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Agent of the Swarm StarCraft 1: Zerg Mission 4

Agent of the Swarm StarCraft 1

Agent of the Swarm is the fourth mission of the Zerg Campaign in Blizzard's RTS of 1998, StarCraft 1. Staged on Char, Agent of the Swarm sets the Zerg Swarm against the Mar Sara Former Colonial Milita of the Terran. In addition, Agent of the Swarm introduces Infested Kerrigan and the Zerg Queen unit.

Agent of the Swarm Mission Objectives

  • Protect the Chrysalis until it's ready to hatch.
  • Infest or destroy Raynor's Command Center.
  • Kerrigan must survive.

You will have to defend the Zerg base and Chrysalis for 10 minutes before Kerrigan arrives.

I found it easiest to simply build 4x Sunken Colonies on the eastern creep boundary to deal with the mobs of Marines and Firebats. Upgrade Hydralisk attack range and have them support the colonies.

With the base defended, you have all the time in the world to build your Zerg-horde. You should lay claim to the island in the center ASAP for an additional minerals/vespene field.

Remember to use Kerrigan's Cloak, Consume and Ensare special abilities; she also regenertes.

To do that, convert the Hatchery to a Lair and upgrade Overlords to transporters (Zerg Dropships).

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