and head to the Residential District in the south of Fairloch, where we happen upon an altercation between a pompous businessman (another Fairchild, in fact - perhaps the brother of the poacher we let live in Calespur ranges..) and a City Watchman. Basically, a tribe of orcs are raiding caravans on the south roads so I put my foot forward to slay them and their leader (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP) who's head I agree to present to the City Hall in Amalis.

I know it doesn't make much "role-playing" sense to put the annihilation of the 'Sin Guild on hold, but the trio has just crawled through dark tombs, dusty libraries and slippery sewers and is feeling quite claustrophobic and even a little nauseous. They can really do with some fresh air and orc-slaying in the wilderness right now, plus while down there we can deliver the magical goods and test out Wiliand's wondrous teleportation magic to bind straight back to Fairloch when done, after which we can make final preparations to save Criosa from the 'Sin threat. So that's my weak RP justification and the plan, we'll see how it goes...
Act Two, Part III: Amalis Highway, Kingswood, Orc Fortress, Assassins' Guild:
Orc Fortress & Assasins
On the road south of Fairloch we bump into the stablemaster and present to him our Letter of the Marque in order to obtain a Light Warhorse for each of the trio (Maggie's mount is down-sized to what I would call a "Light War-Pony").

Pleased to give our feet a rest, we merrily clip-clop further down south onto the Amalis Highway, breathing in that cool, crisp air. Such a contrast from libraries, dungeons and sewer systems - but this pleasantness is short-lived...
... Amidst the howling wind we fight off a few trashy orcs and wolves, and come across a raided wagon surrounded by the corpses of teamsters. The orcs left not a penny.
Poor souls. The orcs may be fighting for their land but this is beyond tolerance. - Maggie.

To the west we hear faint cries for help...
Pretty lady MY new toy! You not take! - Orc Champion.
Please, help me! Don't leave me here with this brute! - Orc Hostage.
We cleave the Orc Champion's skull in two (+308 EXP) and tell the poor woman she's free to continue her trip north to Fairloch (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP, +100 EXP).

Level Up to 12!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (3) / Paladin (5)/ Fighter (4), Divine Shield, CON +1
Ronan: Rogue (12), DEX +1
Maggie: Druid (12), Spell Penetration, Wildshape (dire forms), WIS +1
Note that Maggie can't use Wildshape (nor can she summon her animal companion) - they weren't implemented.
Heading south again we enter the lumbering village of Kingswood to speak to Adelay Addams, a bowyer and tanner. It seems the village has a problem with a sadistic Half-orc hunter who has moved from hunting animals up to preying on humans. This behavior simply will not stand, so the trio head west of Kingswood to check it out.

This forest contains many deadly traps laid under the snow, covering wide areas. The dismounted trio crept cautiously onward as Ronan disabled what he could.
Ever had that feeling you were being watched? I got that now. - Ronan.

We remount our steeds and I ask Ronan and Maggie to wait back a bit. I arrive alone at the hunter's camp where I spot dead animals laying on the ground nearby.
This camp has not been here very long. The fire is fresh. - DM.
Suddenly a savage Hunting Dog attacks me as a few arrows zip over my head, fired from long distance by a well-camouflaged hunter - Veerak. Pursued by his dog, I charge the Half-orc to force him into a melee duel in which I quickly gain the upper hand. At Near Death status and with his dog dead (+275 EXP), Veerak takes off to hide and fully heal. At this point Maggie is killed when she clumsily trips a trap... sigh. Veerak then returns from the shadows and Ronan and I promptly carve him up, ending him with a solid critical (+346 EXP). Note that Veerak is deadly in both ranged and melee disciplines, able to crit for 50 damage with bow or axe. Stoneskin is recommended.

On his hewn corpse is found the Hide of the Grizzly (+2 STR), Predator +3 longbow (Mighty +4, Mass Crits 1d10, Bonus Feat: Woodland Stride), Battleaxe +2 and Belt of Agility +2. The chest in his camp contains an Imaskari Shield (SR 10), Deadly Electrical Trap Kit (valuable), +204 GP and sundry items.
Having resurrected Maggie the trio head back to Kingswood and hand to Adelay Veerak's blood-soaked ear as proof the sadistic hunter is no more (+750 EXP, +500 GP).
We now head south again where we're the target of more orc packs who have just raided another wagon and murdered the teamsters. Maggie proactively unleashes Ice Storm here to speed up the killin' process.

Leaving the orc corpses to the wolves, the trio arrive in the town of Amalis - but at this stage we're only here to deliver the magical goods. This town looks large but is not even one quarter of Fairloch in size.

We deliver the package to Auberon at the Tower of Sorcery (+300 EXP, +300 GP). As a bonus he hands us a Treasure Map which points to a hidden cave somewhere in the Stoneguard Mountains. We lay this quest to the side for now and bid farewell to Auberon and his sleepy pseudodragon familiar, Ignatius.

Orc Fortress
Act Two, Part III: Amalis Highway, Kingswood, Orc Fortress, Assassins' Guild:
Orc Fortress & Assasins
On the road south of Fairloch we bump into the stablemaster and present to him our Letter of the Marque in order to obtain a Light Warhorse for each of the trio (Maggie's mount is down-sized to what I would call a "Light War-Pony").

Pleased to give our feet a rest, we merrily clip-clop further down south onto the Amalis Highway, breathing in that cool, crisp air. Such a contrast from libraries, dungeons and sewer systems - but this pleasantness is short-lived...
... Amidst the howling wind we fight off a few trashy orcs and wolves, and come across a raided wagon surrounded by the corpses of teamsters. The orcs left not a penny.
Poor souls. The orcs may be fighting for their land but this is beyond tolerance. - Maggie.

To the west we hear faint cries for help...
Pretty lady MY new toy! You not take! - Orc Champion.
Please, help me! Don't leave me here with this brute! - Orc Hostage.
We cleave the Orc Champion's skull in two (+308 EXP) and tell the poor woman she's free to continue her trip north to Fairloch (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP, +100 EXP).

Level Up to 12!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (3) / Paladin (5)/ Fighter (4), Divine Shield, CON +1
Ronan: Rogue (12), DEX +1
Maggie: Druid (12), Spell Penetration, Wildshape (dire forms), WIS +1
Note that Maggie can't use Wildshape (nor can she summon her animal companion) - they weren't implemented.
Heading south again we enter the lumbering village of Kingswood to speak to Adelay Addams, a bowyer and tanner. It seems the village has a problem with a sadistic Half-orc hunter who has moved from hunting animals up to preying on humans. This behavior simply will not stand, so the trio head west of Kingswood to check it out.

This forest contains many deadly traps laid under the snow, covering wide areas. The dismounted trio crept cautiously onward as Ronan disabled what he could.
Ever had that feeling you were being watched? I got that now. - Ronan.

We remount our steeds and I ask Ronan and Maggie to wait back a bit. I arrive alone at the hunter's camp where I spot dead animals laying on the ground nearby.
This camp has not been here very long. The fire is fresh. - DM.
Suddenly a savage Hunting Dog attacks me as a few arrows zip over my head, fired from long distance by a well-camouflaged hunter - Veerak. Pursued by his dog, I charge the Half-orc to force him into a melee duel in which I quickly gain the upper hand. At Near Death status and with his dog dead (+275 EXP), Veerak takes off to hide and fully heal. At this point Maggie is killed when she clumsily trips a trap... sigh. Veerak then returns from the shadows and Ronan and I promptly carve him up, ending him with a solid critical (+346 EXP). Note that Veerak is deadly in both ranged and melee disciplines, able to crit for 50 damage with bow or axe. Stoneskin is recommended.

On his hewn corpse is found the Hide of the Grizzly (+2 STR), Predator +3 longbow (Mighty +4, Mass Crits 1d10, Bonus Feat: Woodland Stride), Battleaxe +2 and Belt of Agility +2. The chest in his camp contains an Imaskari Shield (SR 10), Deadly Electrical Trap Kit (valuable), +204 GP and sundry items.
Having resurrected Maggie the trio head back to Kingswood and hand to Adelay Veerak's blood-soaked ear as proof the sadistic hunter is no more (+750 EXP, +500 GP).
We now head south again where we're the target of more orc packs who have just raided another wagon and murdered the teamsters. Maggie proactively unleashes Ice Storm here to speed up the killin' process.

Leaving the orc corpses to the wolves, the trio arrive in the town of Amalis - but at this stage we're only here to deliver the magical goods. This town looks large but is not even one quarter of Fairloch in size.

We deliver the package to Auberon at the Tower of Sorcery (+300 EXP, +300 GP). As a bonus he hands us a Treasure Map which points to a hidden cave somewhere in the Stoneguard Mountains. We lay this quest to the side for now and bid farewell to Auberon and his sleepy pseudodragon familiar, Ignatius.

Orc Fortress
Leaving behind Amalis for the moment the trio ride back onto the northern highway. From here we venture west into the Deeper Woods wherein our sharp eyes spy the well-hidden Orc Fortress in the distance, just across a babbling brook.

A two-stage battle ensues: first we need to deal with orcs external to or on the walls of the fortress; then we can enter into the fortress itself to deal with the orcs holed up inside.
Displaying her elemental prowess Maggie rains down Ice Storm, Flame Strike and successive Chain Lightnings upon the orc-infested walls of the fortress, as I pepper them with Predator and Ronan slices n dices the door guards at ground level.

I breach the walls by bashing down the 15 soak door with Power Attack; then the trio dismount and leave their horses outside the fortress. Annoyingly, Maggie won't self-buff with Barkskin out of combat. What this means is that she wastes time in combat casting it. Anyway, I have her buff me with Stoneskin and then I quaff a Potion of Speed, cast Eagle's Splendor upon myself from the Gentleman's Rapier, then finally cast Divine Might and Divine Shield buffs. Thugged out, I then barge into the fortress where my Henchmen and I are at once swarmed by dozens of orc-scum.
I immediately target and wail mercilessly on the Orc Captain who is still standing after bring critted then smite critted for 43 and 60 dmg.

(The Orc Captain himself is capable of crits in excess of 70 dmg.)
An orc shaman fails in his attempt to Dispel me of buffs; then soon after the Orc Captain is dropped on his ass, never again to get back up (+572 EXP).

Ronan succeeds in a sneak attack or two, but is then killed when Maggie neglects to heal him. She normally does a great job of keeping us alive, just not this time.

Maggie and I sweep away the remaining orc-trash on the ground level.

After which we turn our gaze to the straggling, cowardly remainder firing down on us from the walls. Maggie is in just the right position here to rain down Ice Storm, Flame Strike and Call Lightning on both walls while I climb the stairs to cut them down, making sure no orc survives and the stronghold is completely laid to waste.

With the orc stronghold cleansed we resurrect Ronan and saw off the Orc Captain's putrid head. There are several crates here containing loot taken in raids, but the haul is actually paltry: +173 GP, Strong Acid Splash Trap - and nothing else worth a damn.
The sawed off head is now taken to Reyne in the City Hall of Amalis (+750 GP, +750 EXP), capping off this quest which began in Fairloch. Reyne also refers us now to Lord Richard Sothby for another quest, but for now we defer. While in Amalis I purchase an Amulet of Natural Armor +3 from the Church. Since the orc threat is now removed the teamster here can time-lapse us back to Fairloch by pack ox (25 GP), but we decide to test out the Stone of Recall to bind back to the Halls of Knowledge lab instead. At this point I also decide to do away with mounts, since they're annoying, tedious and buggy. Very cool idea, though.
Back in the Market District, I purchase from the smithy the Bracers of Swordsmanship. I've been eyeing these for a while as they bestow the Expertise feat (plus Ambidexterity and Discipline +8).
Assassin's Guild
Now it's time to advance the main plot some more, so we head to the Art Gallery (a front for the assassins) in the Senate District. There is another way in by means of the sewers which lets you bypass some enemies, but it really doesn't matter which access point I choose - I want to kill everything for +EXP, anyway.
Entering the gallery...
Here's the secret door, behind this bookshelf. - PC.

We descend into the first level of the 'Sin guild, basically just a large dungeon of winding, trapped corridors.
Bingo. One assassin guild. Watch out for traps around here. - Ronan.
That seemed a little too easy... - Maggie. (she means the guild was suspiciously easy to access. Remember, too, that I didn't need to use Persuade on Dabbenfold when probing him for info)...
In this first room we interrupt a Manticore busily dining on human remains. Always nice to cap off an enemy with a crit (+308 EXP).

I'm glad I worked out how to reliably have Ronan disable traps before tackling this area. Remember, he must be in Guard Me mode.
Here Ronan disables six traps, five of which are DC 31. Unlike Princess Criosa, he cannot be asked in dialogue to recover traps into his inventory for later sale on the black market, or to re-use.

After some Mustard Jelly madness we take on another Queen Spider, this one coated with Stoneskin for extra toughness (+748 EXP).

A Stone Golem blocks access to the second level, but its a faceroll (+396 EXP, Fire Bullet [26]).

Things heat up on the second level of the guild as several normal assassins (+88 EXP ea) and three Elites (220 EXP ea) converge on us at the first junction. However, with my high AC (from Haste, Expertise etc.) they can only hit me on a crit which means I can comfortably tank one-third of the guild solo, even without Stoneskin.

Some archer sins fire poison arrows from down the corridors, but aren't able to slow our assault on the guild.
I noticed the DC to Dispel assassin Darkness is 136. Strange...
Anyway, Ronan detraps and unlocks a door to gain access to the next room.

Here we briefly encounter Holister Swiftblade, leader of the sins.
Ah, you're finally here. Gentlemen, please kill this fool for me. - Holister Swiftblade.
He slinks away, leaving us to fight a sin trashmob and a pathetic gnome merc wizard (Globe of Invulnerability scroll, Bracers of Armor +3). First-person view, ftw.

Having put them in their place, we enter the corridor down which Holister disappeared. The door auto-locks behind Maggie and I (leaving Ronan stuck on the other side), and a mechanical gnomish invention called a Spiker rolls up to grind us into mincemeat. Maggie and I have no real difficulty disabling the construct, though, as it's only lightly reinforced (+396 EXP).

Ronan now unlocks the door from the other side to join us in the corridor. We're now standing outside Holister's den of evil.
You can hear someone casting a spell from behind this door. - DM.
The sounds are Holister preparing a few illusions of himself (easily dispelled by hitting them). Ronan unlocks the door (DC 28) and I enter for a duel with the deadliest blade in the city. This extended duel was pretty cool, we both had problems hitting each other.

At Near Death Swiftblade surrenders (+110 EXP), pleading for us not to kill him. He now spills his guts, telling us he doesn't actually know who hired him, who this Number One really is (the papers he hands us sort of back that up), and that he lured us here to be killed (meaning that Peri was involved in setting us up). Moreover, he and the Halfling often worked together...
Peri. That son of a bitch. - Ronan.
He also lets us in on how much he was paid for the job: a godly 500,000 gold. This means that only a member of the Bartlett family could have paid him (if you remember, Ronald was stomped on by mountain giant, so perhaps his son Thomas...) or Augustus Johnson, a wealthy and unscrupulous senator.
I now execute him (+396 EXP) basically because I have no option of restraining him for the authorities, which means he'd sail into the golden sunset with half a million gold glinting on his deck (his client paid in advance), and face no justice for his involvement in a conspiracy which could have brought down the Kingdom. Not to mention, his intention was to return in five years when things had cooled off. As a Paladin, I don't think so.

Cold in life, we now loot the even-colder-in-death Swiftblade for a Rapier +3, Assassin Dagger +2, Stealth Armor (Hide/Move Silently +5, SR 14), Ring of Resistance +2 and Dark Cloak.
A chest here contains two precious gems and +125 GP. Not another penny was found of the half a million gold...
The loot from the Elites was: Assassin's Blade +2 (4) and Leather Armor +2 (4). From the plain assassins we looted several Shortbow +2, Assassin Daggers and poison arrows. Selling off this heavy haul gives us a total of 91,000 GP in the coffers. So yeah, the trio is starting to accumulate some serious wealth now, I hope the author continues to control it - I like making tough decisions on what to purchase from merchants. We'll be catching up with Peri in the next update.
Act Two, Part IV: Attack on the Senate, Feybourne, Shadow Warriors & Shadow Druids:
Shadow Warriors & Shadow Druids
The trio now stroll over to the Docklands' guardhouse where I reveal to Captain Deckard the exact location of the Thieves Guild (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP) and inform him that the Assassin's Guild has been dismantled. He also gives us off-the-record permission to enter the Bartlett Estate in order to further conduct our investigations.

First though, we pay a visit to Peri in the thieves guild, who admits working with Swiftblade in setting us up but defends himself by saying he couldn't exactly say "no" to someone like that. Anyway, Peri now also points to Bartlett and Johnson, telling us that they secretly meet up and that if I want to find proof of the connection - and through that gain authorised access to Johnson's magically warded estate - I'll need to rummage through the Bartlett mansion (+200 EXP). Oddly, I'm able to threaten exposing the guild here when I've already dobbed them in to the Deckard. I guess we'll see later if there's any consequence - logic dictates that the guild will soon be raided by the authorities.

Level Up to 13!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (4) / Paladin (5)/ Fighter (4), Blind Fight
Ronan: Rogue (13), Opportunist, Sneak Attack (+7d6)Maggie: Druid (13) Level 7 spells (Heal, Fire Storm etc).
We arrive at the Bartlett mansion.

Ronan picks the DC 30 lock and we enter.
Nobody except the maid is home, and she seems more concerned about us getting caught than about break n enter. We casually loot the place because it's owned by a Bartlett, but most of the stuff is randomised or knick-knacks. This place does prove random treasure can be decent, though, because I found a Resurrection scroll. There is also removable artwork on the wall, presumably part of a quest for Rogue builds. Upstairs we find what we came for: a Sealed Letter containing damning evidence of Thomas Bartlett's involvement in the conspiracy to erase Criosa from the picture.
Back downstairs the trio are startled to find that Thomas Bartlett has arrived home.
What on earth are you doing in here girl?- TB.
I tell him we know he's in on the assassination attempt of the Princess and that he's not going to get away with it, at which point the foppish fool whips out a dagger and attacks. I decide to fight him in my underwear and bare-fisted to make it a closer bout (+88 EXP), as the maid looks on in astonishment.

From the fop's corpse I loot the Swashbucklers' Outfit (Parry +5), Boots of Agility (+2 DEX, +5 Tumble), Immense Dagger +2 (Bludg 1d4, Mass Crits 5) and a Letter to Senator Augustus Johnson.
(Note that the journal entry before the encounter with Thomas and the first dialogue option sort of lures the player into choosing a less palatable direction and resolution to this part of the quest. I won't go into depth about it here, but suffice it to say if you bluff Thomas [I couldn't, it's unpaladinly] he won't attack and instead Deckard will interrogate him.)
Anyway, while not totally conclusive of Johnson's guilt, we take both the Sealed letter and the one found on Thomas's corpse to Captain Deckard (+750 EXP), and he now refers us back to Sir Godfrey for the key and authorisation to access Johnson's Estate, wherein we hope to find proof of the senator's guilt in this plot.

Lilura: Champion of Torm (4) / Paladin (5)/ Fighter (4), Blind Fight
Ronan: Rogue (13), Opportunist, Sneak Attack (+7d6)Maggie: Druid (13) Level 7 spells (Heal, Fire Storm etc).
We arrive at the Bartlett mansion.

Ronan picks the DC 30 lock and we enter.
Nobody except the maid is home, and she seems more concerned about us getting caught than about break n enter. We casually loot the place because it's owned by a Bartlett, but most of the stuff is randomised or knick-knacks. This place does prove random treasure can be decent, though, because I found a Resurrection scroll. There is also removable artwork on the wall, presumably part of a quest for Rogue builds. Upstairs we find what we came for: a Sealed Letter containing damning evidence of Thomas Bartlett's involvement in the conspiracy to erase Criosa from the picture.
Back downstairs the trio are startled to find that Thomas Bartlett has arrived home.
What on earth are you doing in here girl?- TB.
I tell him we know he's in on the assassination attempt of the Princess and that he's not going to get away with it, at which point the foppish fool whips out a dagger and attacks. I decide to fight him in my underwear and bare-fisted to make it a closer bout (+88 EXP), as the maid looks on in astonishment.

From the fop's corpse I loot the Swashbucklers' Outfit (Parry +5), Boots of Agility (+2 DEX, +5 Tumble), Immense Dagger +2 (Bludg 1d4, Mass Crits 5) and a Letter to Senator Augustus Johnson.
(Note that the journal entry before the encounter with Thomas and the first dialogue option sort of lures the player into choosing a less palatable direction and resolution to this part of the quest. I won't go into depth about it here, but suffice it to say if you bluff Thomas [I couldn't, it's unpaladinly] he won't attack and instead Deckard will interrogate him.)
Anyway, while not totally conclusive of Johnson's guilt, we take both the Sealed letter and the one found on Thomas's corpse to Captain Deckard (+750 EXP), and he now refers us back to Sir Godfrey for the key and authorisation to access Johnson's Estate, wherein we hope to find proof of the senator's guilt in this plot.

We now march over to Johnson's Estate in the Senate District and enter through the magically-warded gate with the key.

Stepping inside we're "greeted" by a dual-wielding Butler. Being another duel, I take him solo.

His death yields +660 EXP, the Warspite +2 (bastard sword, Sonic 1d4, True Strike 1/day), Stormblade +2 (1d6 Elect), Butler's Attire, Ring of Protection +3.
Upstairs is a trapped and locked chest (DC 32/35) containing +4147 GP, Scarab of Protection +3, gems and jewelry - but most importantly a Satchel full of papers detailing plans to depose of the royal family to make room for what this mysterious faction refers to as "The Ironlord". Of more concern to the immediate present, is a plan by the elusive Number One and Augustus to assassinate the entire Senate if they don't agree to overthrow the current government. The extreme censorship will be carried out by a group of Shadow Warrior monks who will meet in the basement of the Estate and from there use a secret passage in the Senate District sewers to gain unguarded access to the Senate Building.
The trio heads downstairs, then downstairs again to the basement where they spot the secret door leading into the sewers. We enter, head west and then north (as per our notes) where we spot another secret door leading to a hidden passage.
This passage is covered in dust and muck. You can easily make out fresh tracks in the filth, leading into the building above. - DM.
At the end of this passage is the secret entrance to the Senate Building, which we enter.
On the ground floor there is some low-key loot: Farel's Gold (30), Light Hammer +2, Sapphire, Thieves' Tools +10, potions and small change. However, as a Pally I wouldn't know.
We arrive on the first floor to find the Senate already in session. The guard allows us immediate entry to the chambers after I show him proof that lives are at stake (+100 EXP), after which he hurries off to gather reinforcements.

At this point a vote is cast and Johnson's attempt to ratify his proposal fails. He threatens the gathering and runs off to hide in a side chamber as wave upon wave of Shadow Warrior monks (including one Elite and one Master) storm the chamber.

You heard the senator. Now it is time for you to be 'retired'. - Shadow Warrior Elite.
Unfortunately, this fight was sort of easy. The waves of monks are mostly harmless trashmobs (+7 EXP ea, Poison-tipped Shuriken [115] - valuable). Even the Elite went down fast, dropped by a crit (+308 EXP). His loot drop is highly valuable, though: Katana +2, Kukri +2, Robes of the Spirit Warrior +4 (Evil/Monk/Neutral only, +4 AC, +3 Hide/Move Silently, Darkness 1/day), Cloak of the Bat (+2 AC def, Darkvision, Immunity to Darkness, Hide +5), Silver Necklace. The Shadow Master consists of five ethereal forms which when "killed" drop +1 Ninja-tos and yield zero EXP. I guess that guy has transcended the mundane realm, or something, as he leaves no corpse...

We now confront the hostile Johnson who quickly surrenders (+50 EXP) but is accidentally killed by an over-zealous Ronan, anyway (+7 EXP). He leaves behind the Defender +4 rapier (+2, +2 AC def) and Lord's Breastplate (CHA +2), so that suits me fine (if kept alive he has little to say, and is imprisoned by the Duke to face charges of treason followed by death. He was a man paranoid and fearful of the return of the Ironlord, who wished control of the Kingdom, perhaps also intending to submit to the Ironlord to save his own ass).

The stern Knight Captain arrives with reinforcements and we're escorted back to Fairloch Castle to explain ourselves to Sir Godfrey and Duke Charles Montague (Criosa's uncle). We present them both with the Satchel full of papers looted from Johnson's Estate (+10,000 GP, +2000 EXP), and I thank his Grace for the reward and tell him it was a pleasure to serve the Crown (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Godfrey also hands us the key to the Senate Building just in case we later need it.

Now follows a rather lengthy conversation in which I learn from them that knowledge of this Ironlord is top-secret info, but that they feel obliged to tell me more. The Ironlord is a living, intelligent spirit housed within a sort of construct which arose in the south 150 years ago, bent on destruction, but was "defeated" by the third King of Aielund who obtained aid from an ancient gold dragon, now considered deceased. Anyway, the immortal Ironlord was banished but is apparently re-awakening in the country of Tusone in the west. This is where the King is now, along with his army (who tipped the King off about the time and place of the Ironlord's resurrection is unknown). The King is invading Tusone after diplomatic efforts failed to convince the arrogant Tusonites that the Ironlord would appear in their sacred temple, which the King wants to destroy in order to prevent the Ironlord's return.
At our behest The Castellan brings in a book entitled Legendary Artifacts From Old Times, detailing other possible means of defeating the Ironlord, which, apparently, the King had no time to consider. The Castellan then mentions something he read about called the Scepter of Transcendence, a weapon which could actually harm the Ironlord. It is said that this scepter is located somewhere in the region, in one of three places: The Dwarven city of Stoneguard, the Feybourne or the Isle of the Dead. We agree to seek out the scepter because it gives the Kingdom another option should the King fail his mission in Tusone.
We now take our leave of the Duke, who wishes us well in locating the scepter. We sell off excess loot and purchase two Bags of Holding from Sparky in the thieves guild (which still seems to be operating despite its location being exposed). Current gold = 154,000 GP.
The Duke mentioned an ancient gold dragon in his speech and referred us to Desmond in the Halls of Knowledge for more info. Upon asking Desmond about the dragon, he activates a portal and we teleport to the Ethereal Plane where we meet the ancient beast who educates us more on Ironlord lore and our quest (+1000 EXP) - details below.

Hitching a ride with a teamster in Fairloch, we now time-lapse back to Amalis where we visit the City Hall to talk to Sothby, Lord of Amalis. From him we receive two quests - one to assassinate the leader of the Shadow Druids in Feybourne (who threatens to Amalis); the other to find a missing businessman and linguist, Alain Rich.
The Feybourne
Maggie also has a bone to pick with the Shadow Druids, so we head south to the Feybourne Swamps, first.
The druids are further into the swamp, but beware the creatures around here - they bite. - Maggie
We follow a Will-O'-Wisp which leads us to a swarm of eight (+308 EXP ea). There are one dozen others dotted around the map, so good EXP yield here. Treasure is trivial.

Stepping inside we're "greeted" by a dual-wielding Butler. Being another duel, I take him solo.

His death yields +660 EXP, the Warspite +2 (bastard sword, Sonic 1d4, True Strike 1/day), Stormblade +2 (1d6 Elect), Butler's Attire, Ring of Protection +3.
Upstairs is a trapped and locked chest (DC 32/35) containing +4147 GP, Scarab of Protection +3, gems and jewelry - but most importantly a Satchel full of papers detailing plans to depose of the royal family to make room for what this mysterious faction refers to as "The Ironlord". Of more concern to the immediate present, is a plan by the elusive Number One and Augustus to assassinate the entire Senate if they don't agree to overthrow the current government. The extreme censorship will be carried out by a group of Shadow Warrior monks who will meet in the basement of the Estate and from there use a secret passage in the Senate District sewers to gain unguarded access to the Senate Building.
The trio heads downstairs, then downstairs again to the basement where they spot the secret door leading into the sewers. We enter, head west and then north (as per our notes) where we spot another secret door leading to a hidden passage.
This passage is covered in dust and muck. You can easily make out fresh tracks in the filth, leading into the building above. - DM.
At the end of this passage is the secret entrance to the Senate Building, which we enter.

On the ground floor there is some low-key loot: Farel's Gold (30), Light Hammer +2, Sapphire, Thieves' Tools +10, potions and small change. However, as a Pally I wouldn't know.
We arrive on the first floor to find the Senate already in session. The guard allows us immediate entry to the chambers after I show him proof that lives are at stake (+100 EXP), after which he hurries off to gather reinforcements.

At this point a vote is cast and Johnson's attempt to ratify his proposal fails. He threatens the gathering and runs off to hide in a side chamber as wave upon wave of Shadow Warrior monks (including one Elite and one Master) storm the chamber.

You heard the senator. Now it is time for you to be 'retired'. - Shadow Warrior Elite.

Unfortunately, this fight was sort of easy. The waves of monks are mostly harmless trashmobs (+7 EXP ea, Poison-tipped Shuriken [115] - valuable). Even the Elite went down fast, dropped by a crit (+308 EXP). His loot drop is highly valuable, though: Katana +2, Kukri +2, Robes of the Spirit Warrior +4 (Evil/Monk/Neutral only, +4 AC, +3 Hide/Move Silently, Darkness 1/day), Cloak of the Bat (+2 AC def, Darkvision, Immunity to Darkness, Hide +5), Silver Necklace. The Shadow Master consists of five ethereal forms which when "killed" drop +1 Ninja-tos and yield zero EXP. I guess that guy has transcended the mundane realm, or something, as he leaves no corpse...

We now confront the hostile Johnson who quickly surrenders (+50 EXP) but is accidentally killed by an over-zealous Ronan, anyway (+7 EXP). He leaves behind the Defender +4 rapier (+2, +2 AC def) and Lord's Breastplate (CHA +2), so that suits me fine (if kept alive he has little to say, and is imprisoned by the Duke to face charges of treason followed by death. He was a man paranoid and fearful of the return of the Ironlord, who wished control of the Kingdom, perhaps also intending to submit to the Ironlord to save his own ass).

The stern Knight Captain arrives with reinforcements and we're escorted back to Fairloch Castle to explain ourselves to Sir Godfrey and Duke Charles Montague (Criosa's uncle). We present them both with the Satchel full of papers looted from Johnson's Estate (+10,000 GP, +2000 EXP), and I thank his Grace for the reward and tell him it was a pleasure to serve the Crown (+1 Lawful, +50 EXP). Godfrey also hands us the key to the Senate Building just in case we later need it.

Now follows a rather lengthy conversation in which I learn from them that knowledge of this Ironlord is top-secret info, but that they feel obliged to tell me more. The Ironlord is a living, intelligent spirit housed within a sort of construct which arose in the south 150 years ago, bent on destruction, but was "defeated" by the third King of Aielund who obtained aid from an ancient gold dragon, now considered deceased. Anyway, the immortal Ironlord was banished but is apparently re-awakening in the country of Tusone in the west. This is where the King is now, along with his army (who tipped the King off about the time and place of the Ironlord's resurrection is unknown). The King is invading Tusone after diplomatic efforts failed to convince the arrogant Tusonites that the Ironlord would appear in their sacred temple, which the King wants to destroy in order to prevent the Ironlord's return.
At our behest The Castellan brings in a book entitled Legendary Artifacts From Old Times, detailing other possible means of defeating the Ironlord, which, apparently, the King had no time to consider. The Castellan then mentions something he read about called the Scepter of Transcendence, a weapon which could actually harm the Ironlord. It is said that this scepter is located somewhere in the region, in one of three places: The Dwarven city of Stoneguard, the Feybourne or the Isle of the Dead. We agree to seek out the scepter because it gives the Kingdom another option should the King fail his mission in Tusone.
We now take our leave of the Duke, who wishes us well in locating the scepter. We sell off excess loot and purchase two Bags of Holding from Sparky in the thieves guild (which still seems to be operating despite its location being exposed). Current gold = 154,000 GP.
The Duke mentioned an ancient gold dragon in his speech and referred us to Desmond in the Halls of Knowledge for more info. Upon asking Desmond about the dragon, he activates a portal and we teleport to the Ethereal Plane where we meet the ancient beast who educates us more on Ironlord lore and our quest (+1000 EXP) - details below.

Hitching a ride with a teamster in Fairloch, we now time-lapse back to Amalis where we visit the City Hall to talk to Sothby, Lord of Amalis. From him we receive two quests - one to assassinate the leader of the Shadow Druids in Feybourne (who threatens to Amalis); the other to find a missing businessman and linguist, Alain Rich.
The Feybourne
Maggie also has a bone to pick with the Shadow Druids, so we head south to the Feybourne Swamps, first.
The druids are further into the swamp, but beware the creatures around here - they bite. - Maggie
We follow a Will-O'-Wisp which leads us to a swarm of eight (+308 EXP ea). There are one dozen others dotted around the map, so good EXP yield here. Treasure is trivial.

South, deeper into the swamps...
We're approached by a Shadow Druid who almost identifies Maggie, but I pass a persuasion check to have him leave us in peace.

This place is heavily patrolled by Shadow Druids and their beefed up Beastmaster and Elementalist variants. There is a warded gate in the south which we cannot breach, so we head to the Treestump Shack to speak with the Shadow Druid Elder.

You show respect when you talk to elder, or me thump you! - Beastmaster door guard.
In this hollowed out treestump we learn a lesson of life: arrogant fanatics refuse to listen to reason, the law must be laid down by force.

The Elder is no pushover, though - what with his body coated in Greater Stoneskin and possessed as he is of high AC, and regen - but we weather his elemental storm, drill through his DR and then show him how to finally be at One With Nature (+396 EXP).

His gear is not to be sneezed at: Elite Druidic Armor (SR 16, Piercing res 10/-), Large Shield of Regeneration (Regen +1), Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Ring of Protection +3, Blooded Scimitar +3 (Bonus Feat: Slippery Mind), Cloak of Fortification +2 (+2 AC def, Saves +2), Druid's Key, Broken Ring of the Guardian (missing two precious stones).
A Beastmaster flanked us during this fight (+308 EXP, Druidic Armor [Fire resist 5/-, Piercing Res 5/-], Helm of the Bull [+1 STR]).
On the Elder's bookshelf we find Fall of the Feybourne, a book which can be activated and read for lore on the Feybourne. That the author took the time to write six paragraphs of pure lore is pretty impressive...
Anyway, now the Shadow Druid minions have all gone hostile map-wide, but since they don't all converge at once we just take out isolated packs one at a time. Some of the Beastmasters and Elementalists are beefed up, yielding +220 EXP ea. Most are just fodder, though.

Level Up to 14!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (5)/ Fighter (4), Divine Wrath
Ronan: Rogue (14), Uncanny Dodge IV
Maggie: Druid (14)
We now exit south through the gate into the Lost City of Feybourne, made up of a new CEP tileset (as far as I can tell.)
I tried here to just run south past the a Guardian. Didn't work. I was pushed back by a magical force.

We're approached by a Shadow Druid who almost identifies Maggie, but I pass a persuasion check to have him leave us in peace.

This place is heavily patrolled by Shadow Druids and their beefed up Beastmaster and Elementalist variants. There is a warded gate in the south which we cannot breach, so we head to the Treestump Shack to speak with the Shadow Druid Elder.

You show respect when you talk to elder, or me thump you! - Beastmaster door guard.
In this hollowed out treestump we learn a lesson of life: arrogant fanatics refuse to listen to reason, the law must be laid down by force.

The Elder is no pushover, though - what with his body coated in Greater Stoneskin and possessed as he is of high AC, and regen - but we weather his elemental storm, drill through his DR and then show him how to finally be at One With Nature (+396 EXP).

His gear is not to be sneezed at: Elite Druidic Armor (SR 16, Piercing res 10/-), Large Shield of Regeneration (Regen +1), Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Ring of Protection +3, Blooded Scimitar +3 (Bonus Feat: Slippery Mind), Cloak of Fortification +2 (+2 AC def, Saves +2), Druid's Key, Broken Ring of the Guardian (missing two precious stones).
A Beastmaster flanked us during this fight (+308 EXP, Druidic Armor [Fire resist 5/-, Piercing Res 5/-], Helm of the Bull [+1 STR]).
On the Elder's bookshelf we find Fall of the Feybourne, a book which can be activated and read for lore on the Feybourne. That the author took the time to write six paragraphs of pure lore is pretty impressive...
Anyway, now the Shadow Druid minions have all gone hostile map-wide, but since they don't all converge at once we just take out isolated packs one at a time. Some of the Beastmasters and Elementalists are beefed up, yielding +220 EXP ea. Most are just fodder, though.

Level Up to 14!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (5)/ Fighter (4), Divine Wrath
Ronan: Rogue (14), Uncanny Dodge IV
Maggie: Druid (14)
We now exit south through the gate into the Lost City of Feybourne, made up of a new CEP tileset (as far as I can tell.)
I tried here to just run south past the a Guardian. Didn't work. I was pushed back by a magical force.

Exploring properly, we enter a crumbled old tower, a pretty place wherein we find a tome and an automated gemsetter. Reading the tome enlightens me on how to remove the Guardian. First, we need to find two special gems that are missing from the Ring we looted from the Elder. We make it our business to explore the dungeon in search of them.

The author of this module seems to like Dire Spiders... this encounter is made more interesting because I failed to have Ronan disable the web trap at the door entry.

To the southwest are tedious Mustard Jelly clumps, small and large.
We spot a secret door leading to a small pocketed area in the map's center, and herein is found +169 gold, a scroll of Greater Restoration and the Sidearm short sword (+1, +3 AC def, Mass crits 1d6) - the last possibly a good off-hand wield for Ronan.
Entering a western room we face off against a Greater Air Elemental, made tough due to being crit-immune.
The master sleeps. You will not disturb him. - GAE.
It takes a melee hammering and a casting of Fire Storm from Maggie, then slowly dissipates upon being vanquished (+572 EXP).
Within this same room is a sarcophagus containing a cadaver and the first piece we need for the Guardian Ring, the Heart Gem. A Shaft of Ethereal Light now appears, and we step into it to find ourselves transported to the ethereal plane of Feybourne.
This is actually the same dungeon repopulated with hostile denizens and recolored similar to the Puzzle Ring effect in Hordes.
In search of the second gem, the trio tank through many, many Phase Spiders (+220 EXP ea) and five hard-hitting Ethereal Render monstrosities (+220 ea).

The author of this module seems to like Dire Spiders... this encounter is made more interesting because I failed to have Ronan disable the web trap at the door entry.

To the southwest are tedious Mustard Jelly clumps, small and large.
We spot a secret door leading to a small pocketed area in the map's center, and herein is found +169 gold, a scroll of Greater Restoration and the Sidearm short sword (+1, +3 AC def, Mass crits 1d6) - the last possibly a good off-hand wield for Ronan.
Entering a western room we face off against a Greater Air Elemental, made tough due to being crit-immune.
The master sleeps. You will not disturb him. - GAE.
It takes a melee hammering and a casting of Fire Storm from Maggie, then slowly dissipates upon being vanquished (+572 EXP).
Within this same room is a sarcophagus containing a cadaver and the first piece we need for the Guardian Ring, the Heart Gem. A Shaft of Ethereal Light now appears, and we step into it to find ourselves transported to the ethereal plane of Feybourne.
This is actually the same dungeon repopulated with hostile denizens and recolored similar to the Puzzle Ring effect in Hordes.
In search of the second gem, the trio tank through many, many Phase Spiders (+220 EXP ea) and five hard-hitting Ethereal Render monstrosities (+220 ea).

In the southeast we help out Archmage Cuthbeort ("the master", it was his cadaver) with several Grey Slaadi (+220 EXP ea). Thankful for our assistance, he now hands us the Soul Gem (+750 EXP).

We fight off five more Ethereal Renders backtracking to the Natural Shaft of Light which we step into to return to the Prime Material plane. Now I place the Broken Ring of the Guardian inside the Gemsetter along with the Heart Gem and Soul Gem to fully repair it (SR 18, Unique Power).
The unique power is then used on the Guardian (+1000 EXP) to gain access to the surface of Feybourne city.
Out here the Shadow Druid leader is revealed to be Deathmist, a Green Dragon.
We buff up from a distance, Maggie now bestowing upon me Regeneration (6 HPs/round) in addition to her usual buffs (of which Endure Elements is the most important).

We fight off five more Ethereal Renders backtracking to the Natural Shaft of Light which we step into to return to the Prime Material plane. Now I place the Broken Ring of the Guardian inside the Gemsetter along with the Heart Gem and Soul Gem to fully repair it (SR 18, Unique Power).
The unique power is then used on the Guardian (+1000 EXP) to gain access to the surface of Feybourne city.
Out here the Shadow Druid leader is revealed to be Deathmist, a Green Dragon.
We buff up from a distance, Maggie now bestowing upon me Regeneration (6 HPs/round) in addition to her usual buffs (of which Endure Elements is the most important).

As his color suggests, Deathmist's nastiest attack is (DC 27) acid breath. Ronan readily succumbs to his fear aura, too. Deathmist being crit-immune I'm forced to just wail on him longer, endure his acid assault and tank his claw attacks as Maggie rains down rainbow fury, then turns to heal-spamming later in the fight to keep us alive. To our dismay, she neglects to keep herself alive and ends up falling a fraction of a second before Deathmist finally drops dead (+980 EXP, Dragon Head).

Behind the dead dragon is found a hoard of treasure: +19128 GP, a few precious stones, Ring of Fire Resistance (5% bonus res, Fire res 30/-), Sorcerer's Hauberk (CHA +4, Saves +1, Conc +4, Aura of Glory 1/day, Sorc only) and The Fury +2 longsword (+1d6 fire, Fireball charges).
We resurrect Maggie and return the dragon head to an astonished Sothby for +2000 GP and +2000 EXP.
Next up - as per Sothby's earlier request - we stroll over to Alain Rich's house to investigate his disappearance.
The ground floor contains literally nothing of interest.
There are no signs of a struggle. If Alain was kidnapped, he was taken quietly. - DM.
Upstairs can be looted for a Longsword +2. Also upstairs is an incantation written on the page of an opened tome. I use Spellcraft to identify the spell as a teleportation of some sort (+200 EXP), then I read the spell out loud and am suddenly gated to the Eldar Ruins.

This place is a mess. Wherever you've ended up hasn't been occupied in a long time. - DM.
We find ourselves in a dungeon occupied by hostile constructs. After wasting the Battle Horror and Helm Horror (+396 EXP/220 EXP), we comes across a central room with its entry impassably electrified.
Heading east, we fight a potentially very tough encounter consisting of Clay Golem (+220 EXP), Ruined Golem (+396 EXP) and three Helm Horrors (+220 EXP ea). Tanking these guys unbuffed I took about 100 damage, but Maggie simply cast Heal which completely restored my health.

The golems were guarding a lever in this room which I now pull, thereby disabling the electrified entryway. Now back in the central room, we discover a tome written in code which we're too dumb to decipher.

Behind the dead dragon is found a hoard of treasure: +19128 GP, a few precious stones, Ring of Fire Resistance (5% bonus res, Fire res 30/-), Sorcerer's Hauberk (CHA +4, Saves +1, Conc +4, Aura of Glory 1/day, Sorc only) and The Fury +2 longsword (+1d6 fire, Fireball charges).
We resurrect Maggie and return the dragon head to an astonished Sothby for +2000 GP and +2000 EXP.
Next up - as per Sothby's earlier request - we stroll over to Alain Rich's house to investigate his disappearance.
The ground floor contains literally nothing of interest.
There are no signs of a struggle. If Alain was kidnapped, he was taken quietly. - DM.
Upstairs can be looted for a Longsword +2. Also upstairs is an incantation written on the page of an opened tome. I use Spellcraft to identify the spell as a teleportation of some sort (+200 EXP), then I read the spell out loud and am suddenly gated to the Eldar Ruins.

This place is a mess. Wherever you've ended up hasn't been occupied in a long time. - DM.
We find ourselves in a dungeon occupied by hostile constructs. After wasting the Battle Horror and Helm Horror (+396 EXP/220 EXP), we comes across a central room with its entry impassably electrified.
Heading east, we fight a potentially very tough encounter consisting of Clay Golem (+220 EXP), Ruined Golem (+396 EXP) and three Helm Horrors (+220 EXP ea). Tanking these guys unbuffed I took about 100 damage, but Maggie simply cast Heal which completely restored my health.

The golems were guarding a lever in this room which I now pull, thereby disabling the electrified entryway. Now back in the central room, we discover a tome written in code which we're too dumb to decipher.
Clouds of dust rise at your passing. This room has remained undisturbed, even by the golems. - DM.
Level Up to 15!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (6)/ Fighter (4)
Ronan: Rogue (15), Sneak Attack (8d6)
Maggie: Druid (15) Level 8 spells
We head to the south-westernmost room.
This room is somewhat warmer than the rest of the complex. Someone has lit the torches. - DM.
Here we find the linguist, Alain Rich, fast asleep.
We loot this room for six bottles of Fine Elven Wine and Elven Chainmail (Arcane Spell Failure -30%).

Having awakened and informed him of the defeated golems and unblocked entryway, the over-joyed Alain hurries excitedly to the central room, deciphers the code in the tome and then casts the spell to create a portal back to his home (+1,000 EXP).

We high-five each other for making it back in one piece, and Alain now hands us his Signet Ring to show Sothby and also offers a choice of reward, any one of these: +10,000 GP, Gloves of the Wyvern (+4, +1d8 acid, on-hit DC 14 poison [1d2 Con drain], Monk only), Boots of Astounding Grip (+2 AC, Immunity: Knockdown), Mantle of Spell Resistance (SR 18), Armor of the Gladiator (bestows Haste). I take the armor - perma-Haste is always good. We head back to Sothby and give him Alain's ring for +250 GP and +500 EXP, capping off the quest - and this update.
So Deathmist did not possess the Scepter of Transcendence, perhaps the Dwarves know of its location?
Act Two, Part V: Stoneguard Mountains, Valley of Silence:
Stoneguard Mountains
Continuing our search for the Scepter of Transcendence, the trio now travel back to the South Road and then hike steeply up towards the Dwarven city of Stoneguard.

We arrive in Stoneguard village just in time to witness three Dwarves being overwhelmed by several Frost Giants (+88 EXP ea). Having clearly saved their asses, the Dwarven Captain wonders if we might extend our aid to removing the threat entirely by taking out the formidable Frost Giant King - an offer a Paladin can't refuse.

So Deathmist did not possess the Scepter of Transcendence, perhaps the Dwarves know of its location?
Act Two, Part V: Stoneguard Mountains, Valley of Silence:
Stoneguard Mountains
Continuing our search for the Scepter of Transcendence, the trio now travel back to the South Road and then hike steeply up towards the Dwarven city of Stoneguard.

We arrive in Stoneguard village just in time to witness three Dwarves being overwhelmed by several Frost Giants (+88 EXP ea). Having clearly saved their asses, the Dwarven Captain wonders if we might extend our aid to removing the threat entirely by taking out the formidable Frost Giant King - an offer a Paladin can't refuse.

Skip this paragraph to continue with the adventure.
You might be wondering why my experience point yield is clearly lower now despite my progress in the module. Aren't Frost Giants supposed to be tough? Why are they yielding the same combat EXP as an ogre from Act One? The answer has to do with NWN's experience point system and the open design and optional questing of Act Two. Simply put, EXP yield is based on party level relative to enemy level (as per Challenge Rating). Our level relative to the Frost Giants' level is quite high because we've done all other available quests to this point (ie, we're "over-leveled"), but if we came here when we first disembarked at Fairloch, we would be much lower level, the Frost Giants would be a real challenge, and in defeating them EXP yield would be massive. But this all balances out in the end, more or less. Note that combat EXP yield is also based on number of party members (incl. summons) alive at the time of the kill (quest EXP is static no matter the level and party size). Anyway, I thought all this deserved a little explanation, at least.
Back to the adventure...
Before taking on a whole heap of Frost Giants, the trio decide to visit Stoneguard proper in search of wares on which to drain their overflowing coffers (about 200,000 GP, with at least another 200,000 GP worth of items crammed into our inventories and lugged along for possible use later...). I'll comment later about wealth when/if it reaches truly obscene proportions - I don't want to take too much steam out of this update.

The top level of Stoneguard consists of Barracks, Tavern, Armory, Apothecary and various storage rooms and bedrooms containing trivial loot. As we explore I glare at Ronan each time he auto-unlocks one of these rooms. Exploring these large areas perma-Hasted is soooo good (Gladiator Armor, ftw).
From the Armory and Apothecary we splash out on the Stone Mantle cloak (DR 10/+3) and two Bags of Holding to relieve our inventories and encumbrance somewhat (-34,000 GP).

A staircase in the southwest leads to the Undercity - which we'll explore later.
I don't like this. I miss the sky overhead! - Maggie.
We head now back to the village, then south into the Stoneguard Mountains.
Here more Dwarves - led by Thaddeus MacTavish - are courageously fighting off like nine Frost Giants. It seems the author designed these encounters with a lower player level in mind because the Dwarves were utterly decimated by NWN's native scaling of spawns...

We venture deeper into the mountains where our eyes widen to take in a large multi-leveled area with many winding tracks through the snow.
I hear the wildlife around here can get a little dangerous. Be careful. - Maggie.
The fur of several mountain bears is not thick enough to withstand Maggie's Ice Storm or the sharp tips of our blades (+80 EXP ea).

Haste enables me to narrowly escape falling rocks, then we speedily slay several more mountain bears with the aid of Ronan's sneak attacks.

According to the map Auberon gave me, the hidden cave is somewhere in this area. - PC. (ie, the treasure hunting subquest we received in Amalis.)
Winding our way up, around and down the other side of the mountain, it becomes clear that several stealthy Snow Leopards and a few Winter Wolves should never have emerged from their dens (+8 EXP ea).
At the risk of sounding like a graphics whore, I have to say the animals look N64-ish - you can literally counts their polygons. Doesn't CEP have remodels/reskins for them like all the rest? Project Q animals are vastly superior to this garbage...
I think I've found the hidden cave. It's behind that boulder! - PC.

That was a bit of a tight squeeze, but I'm in. - PC.
We're presented with a tiny, bat-ridden area where we beat up on a Greater Water Elemental (+396 EXP).
Treasure on the ground: Ring of Clear Thought +3, +864 GP, Panther Figurine (summons Astral Panther familiar).

You might be wondering why my experience point yield is clearly lower now despite my progress in the module. Aren't Frost Giants supposed to be tough? Why are they yielding the same combat EXP as an ogre from Act One? The answer has to do with NWN's experience point system and the open design and optional questing of Act Two. Simply put, EXP yield is based on party level relative to enemy level (as per Challenge Rating). Our level relative to the Frost Giants' level is quite high because we've done all other available quests to this point (ie, we're "over-leveled"), but if we came here when we first disembarked at Fairloch, we would be much lower level, the Frost Giants would be a real challenge, and in defeating them EXP yield would be massive. But this all balances out in the end, more or less. Note that combat EXP yield is also based on number of party members (incl. summons) alive at the time of the kill (quest EXP is static no matter the level and party size). Anyway, I thought all this deserved a little explanation, at least.
Back to the adventure...
Before taking on a whole heap of Frost Giants, the trio decide to visit Stoneguard proper in search of wares on which to drain their overflowing coffers (about 200,000 GP, with at least another 200,000 GP worth of items crammed into our inventories and lugged along for possible use later...). I'll comment later about wealth when/if it reaches truly obscene proportions - I don't want to take too much steam out of this update.

The top level of Stoneguard consists of Barracks, Tavern, Armory, Apothecary and various storage rooms and bedrooms containing trivial loot. As we explore I glare at Ronan each time he auto-unlocks one of these rooms. Exploring these large areas perma-Hasted is soooo good (Gladiator Armor, ftw).
From the Armory and Apothecary we splash out on the Stone Mantle cloak (DR 10/+3) and two Bags of Holding to relieve our inventories and encumbrance somewhat (-34,000 GP).

A staircase in the southwest leads to the Undercity - which we'll explore later.
I don't like this. I miss the sky overhead! - Maggie.
We head now back to the village, then south into the Stoneguard Mountains.
Here more Dwarves - led by Thaddeus MacTavish - are courageously fighting off like nine Frost Giants. It seems the author designed these encounters with a lower player level in mind because the Dwarves were utterly decimated by NWN's native scaling of spawns...

We venture deeper into the mountains where our eyes widen to take in a large multi-leveled area with many winding tracks through the snow.
I hear the wildlife around here can get a little dangerous. Be careful. - Maggie.
The fur of several mountain bears is not thick enough to withstand Maggie's Ice Storm or the sharp tips of our blades (+80 EXP ea).

Haste enables me to narrowly escape falling rocks, then we speedily slay several more mountain bears with the aid of Ronan's sneak attacks.

According to the map Auberon gave me, the hidden cave is somewhere in this area. - PC. (ie, the treasure hunting subquest we received in Amalis.)
Winding our way up, around and down the other side of the mountain, it becomes clear that several stealthy Snow Leopards and a few Winter Wolves should never have emerged from their dens (+8 EXP ea).
At the risk of sounding like a graphics whore, I have to say the animals look N64-ish - you can literally counts their polygons. Doesn't CEP have remodels/reskins for them like all the rest? Project Q animals are vastly superior to this garbage...
I think I've found the hidden cave. It's behind that boulder! - PC.

That was a bit of a tight squeeze, but I'm in. - PC.
We're presented with a tiny, bat-ridden area where we beat up on a Greater Water Elemental (+396 EXP).
Treasure on the ground: Ring of Clear Thought +3, +864 GP, Panther Figurine (summons Astral Panther familiar).

"Guenhwyvar's" stats:

Winding our way westward, more Snow Leopards and then another pack of giants rear their ugly heads (+7 EXP ea). A boulder-hurling giant (+220 EXP) stands outside a tunnel entrance to the Frost Giant "City."

Having fought off four packs of giants, we're confronted by a fifth led by the Warmaster (+836 EXP).
Thieves! Spies! You will be obliterated! - Warmaster.
This lumbering giant wielded the Massive Club +2 (Mass crits 2d12). Amusingly, the diminutive Maggie can also wield it. Both are pictured below for a size comparison.

Having steamrolled the giants we now raid the Lair.
And I thought it was cold back there... - Ronan.
We buff up and then wind our way through an icy passageway...
Interlopers! You will be CRUSHED! - Frost Giant King.
Allies of the Dwarven thieves! Eliminate them, by thunder! - Shaman.
This faceroll encounter consists of four beefed up boulder-hurlers, one female Shaman with a manly voice (+220 EXP), and the greatsword-wielding King (+968 EXP).

Winding our way westward, more Snow Leopards and then another pack of giants rear their ugly heads (+7 EXP ea). A boulder-hurling giant (+220 EXP) stands outside a tunnel entrance to the Frost Giant "City."

Having fought off four packs of giants, we're confronted by a fifth led by the Warmaster (+836 EXP).
Thieves! Spies! You will be obliterated! - Warmaster.
This lumbering giant wielded the Massive Club +2 (Mass crits 2d12). Amusingly, the diminutive Maggie can also wield it. Both are pictured below for a size comparison.

Having steamrolled the giants we now raid the Lair.
And I thought it was cold back there... - Ronan.
We buff up and then wind our way through an icy passageway...
Interlopers! You will be CRUSHED! - Frost Giant King.
Allies of the Dwarven thieves! Eliminate them, by thunder! - Shaman.
This faceroll encounter consists of four beefed up boulder-hurlers, one female Shaman with a manly voice (+220 EXP), and the greatsword-wielding King (+968 EXP).

The gigantic Shaman wielded the Winter Chill magical staff (Ice Storm/Cone of Cold charges); the King the Cold Fire +3 greatsword (1d6 cold).
Their warchest contained: Luck Bow +3 (Saves +2, Mighty +2), Boots of Hardiness +2 (+2 AC dodg, +2 CON) and +15,300 GP.
We saw off the Frost Giant King's enormous head, then take turns dragging it along the snow back to Stoneguard Undercity where we're granted immediate entry to the Throne Room by the door guard.
Impressed with our delivery King Sulinus MacTavish rewards us with +1000 EXP and +1500 GP, then the King tasks us with investigating disappearances within the mines below in exchange for possible info on the scepter's location.

Level Up to 16!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (7)/ Fighter (4)
Ronan: Rogue (16) Improved Evasion
Maggie: Druid (16)
Their warchest contained: Luck Bow +3 (Saves +2, Mighty +2), Boots of Hardiness +2 (+2 AC dodg, +2 CON) and +15,300 GP.
We saw off the Frost Giant King's enormous head, then take turns dragging it along the snow back to Stoneguard Undercity where we're granted immediate entry to the Throne Room by the door guard.
Impressed with our delivery King Sulinus MacTavish rewards us with +1000 EXP and +1500 GP, then the King tasks us with investigating disappearances within the mines below in exchange for possible info on the scepter's location.

Level Up to 16!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (7)/ Fighter (4)
Ronan: Rogue (16) Improved Evasion
Maggie: Druid (16)
Apart from the opulent Throne Room the Undercity boasts of training rooms, noble quarters, a gaol and a large mining ironworks with three master smiths. We now pass through the noisy ironworks for access to the mines below.

The Foreman on the first level hands us the key to a locked gate. Just before the gate is Legnar, a Dwarf who lost a Halfling precious metal scout through a small crack in the rocks. Clicking on the crack we receive this DM message:
The small crack in the wall here is too small for you to enter. A Halfling, Gnome, or even a Pixie could probably make it though. - DM.
Maggie doesn't volunteer and I have no means to polymorph to Pixie, so this quest (and I presume the area on the opposite side of the subterranean lake) is unavailable to us.

We round a bend and descend deeper into the mines where we're ambushed by four Duergar Warriors, four Rogues (+35 EXP ea) and one spikey-haired Berserker with an eye-patch (+88 EXP, Greataxe +1, Gray Dwarf Armor). Ronan's sneak attacks shine here as I tank the aggro. Loot is mostly +1 stuff which we cram into our Bags of Holding to sell off later.
These look like natural tunnels, not worked like the rest of them. - Ronan.

Here I lure two Duergar packs together for tanking as Maggie burns n zaps 'em with AoEs. With all the corpses that result, I'm thankful for Aielund's/Tony K's Henchman auto-loot system - no more pixel hunting.

Delving deeper down to level 3 of the mines...
The uncouth Duergar Captain (+220 EXP) initially casts Invisibility and summons a Succubus even as a contingent of five raging Berserkers and two wretched Sappers charge around the corner to back him up.
I'll spill yer guts! - five Berserkers in unison.
Duergar Captain's corpse: Thunderhead +2 Dwarven Waraxe (on-hit Chain Lightning [1]), Handaxe +3, Midnight Armor +2 (Regen +2, Dwarf only), Belt of Hill Giant Strength (+3 STR), +50 GP, Potion of Heal, Duergar leader's journal. Yet another head is chopped off to be cashed in.

The Duergar were extremely butthurt by the MacTavish clan, as is evidenced by the Duergar leader's journal.

In the northwest is a portal with one last hostile encounter: Greater Earth Elemental (+396 EXP), Duergar Cleric (+7 EXP) and five more Berserkers.
This strange portal appears to have been recently created, obviously by the Duergar. - DM.

Having removed the Duergar assassination threat we enter the portal and are unsurprised to find ourselves teleported directly into King Sulinus MacTavish's Throne Room.
The head is presented to the blown-away King (+1000 EXP, +2000 GP) who rewards us with the Belt of Dwarvenkind (+2 CON, -2 CHA, +1 AC def, Darkvision, Bonus Feat: Stonecunning, Poison saves +2), which Maggie gladly wears.
Regretfully, it seems the King's sages possessed no knowledge of the scepter's location.
All +1 and other loot from our raids in the mines is sold off now for about +70,000 GP.

Valley of Silence
Taking our leave of the Undercity, the heroic trio now head back to Stoneguard village and then westward to the Valley of Silence. There is a blocked bridge here with a sign reading:
Due to the hazardous conditions ahead (huge dragon), this gate has been sealed by the Order of the Transcendent Path. Have a nice day. - DM.
Presumably, this can be crossed at a later date.

Nestled high in the mountains is the Order's Monastery and herein the Grandmaster requests we venture into a cave system in search of an insidious presence. He hands us the Orb of Anti-Magic and the Key to the Cavern of Life.

Ok, this dungeon crawl is infested with Slaadi, the frog-like Outsiders we encountered briefly in the Feybourne ethereal plane. The Deaths (+396 EXP ea) and Grays (+70 EXP ea) basically start off hidden, summon their trashmob meleeing Reds (0 EXP!), then start making nuisances of themselves with Magical Circle Against Good, Darkness and Hammer of the Gods (which can cause the annoying Daze effect Nellise was so good for...). There are four encounters of one Death and three Grays each in this dungeon.
These guys need to see a beautician. - Ronan.

Awaiting us in the southeast is a mere Green Slaad and two more Grays.
Forces of order! Crush them! - Green Slaad.
These Slaadi are coming through that portal. I need to dispel it to stop this invasion. - PC.
More Greens periodically emerge from the portal so I use the Orb of Anti-Magic on the portal to dispel it (+750 EXP).
This encounter would have been better bolstered by a White Slaad sub-boss if you're higher level, instead of just relying on NWN's native spawn number scaling...

The uncouth Duergar Captain (+220 EXP) initially casts Invisibility and summons a Succubus even as a contingent of five raging Berserkers and two wretched Sappers charge around the corner to back him up.
I'll spill yer guts! - five Berserkers in unison.
Duergar Captain's corpse: Thunderhead +2 Dwarven Waraxe (on-hit Chain Lightning [1]), Handaxe +3, Midnight Armor +2 (Regen +2, Dwarf only), Belt of Hill Giant Strength (+3 STR), +50 GP, Potion of Heal, Duergar leader's journal. Yet another head is chopped off to be cashed in.

The Duergar were extremely butthurt by the MacTavish clan, as is evidenced by the Duergar leader's journal.

In the northwest is a portal with one last hostile encounter: Greater Earth Elemental (+396 EXP), Duergar Cleric (+7 EXP) and five more Berserkers.
This strange portal appears to have been recently created, obviously by the Duergar. - DM.

Having removed the Duergar assassination threat we enter the portal and are unsurprised to find ourselves teleported directly into King Sulinus MacTavish's Throne Room.
The head is presented to the blown-away King (+1000 EXP, +2000 GP) who rewards us with the Belt of Dwarvenkind (+2 CON, -2 CHA, +1 AC def, Darkvision, Bonus Feat: Stonecunning, Poison saves +2), which Maggie gladly wears.
Regretfully, it seems the King's sages possessed no knowledge of the scepter's location.
All +1 and other loot from our raids in the mines is sold off now for about +70,000 GP.

Valley of Silence
Taking our leave of the Undercity, the heroic trio now head back to Stoneguard village and then westward to the Valley of Silence. There is a blocked bridge here with a sign reading:
Due to the hazardous conditions ahead (huge dragon), this gate has been sealed by the Order of the Transcendent Path. Have a nice day. - DM.
Presumably, this can be crossed at a later date.

Nestled high in the mountains is the Order's Monastery and herein the Grandmaster requests we venture into a cave system in search of an insidious presence. He hands us the Orb of Anti-Magic and the Key to the Cavern of Life.

Ok, this dungeon crawl is infested with Slaadi, the frog-like Outsiders we encountered briefly in the Feybourne ethereal plane. The Deaths (+396 EXP ea) and Grays (+70 EXP ea) basically start off hidden, summon their trashmob meleeing Reds (0 EXP!), then start making nuisances of themselves with Magical Circle Against Good, Darkness and Hammer of the Gods (which can cause the annoying Daze effect Nellise was so good for...). There are four encounters of one Death and three Grays each in this dungeon.
These guys need to see a beautician. - Ronan.

Awaiting us in the southeast is a mere Green Slaad and two more Grays.
Forces of order! Crush them! - Green Slaad.
These Slaadi are coming through that portal. I need to dispel it to stop this invasion. - PC.
More Greens periodically emerge from the portal so I use the Orb of Anti-Magic on the portal to dispel it (+750 EXP).
This encounter would have been better bolstered by a White Slaad sub-boss if you're higher level, instead of just relying on NWN's native spawn number scaling...

Using the Grandmaster's key we enter the Cavern of Life behind the portal where we delicately pluck a Leaf from the Tree of Life.
The entire cavern bursts with life and energy. - DM.
Who would have thought such beauty could exist in this cave! Amazing... - Maggie.

We inform the Grandmaster that the "Battletoads" are no longer a threat (+1000 EXP) and from the leaf he concocts a Potion of Heal for us. We take our leave.

The entire cavern bursts with life and energy. - DM.
Who would have thought such beauty could exist in this cave! Amazing... - Maggie.

We inform the Grandmaster that the "Battletoads" are no longer a threat (+1000 EXP) and from the leaf he concocts a Potion of Heal for us. We take our leave.

On a moonlit night the journey begins back to Fairloch.

Stat Update! Character Level 16.
Self-buffed with Eagle's Splendor, Divine Might, Divine Wrath and Divine Shield and Expertise activated. Note that some other Feats listed here may also be bestowed by items (for example, Ronan's otherwise impossible Weapon Specialization.)

We turn our attention now to the dreaded Isle of the Dead, the final possible location of this elusive Scepter of Transcendence. Things pick up on the Isle, and then we have a conclusion of Act Two in sight!
Act Two, Part VI: Isle of the Dead, Lich, Godfrey found dead:
The Isle of the Dead
Having scoured both Feybourne and Stoneguard and not found the scepter, we now return to the Duke for a "flavor convo" in preparation for the Isle of the Dead. Sir Godfrey is noticeably absent: according to the Duke he had an "inspiration" regarding the location of the scepter but would not tell the Duke where he was headed, for the Duke's own protection. Mmm...

We arrive at the pier and pour 500 GP into Kipper Bob's pouch as payment for sailing us to the dreaded Isle.

Stat Update! Character Level 16.
Self-buffed with Eagle's Splendor, Divine Might, Divine Wrath and Divine Shield and Expertise activated. Note that some other Feats listed here may also be bestowed by items (for example, Ronan's otherwise impossible Weapon Specialization.)

We turn our attention now to the dreaded Isle of the Dead, the final possible location of this elusive Scepter of Transcendence. Things pick up on the Isle, and then we have a conclusion of Act Two in sight!
Act Two, Part VI: Isle of the Dead, Lich, Godfrey found dead:
The Isle of the Dead
Having scoured both Feybourne and Stoneguard and not found the scepter, we now return to the Duke for a "flavor convo" in preparation for the Isle of the Dead. Sir Godfrey is noticeably absent: according to the Duke he had an "inspiration" regarding the location of the scepter but would not tell the Duke where he was headed, for the Duke's own protection. Mmm...

We arrive at the pier and pour 500 GP into Kipper Bob's pouch as payment for sailing us to the dreaded Isle.

The wind howls on the Isle, and the waves can be heard gently lapping the shore.

Atop the sheer cliffs is a large graveyard in which about one dozen Skeleton Pirates (+7 EXP) and three tougher Zombie Pirates (+110 EXP) dwell amidst leafless trees and windblown grass.

On the opposite side of the Isle we wind our way down to the shore and then north along it to the central west where we spot a cliffside cave entrance.

Inside I'm attacked by two separate packs of Raging Undead wielding fists of fire. Wicked enemy, but no match for an undead hunter (+44 EXP ea).

The first crypt level has two entry points, one in the north and one in the south. The northern entry point leads to a dead end which when reached triggers several flanking Spectres (+7 EXP). There is no treasure here worth a damn. We leave and backtrack through the cave to the southern entry point in order to fully exlore the crypt.
Looting a sarcophagus in three separate siderooms awakens in each a Mummy Warlord (+396 EXP ea, Longsword +1, Large Shield +3). The first sarcophagus contains a Bastard Sword +2, the second a Morningstar of Flame (+1d8 fire) and the third Deathgrip +2 heavy flail (+4 against Good, Regen +1, Evil only).

On the crypt's second level we meet a Lich who claims ownership of the Isle and the undead army, and asserts the scepter is a bunch of bull, that it doesn't exist. It also wants us dead.

The Lich orders six Shadow Reaper minions to attack us (+308 EXP ea), then with a wave of its hand vanishes into thin air.
These spectral undead are fast-hitting monks with on-hit DC 15 STR drain. With high AC and Fort. saves I draw most of the negative energy aggro as Maggie staunchly unleashes a spell or two to soften them up for eventual victory.

Atop the sheer cliffs is a large graveyard in which about one dozen Skeleton Pirates (+7 EXP) and three tougher Zombie Pirates (+110 EXP) dwell amidst leafless trees and windblown grass.

On the opposite side of the Isle we wind our way down to the shore and then north along it to the central west where we spot a cliffside cave entrance.

Inside I'm attacked by two separate packs of Raging Undead wielding fists of fire. Wicked enemy, but no match for an undead hunter (+44 EXP ea).

The first crypt level has two entry points, one in the north and one in the south. The northern entry point leads to a dead end which when reached triggers several flanking Spectres (+7 EXP). There is no treasure here worth a damn. We leave and backtrack through the cave to the southern entry point in order to fully exlore the crypt.
Looting a sarcophagus in three separate siderooms awakens in each a Mummy Warlord (+396 EXP ea, Longsword +1, Large Shield +3). The first sarcophagus contains a Bastard Sword +2, the second a Morningstar of Flame (+1d8 fire) and the third Deathgrip +2 heavy flail (+4 against Good, Regen +1, Evil only).

On the crypt's second level we meet a Lich who claims ownership of the Isle and the undead army, and asserts the scepter is a bunch of bull, that it doesn't exist. It also wants us dead.

The Lich orders six Shadow Reaper minions to attack us (+308 EXP ea), then with a wave of its hand vanishes into thin air.
These spectral undead are fast-hitting monks with on-hit DC 15 STR drain. With high AC and Fort. saves I draw most of the negative energy aggro as Maggie staunchly unleashes a spell or two to soften them up for eventual victory.

Ronan now disables the trap and picks the lock on the gate in front of which the Lich stood (DC 35/32). We cautiously step through the gate.
Damn, looks like Sir Godfrey didn't make it. - Ronan
Poor Godfrey! - Maggie.
Here amidst the shattered remains of two Bone Golems we are saddened to find the noble Sir Godfrey Davis, fallen in battle.

Left behind by Sir Godfrey: Armor of Command (+3 AC, +2 CHA, Bonus Paladin spell lvl 1/2), Blessed Helm of Command (+2 CHA, Immunity: Death Magic/Fear, Discip +4), Heraldic Shield (+4 AC, on-hit Lightning Bolt, Legend Lore 1/day), Sir Godfrey's Cloak (+2 AC def, +2 CON, +2 Saves), journal.
I reverently remove each piece of Godfrey's gear and equip it, vowing to continue where he left off - and to succeed.

We will avenge thee, Sir Godfrey! Rest in peace. - The trio.
There is no time to grieve or ponder the identity of this spy, however, as more dark presences are felt in this god forsaken place. The trio valiantly plow through six more Shadow Reapers and four more Bone Golems (+396 EXP) on their descent to the third crypt level...

Damn, looks like Sir Godfrey didn't make it. - Ronan
Poor Godfrey! - Maggie.
Here amidst the shattered remains of two Bone Golems we are saddened to find the noble Sir Godfrey Davis, fallen in battle.

Left behind by Sir Godfrey: Armor of Command (+3 AC, +2 CHA, Bonus Paladin spell lvl 1/2), Blessed Helm of Command (+2 CHA, Immunity: Death Magic/Fear, Discip +4), Heraldic Shield (+4 AC, on-hit Lightning Bolt, Legend Lore 1/day), Sir Godfrey's Cloak (+2 AC def, +2 CON, +2 Saves), journal.
I reverently remove each piece of Godfrey's gear and equip it, vowing to continue where he left off - and to succeed.

We will avenge thee, Sir Godfrey! Rest in peace. - The trio.
There is no time to grieve or ponder the identity of this spy, however, as more dark presences are felt in this god forsaken place. The trio valiantly plow through six more Shadow Reapers and four more Bone Golems (+396 EXP) on their descent to the third crypt level...

Level Up to 17!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (8)/ Fighter (4)
Ronan: Rogue (17) Sneak Attack (+9d6)Maggie: Druid (17) Level 9 spells
We lay waste to wave upon wave of Abyssal Specters (in total forty-four at +88 EXP ea) in this eerie dungeon elevated over an abyss. Maggie shines brightly here, now unleashing Sunbeam and Mass Heal which inflict severe damage to undead.

An Undead Dragon (+1012 EXP) now stands between us and a foreboding entryway. A buff-fest ensues and I charge the skeletal monstrosity to do the dirty work as Maggie stands back for AoEs and Ronan quivers in fear.
The feedback window below shows the beginning and end of the battle - that's how quickly the frame of bones came crashing down.

Now at the Edge of the Abyss we confront the Lich.
You will make a fine addition to my army. - Lich.

Foolish mortal! I cannot be destroyed! - Lich.
He's right, the Lich can't be beaten by conventional means: as the lore states, its phylactery must be found and destroyed. I ask Maggie and Ronan to wait at the door, then quaff an Invisibility potion and run past the Lich (no True Seeing) and down a corridor which leads across a bridge over the abyss...

... and into a room with a sarcophagus, from which I loot the phylactery and shatter it (+1,000 EXP).
Then I backtrack to the Lich's still-levitated corpse, on the way fighting through a Shadow Lord (+715 EXP) lurking in the corridor and two Warlord Mummies (+495 EXP ea) now awakened from tombs in the central room - no cakewalk.
Lich corpse - Staff of Thunder & Lightning (+2, on-hit DC 14 Daze, charges: Call Lightning, Great Thunderclap).

In the Lich's den is a library containing an array of spells scrolls: Phantasmal Killer, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Create Greater Undead, Finger of Death, Greater Spell Breach, Summon Creature VIII and Resurrection.
On dusty shelves we also loot: Tome of Darkest Magics (Energy Drain, Gate, Wail of the Banshee, Weird [all 17], Phantasmal Killer [7] - all single use, arcane spellcasters only, and rechargeable perhaps through Auberon), The First King of Aielund (lore) and most importantly the ORIGINAL copy of most ancient artefacts from olde tymes.

So the Scepter of Transcendence was indeed a bunch of bull, which means we've been led on a wild goose chase across the Feybourne, Stoneguard and Isle of the Dead. (In the next update we'll confirm our suspicions on who deceived us and why).
In the Lich's den is also a portal which we take to be transported back to the surface of the Isle of the Dead.

Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (8)/ Fighter (4)
Ronan: Rogue (17) Sneak Attack (+9d6)Maggie: Druid (17) Level 9 spells
We lay waste to wave upon wave of Abyssal Specters (in total forty-four at +88 EXP ea) in this eerie dungeon elevated over an abyss. Maggie shines brightly here, now unleashing Sunbeam and Mass Heal which inflict severe damage to undead.

An Undead Dragon (+1012 EXP) now stands between us and a foreboding entryway. A buff-fest ensues and I charge the skeletal monstrosity to do the dirty work as Maggie stands back for AoEs and Ronan quivers in fear.
The feedback window below shows the beginning and end of the battle - that's how quickly the frame of bones came crashing down.

Now at the Edge of the Abyss we confront the Lich.
You will make a fine addition to my army. - Lich.

Foolish mortal! I cannot be destroyed! - Lich.
He's right, the Lich can't be beaten by conventional means: as the lore states, its phylactery must be found and destroyed. I ask Maggie and Ronan to wait at the door, then quaff an Invisibility potion and run past the Lich (no True Seeing) and down a corridor which leads across a bridge over the abyss...

... and into a room with a sarcophagus, from which I loot the phylactery and shatter it (+1,000 EXP).

Then I backtrack to the Lich's still-levitated corpse, on the way fighting through a Shadow Lord (+715 EXP) lurking in the corridor and two Warlord Mummies (+495 EXP ea) now awakened from tombs in the central room - no cakewalk.
Lich corpse - Staff of Thunder & Lightning (+2, on-hit DC 14 Daze, charges: Call Lightning, Great Thunderclap).

In the Lich's den is a library containing an array of spells scrolls: Phantasmal Killer, Isaac's Greater Missile Storm, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Create Greater Undead, Finger of Death, Greater Spell Breach, Summon Creature VIII and Resurrection.
On dusty shelves we also loot: Tome of Darkest Magics (Energy Drain, Gate, Wail of the Banshee, Weird [all 17], Phantasmal Killer [7] - all single use, arcane spellcasters only, and rechargeable perhaps through Auberon), The First King of Aielund (lore) and most importantly the ORIGINAL copy of most ancient artefacts from olde tymes.

So the Scepter of Transcendence was indeed a bunch of bull, which means we've been led on a wild goose chase across the Feybourne, Stoneguard and Isle of the Dead. (In the next update we'll confirm our suspicions on who deceived us and why).
In the Lich's den is also a portal which we take to be transported back to the surface of the Isle of the Dead.

Glad to see the loyal Kipper Bob still waiting for us, we set sail swiftly back to Fairloch.
This was a small update because the end of Act Two is a little longer than I thought it would be and I want the last update for Act Two to be focused in Fairloch.
Act Two, Part VII: Castle Fairloch, Castellan, Chen & Sakima, Party level = 18:
Act Two Finale
Back in Fairloch Docklands we step off the pier...
Over here! - Sparky (thieves guild merchant)
... and bump into Sparky who brings us up-to-date on current events. Firstly, the thieves guild has apparently been dismantled by Deckard; secondly, the castle gates have mysteriously been locked up. Sparky now informs us of a secret access point which bypasses the gates, then darts off to meet us later in the Market sewers.

We'll meet back up with her soon, but first we cash in our haul from the Isle (bal = 310,000 GP). We then stroll over to the Castle to test these gates for ourselves. Yep, they're locked and there's no bashing them down.
I don't understand it. These gates haven't been locked in three decades. What the hell is going on in there? - City Watchman.

We duck down into the Market sewers behind us and first check on the thieves guild, which we confirm has indeed been raided by the authorities - the secret door is gone, too. Pleased with our part in taking them down, we now meet up with Sparky in the southeast. Here we simply plop into the icky water and duck dive under the wall to enter the Castle sewers.

In keeping with other District sewers these ones are home to more Stag Beetles. We squish the bugs along with the Hive Mother (+396 EXP), then cross a bridge over murky water.

On the other side two hulking Shield Guardians emerge from the mist (+396 EXP ea).

We climb a stone staircase up from the sewers and into the Castle dungeons wherein several sneak attacking City Watchman Imposters foolishly engage us (+35 EXP ea).
I'm starting to think these aren't the real guards boss. No, really! - Ronan.
Oi! Over here! Let us out! These aren't the real guards! - Inmate.
No, they're not. But you're still the real crims so we're leavin ya there.
The next lot to assail us are bolstered by a Shadow Monk (+220 EXP).

Flies buzz around the carnage we just added to... many legit guards and knights slaughtered and stripped of their possessions.
Cries for help are heard from up ahead, those of imprisoned castle workers and maids.
Help! Help us, please! - Catherine Makepeace.
Catherine informs us that the hooded men were let in by someone on the inside, and then she saw the Duke giving orders to them.
The trio climb upstairs again to the castle lower level.
In the servant chambers I hone my skills on two more monks.
Lurking in the dining hall is yet another monk backed up by five tanky Imposter Knights (+220 EXP ea).
Ronan unlocks the door to the armory (DC 28).
The King's armory. It has been stripped of nearly everything of value, probably for the war effort. - PC.
Ooo, shiny. - Maggie.
There's a set of Roebec Family Armor (Immunity: Sneak Attack) here, but that's it.
The kitchen hosts a third encounter with a monk and five more heavy infantry.
Level Up to 18!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (9)/ Fighter (4), Great Cleave
Ronan: Rogue (18) Uncanny Dodge V
Maggie: Druid (18)
Upstairs once more and we find ourselves on the ground level of the Castle. Once alerted to our presence, the many patrolling knights open doors and even bash them down to get to us. I believe this is a feature of Tony K's, and it's very cool.
This was a small update because the end of Act Two is a little longer than I thought it would be and I want the last update for Act Two to be focused in Fairloch.
Act Two, Part VII: Castle Fairloch, Castellan, Chen & Sakima, Party level = 18:
Act Two Finale
Back in Fairloch Docklands we step off the pier...
Over here! - Sparky (thieves guild merchant)
... and bump into Sparky who brings us up-to-date on current events. Firstly, the thieves guild has apparently been dismantled by Deckard; secondly, the castle gates have mysteriously been locked up. Sparky now informs us of a secret access point which bypasses the gates, then darts off to meet us later in the Market sewers.

We'll meet back up with her soon, but first we cash in our haul from the Isle (bal = 310,000 GP). We then stroll over to the Castle to test these gates for ourselves. Yep, they're locked and there's no bashing them down.
I don't understand it. These gates haven't been locked in three decades. What the hell is going on in there? - City Watchman.

We duck down into the Market sewers behind us and first check on the thieves guild, which we confirm has indeed been raided by the authorities - the secret door is gone, too. Pleased with our part in taking them down, we now meet up with Sparky in the southeast. Here we simply plop into the icky water and duck dive under the wall to enter the Castle sewers.

In keeping with other District sewers these ones are home to more Stag Beetles. We squish the bugs along with the Hive Mother (+396 EXP), then cross a bridge over murky water.

On the other side two hulking Shield Guardians emerge from the mist (+396 EXP ea).

We climb a stone staircase up from the sewers and into the Castle dungeons wherein several sneak attacking City Watchman Imposters foolishly engage us (+35 EXP ea).
I'm starting to think these aren't the real guards boss. No, really! - Ronan.

Oi! Over here! Let us out! These aren't the real guards! - Inmate.
No, they're not. But you're still the real crims so we're leavin ya there.
The next lot to assail us are bolstered by a Shadow Monk (+220 EXP).

Flies buzz around the carnage we just added to... many legit guards and knights slaughtered and stripped of their possessions.

Cries for help are heard from up ahead, those of imprisoned castle workers and maids.
Help! Help us, please! - Catherine Makepeace.
Catherine informs us that the hooded men were let in by someone on the inside, and then she saw the Duke giving orders to them.

The trio climb upstairs again to the castle lower level.
In the servant chambers I hone my skills on two more monks.

Lurking in the dining hall is yet another monk backed up by five tanky Imposter Knights (+220 EXP ea).

Ronan unlocks the door to the armory (DC 28).
The King's armory. It has been stripped of nearly everything of value, probably for the war effort. - PC.
Ooo, shiny. - Maggie.
There's a set of Roebec Family Armor (Immunity: Sneak Attack) here, but that's it.
The kitchen hosts a third encounter with a monk and five more heavy infantry.
Level Up to 18!
Lilura: Champion of Torm (5) / Paladin (9)/ Fighter (4), Great Cleave
Ronan: Rogue (18) Uncanny Dodge V
Maggie: Druid (18)
Upstairs once more and we find ourselves on the ground level of the Castle. Once alerted to our presence, the many patrolling knights open doors and even bash them down to get to us. I believe this is a feature of Tony K's, and it's very cool.

I have a feeling we're in for a tough fight up ahead. - Maggie.
These guys put up a tough fight. I wonder how many are guarding the Duke. - Ronan.

We buff up and step into the Throne Room.
Here the Duke hastily approaches and initiates conversation with us as the Castellan quietly steps into view and stands behind the Duke. (This is very well presented, and in fact this whole segment shines. It shows how cutscenes are rarely needed - you can easily do subtle things in realtime).
Eastern warriors, Chen and Sakima, now staunchly pace in and stand by the Castellan in a show of strength and support. (This all occurs as dialogue unfolds... nice).

These guys put up a tough fight. I wonder how many are guarding the Duke. - Ronan.

We buff up and step into the Throne Room.
Here the Duke hastily approaches and initiates conversation with us as the Castellan quietly steps into view and stands behind the Duke. (This is very well presented, and in fact this whole segment shines. It shows how cutscenes are rarely needed - you can easily do subtle things in realtime).

Eastern warriors, Chen and Sakima, now staunchly pace in and stand by the Castellan in a show of strength and support. (This all occurs as dialogue unfolds... nice).

Now the Castellan runs towards the royal bedrooms to cut Criosa's throat himself.
Oh no you don't, scoundrel! I will stop you! - Duke.
Here in the background you can see the Duke chasing after the Castellan as the trio engage with the Castellan's deadly duo. I focus my attention on Chen (a cleric) since he's easily the deadliest of the two; at the same time I also conveniently draw the aggro of the Shadow Warrior leader, Sakima. With my exceptional tanking ability, that's perfect.
Ronan has moved into an ideal position here to flank and devastate Sakima with sneak-crits (see his blade bottom left) while Maggie hung back to fling out an Ice Storm.
After downing Sakima in record time Ronan joins me on Chen to finish the fight before either could quaff or cast Full Heal to draw it out. Having all aggro focused on me is of course key as neither Ronan nor Maggie can contend with Sakima's melee prowess.
Their drops are top-class for our level (that katana!) but there's nothing any of us can really utilize except the amulet.
Sakima Hoshiro (+572 EXP, Diamond Edge katana [+3, Keen, Mass crits 2d10], Wakazashi +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Arrow of the Vampire (53).
Chen (+396 EXP, Heavy Mace +4, Bracers of Armor +4, Tower Shield +4, Half Plate +4, +61 GP).
In pursuit of the two nobles we charge from the throne room, through a door to the royal bedrooms, and then down a corridor where the unarmored Duke is way outmatched by the last knights standing.
Quickly! You must help the Princess! - Duke.
The Duke is struck down by a knight, but not killed.
Oh God, my heart! Must... save... - Duke.
Oh no you don't, scoundrel! I will stop you! - Duke.
Here in the background you can see the Duke chasing after the Castellan as the trio engage with the Castellan's deadly duo. I focus my attention on Chen (a cleric) since he's easily the deadliest of the two; at the same time I also conveniently draw the aggro of the Shadow Warrior leader, Sakima. With my exceptional tanking ability, that's perfect.

Ronan has moved into an ideal position here to flank and devastate Sakima with sneak-crits (see his blade bottom left) while Maggie hung back to fling out an Ice Storm.

After downing Sakima in record time Ronan joins me on Chen to finish the fight before either could quaff or cast Full Heal to draw it out. Having all aggro focused on me is of course key as neither Ronan nor Maggie can contend with Sakima's melee prowess.

Their drops are top-class for our level (that katana!) but there's nothing any of us can really utilize except the amulet.
Sakima Hoshiro (+572 EXP, Diamond Edge katana [+3, Keen, Mass crits 2d10], Wakazashi +3, Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Arrow of the Vampire (53).
Chen (+396 EXP, Heavy Mace +4, Bracers of Armor +4, Tower Shield +4, Half Plate +4, +61 GP).
In pursuit of the two nobles we charge from the throne room, through a door to the royal bedrooms, and then down a corridor where the unarmored Duke is way outmatched by the last knights standing.
Quickly! You must help the Princess! - Duke.
The Duke is struck down by a knight, but not killed.
Oh God, my heart! Must... save... - Duke.
The poor old man drops to his knees, clutching at his heart. The trio step around him (Maggie now lumbering along in Greater Earth Elemental form), bash down the door and barge into Criosa's bedroom...

... where she and the Castellan are fencing. I intervene and blood gushes forth from the Castellan's chest, draining him of all life (+0 EXP, Rapier +3, Ring of Protection +4). With his death the threat to Criosa and the City has been neutralised. (And Sir Godfrey avenged!)

(+3000 EXP).
The game now presents it's first cutscene, the whole thing viewed from the below-pictured angle.
Lilura, you have come before us today to be recognised for your stellar service to this nation in it's time of need. Faced with a conspiracy against the crown from unknown persons, you and your companions sought out the traitors and brought them to justice. So it is with unanimous consent of this royal court, and my heartfelt appreciation, that I bestow upon you this honor. Kneel before me, Lilura. For unequaled bravery and loyalty to the crown, I name you Dame Lilura of the Order of Aielund. Stand, and be recognised. *I stand* Congratulations! - Princess Criosa Roebec.

And this concludes Act Two of the Aielund Saga.
Aielund Saga Act 1: Nature Abhors a Vacuum | Aielund Saga Act 3: Return of the Ironlord |
Aielund Saga Act 2: Defender of the Crown | Aielund Saga Act 4: The Fall of Aielund |
"After some small talk with a sailor who thinks his rat is a cat (and the ship's mascot)"
ReplyDeleteIt is.
"I want to play and progress in a way which reflects the authors intentions (or at least, my opinion of what those are); and it might break the game or cause bugs, who knows."
Doesn't break the game, though there's a slight bug with dialogue repeating itself that can happen. And can be tougher than intended.
Good to know. The openness and explorative aspect of the module upon arrival in Fairloch is very welcome, such design obviously enhances re-playability/meta-gaming.
DeleteJust realize this says "Return of the Ironlord" when in fact the title should be "Defender of the Crown."
DeleteFixed. Ty.
DeleteIn hindsight, I should have sealed the front gate's of fairloch until you'd done that section and basically split the mod into two parts, opening the wilderness section later. Ah well :)
ReplyDeleteI recall trying to make the city come alive with citizens that would go home at night and come out to the markets during the day. NWN choked though, causing major problems, and it's probably because I had a huge exterior map as well. Overloaded the poor thing.
Still, I like how even the generic NPCs acknowledge the time of day, and I especially liked how you modified Fairloch at the start of chapter 3 (trees abloom because Spring, minor alterations to city that made sense, and peasants addressing me formally). Nice touches!
DeleteThe funny thing about the choking is that it's completely irrelevant on PCs these days.
You'd think so! I tried the day/night location thing with the enhanced edition and it still can't handle it on the scale of Culdeny and Bracksford, let alone Fairloch. We're talking engine limitations folks :)
Delete"You can only have a maximum of two Henchmen, however,"
ReplyDeleteNot sure how i did it, but i ended up with 3. Maggie, Valennia and Ronan. Didn't realise i was over the limit for henchmen unti Ronan died and when i raised him he refused to rejoin the party as it was full.
Likely has to do with having Criosa in the group initially or something, but I'll check.
ReplyDeleteI also had the same issue. I recruited Valennia while Criosa was still in the group. After that I tried to recruit the paladin but he said the group was to big. However, after dropping Criosa I found Maggie and she joined my team no problem.
ReplyDeleteI've got a terrible bug. I'm stuck at the 'unpacking module' screen for act 2 (act 1 works fine). I had played to the end of act 1 and then tried to board the ship to act 2... Suddenly the game hangs at the unpacking module screen (zero progress). I've reinstalled the module, all related haks, tried starting a new file in act 2... nothing works. Other mods seem to work fine. Super disappointed and don't know what to do!
ReplyDeleteIf you're missing a hak file, it'll tell you so it's not going to be that. There's a good chance that it's a nwn crash issue and nothing to do with the mods, especially since it doesn't work well on modern systems. I really don't have a solution for you at this point, all versions of the game do the random crash thing. I've been using it for the past few weeks as I do an updated version of the saga and it's still crashing on me now and then (lost some work at one point too, ouch).