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Egression StarCraft 1: Zerg Mission 2

Egression StarCraft 1

Egression is the second mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS of 1998, StarCraft 1. Staged on Tarsonis, Egression sets the Zerg Swarm against the Sargas Tribe Expeditionary Force of the Protoss. In addition, Egression introduces the Hunter Killer (enhanced Hydralisk), Mutalisk and Scourge units of the Zerg.

Egression Mission Objectives

  • Bring the Chrysalis to the Beacon.

Have a Drone grab the Young Chrysalis just to the north. Once you get a dozen Zerg Hydralisks going, take out the Protoss forces en route to the Zerg Beacon in the south.

The mission even gives you half a dozen Hunter Killer Hydralisks that have +10 damage, +80 health and +2 armor over the stock Hydralisks.

You can entirely ignore the Protoss base in the southeast.

As it pertains to unit upgrades, I would focus on upgrading Hydralisks.

At the Zerg Spawning Pool, Evolve Metabolic Boost to increase Zergling movement rate.

At the Zerg Evolution Chamber:

  • Upgrade Melee Attacks to increase Zergling Claw Damage (Level 2)
  • Upgrade Missile Attacks to increase Hydralisk Needle Spine Damage (Level 2)
  • Evolve Carapace to increase armor for Drones, Zerglings and Hydralisks (Level 2).

At the Zerg Hydralisk Den:

  • Evolve Grooved Spines to increase Hyralisk attack range
  • Evolve Muscular Augments to increase Hydralisk movement rate

At the Zerg Spire:

  • Upgrade Flyer Attacks to increase Mutalisk Glave Wurm damage (Level 2)
  • Evolve Flyer Carapace to increase Mutalisk armor (Level 2)

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