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Ecology SMAC Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Ecology SMAC

Ecology is impacted by SMAC Terraforming in Firaxis' TBS Game of 1999, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (SMAC).

SMAC Ecological Damage

Terraforming can cause severe ecological damage, which can be mitigated via ecological preservation; namely, Forestation, Tree Farms and Hybrid Forests as well as Centauri Preserve, Temple of Planet and The Pholus Mutagen.

The effects of eco-damage include rising sea levels, volcanic eruptions, xenofungus blooms and agitated indigenous lifeforms (SMAC Aliens).

As humans expand and build colonies on Planet, they inevitably begin to cause ecological damage. Ecological damage can provoke the native life forms and cause other unexpected effects.

The more mines, solar collectors, roads, and farms (but not forests, which actually help the ecology) you build, the more the potential damage. Boreholes, Mirrors, and Condensers cause even greater damage. You can reduce or eliminate this type of damage by building Tree Farm and Hybrid Forest facilities.

As your industrial output (minerals) increases, ecological damage will also take place. This effect can be reduced by building the Centauri Preserve, Temple of Planet, and Nanoreplicator facilities.

SMAC Guide Units SMAC Modules SMAC
Factions SMAC Chassis SMAC Reactors SMAC
Base Facilities SMAC Weapons SMAC Unit Special Abilities SMAC
Technology Tree SMAC Armor SMAC Secret Projects SMAC

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