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Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders IBM PC MS-DOS 1988 LucasFilm Games

Zak McKracken IBM PC 1988-89

LucasFilm Games released Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders for IBM PC MS-DOS in October of 1988.

The graphically enhanced version of Zak McKracken was released in December of 1989 for IBM PC only. The IBM PC version of Zak McKracken was programmed by Aric Wilmunder based on the original Commodore 64 code by Ron Gilbert, David B. Fox and Carl Mey.

Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders is a graphics adventure game and successor to Maniac Mansion of 1987-88.

In Zak McKracken players assume the role of tabloid journalist, Zak, who, with the help of his friends, goes up against the Caponian aliens that seek to reduce the intelligence of earthlings via their Mind-Bending Machine.

Zak McKracken displays commonly displays in 4-color CGA or 16-color MCGA, Tandy and EGA 320x200. In-game, the display mode is toggleable with shift+key.

Zak McKracken was distributed on 2x 5.25" 360kB floppy disks or 1x 3.5" 720kB DS DD diskette. The hard disk drive install size is 510 kbytes (60 files).

The Enhanced version of Zak McKracken was distributed on 3x 5.25" 360kB floppy disks or 2x 3.5" 720kB DS DD diskette. The hard disk drive install size is 1 meg (60 files).

Both versions of Zak McKracken are installed to hard disk drive via copy *.* c:\.

  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders Manual: 9 pages
  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders Hint Book: 67 pages
  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders copy protection: Zap'em II Exit Visa Security System: 7 sections
  • Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders: The National Inquisitor: 7 pages

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