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Spaceship Component Civilization 2

Spaceship Component Civ2

Spaceship Component is one of 38 City Improvements in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2.

  • Thrust Components: Each component adds 25% to the spaceship's thrust.
  • Fuel Component: Each component provides enough fuel for one Thrust Component.
  • Spaceship Component Cost: 160
  • Spaceship Component Upkeep: 0
  • Spaceship Component Prerequisite: Plastics

Spaceship components provide the motive power of a spaceship. There are two types: propulsion and fuel. Propulsion components are the spaceship engines, and each fuel component provides enough fuel to run one engine. Every propulsion component requires a fuel component in order to function. At minimum, a spaceship requires one of each type of component. The more engines the spaceship possesses, the faster it  will arrive at its destination.

For Spaceship construction requirements, refer to Spaceship Structural.

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