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Monarchy Civilization 2

Monarchy Civ2

Monarchy is one of 89 Civilization 2 Advances in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2.

Monarchy allows:

Monarchy prerequisites:

Monarchy Unit Support

  • Each unit beyond the third costs one shield per turn.
  • Settlers eat one food per turn.

Monarchy Happiness

Up to three military units in each city will institute "martial law", converting an unhappy citizen into a content citizen.

Monarchy Corruption & Waste

Monarchy has a Moderate rate of corruption and waste. The level of corruption in a particular city is based on its distance from your capital.

Monarchy Special

Under a Monarchy, none of the scence, tax or luxury rates may be set higher than 70%.

Monarchy Hints

Monarchy is an excellent form of government for a young civilization.

Rule by monarchy developed as a logical extension of the absolute rule of tribal chieftains. Many of the earliest monarchs, such as those in ancient Egypt, claimed that they ruled by divine right. In the spread of European monarchy during the Middle Ages, however, rulership was generally conveyed upon a leader who could most effectively raise and command an army. Monarchies are dynastic, with rule of the country passing to the eldest son when the king dies or retires. Monarchs had absolute rule over their subjects, severely limiting the personal and economic freedom of all citizens except for nobility and the rich upper-class. Although monarchies ruled most of Europe for centuries, the unhappiness of lower-class citizens eventually grew intolerable, causing several major revolutions. By the mid-18th century, the power of the European monarchs had been severely limited, paving the way for participatory systems of government.

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