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Goblins Games Coktel Vision 1991-93 IBM PC MS-DOS

Goblins Adventure Games 1991-93

The Goblins games are a series of puzzle adventure games released by Coktel Vision of France from 1991 to 1993 for the Amiga and IBM PC MS-DOS.

The Goblins games are notable for their comical humor, crafty puzzles, reactive scenes and well-drawn animations.

The Goblins games were created by Pierre Gilhodes.

Gobliiins IBM PC MS-DOS 1991

Coktel Vision released the original Gobliiins aka Goblins for IBM PC MS-DOS 4.0 in 1991.

In Gobliins the player controls three goblins that have set out in search of a cure for King Anghoulafre's madness. Players use the individual skills of the goblins to solve puzzles. Hooter aka Ignatius is a magician, BoBo aka Asgard is a warrior and Dwayne aka Oups is a technician.

The goblins are selected and moved about the playfield in point-and-click manner. Right-clicking changes the cursor from arrow to hand to fist, thereby allowing interaction with objects and actors in each scene. An energy bar decreases when the goblins act ineptly, and goblins must redo the scene if the energy bar depletes.

For example, the warrior punches a stone pylon, the shockwave knocking down a horn from a sign. The technician picks up and blows on the horn, the soundwave causing a stick to fall from a tree. The alchemist living nearby complains about the noise. The magician casts a spell on the stick, turning it into a pickaxe. Finally, the technician picks up the pickaxe, thereby completing the first scene. If the technician whacks the door of the alchemist's house with the stick -- that is an example of an inept action that reduces the energy bar accordingly. If the goblins keep acting ineptly the energy bar will fully deplete and the scene must be redone.

In the second scene a bridge needs to be crossed, but it is broken. The magician casts spells on two apples hanging from a tree, causing the apples to enlarge. The warrior then punches the apples, causing them to drop to the ground. The technician then picks up the apples and places them in the gap in the bridge, allowing the goblins to cross. On the other side of the bridge the technician hits the wall of a stone mine with the pickaxe to reveal a diamond, which he pockets. The goblins return to the first scene, show the diamond to the alchemist at the door, and are granted admittance to his lab.

Gobliiins requires 540K of free conventional RAM and displays in 256-color VGA 320x200.

Gobliiins has a few technical issues: selecting a goblin is not instant and neither pathfinding nor positioning are accurate. Thus, the player wrestles with control just as much as they do with the puzzles. Gobliiins eschews functionality in favor of aesthetics -- its playfields should have been isometric and tile-rigged.

Gobliiins was distributed on 2x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskettes and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via Gobliiins Installation. The install size is 2.5 megs and consists of 10 files.

Gobliiins audio supports Standard Sounds, MediaVision ProAudio, AdLib and Sound Blaster.

Gobliiins manual: 20 pages.

Gobliins 2 IBM PC MS-DOS 1992

Coktel Vision released Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon for IBM PC MS-DOS in 1992.

In Gobliins 2 the player controls two goblins: Fingus and Winkle. The object of Gobliins 2 is to rescue Prince Buffoon from Amoniak's castle of Domenic.

Gobliins 2 was distributed on 2x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskettes or 3x 5.25" 1.2MB HD floppy disks and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via Gobliins 2 Installation. The install size is 2.7 megs and consists of 11 files.

Gobliins 2 audio supports Standard Sounds, MediaVision ProAudio, AdLib and Sound Blaster.

Gobliins 2 displays in 256-color VGA 320x200.

Gobliins 2 manual: 8 pages.

Goblins 3 IBM PC MS-DOS 1993

Coktel Vision released Goblins 3 aka Goblins 3 aka Goblins Quest 3 for IBM PC MS-DOS in 1993.

In Goblins 3 the player controls only one goblin, Blount, who is a goblin reporter that gets bitten by a werewolf and turns into one after the sun sets. There are three companions but control of Chump, Fulbert and Ooya is limited (as with Prince Buffoon in Gobliins 2).

Goblins 3 was distributed on 5x 3.5" 1.44MB HD diskettes and extracts and installs to hard disk drive via Gobliins 3 Installation. The install size is 7.5 megs and consists of 12 files.

Goblins 3 displays in 256-color VGA 320x200.

Goblins 3 audio supports No Sounds, PC Internal Speaker, MediaVision ProAudio, AdLib, Sound Blaster and InterSound MD0.

Goblins 3 manual: 28 pages.

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