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To Slay the Beast Brood War: Zerg Mission 8

To Slay the Beast Brood War

To Slay the Beast is the eighth mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS expansion of 1998, StarCraft: Brood War. Staged on Char, To Slay the Beast sets the Zerg Swarm against the Garm UED Slave Brood of the Zerg and the UED Command Fleet of the Protoss Cronus Wing. In addition, To Slay the Beast introduces the Dark Templar of the Protoss and the Zerg Overmind.

To Slay the Beast Mission Objectives

  • Destroy the Overmind with Dark Templar.
  • Must be able to have Dark Templar.

In one unprovoked raid, I had to defend my base against 4x Mutalisks, 3x Valkyrie, 2x Devourer, 6x Guardian, 2x Science Vessel and 4x Medic.

In another one, Medics were healing Ultralisk supertankers.

And at one point, my viewport was filled with a swarm of one dozen Overlords dropping off forces to attack my base.

Before you get Guardians going, use Dark Templars to slay Ultralisks and Siege Tanks.

When you do finally get swarms of Mutalisks and Guardians going, beware of Science Vessels.

To Slay the Beast is the hardest mission in StarCraft or Brood War. You will have to pull out all stops to beat this mission.

Since there is so much to consider in this mission, the best advice I can give is, "Get good, son".

If you are not good at StarCraft by the time you reach this mission, you will be forced to get good during this mission.

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