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Spaceship Module Civilization 1

Spaceship Module Civ1

Spaceship Module is one of 24 City Improvements in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Civilization 1.

The Modules are the central features of your spaceship. There are three types: Habitation, Life Support, and Solar Panels.

The Habitation Modules each provide living space for 10,000 colonists.

The Life Support Modules each provide the food and other requirements for the colonists carried in one Habitation Module.

One Solar Power Module provides enough energy to run two other Modules.

At the minimum, a succesful spaceship must contain one of each type of Module. To transport more than the minimum number of colonists possible you must build additional sets of Modules.

  • Population Module aka Habitation Module (Mass: 1,600 tons)
  • Life Support (Mass: 1,600 tons)
  • Solar Panel (Mass: 400 tons)
  • Maximum Quantity: Four modules of each type
  • Spaceship Module Cost: 320
  • Spaceship Module Upkeep: 0
  • Spaceship Module Prerequisite: Robotics

For Spaceship construction requirements, refer to Spaceship Structural.

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