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Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 Best Weapons Ranking Tier List

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Weapon

Baldur's Gate 3 is a cRPG developed by Larian Studios. There are many good weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 but the Greatsword inflicts 2d6 damage for an average of 7 damage. Thus, in terms of raw damage the Greatsword is the best weapon in Baldur's Gate 3.

If wielding a shield, Longswords are the best weapon.

If going for Dexterity-based damage, Rapier is best.

At range, Longbow is best.

There are two main kinds of weapon:

Melee Weapons BG3

The Strength modifier is applied to attack rolls and damage, except in the case of finesseable melee weapons, such as Rapiers, which apply the Dexterity modifier.

Ranged Weapons BG3

The Dexterity modifier is applied to attack rolls and damage, except in the case of thrown weapons such as Handaxes, which apply the Strength modifier.

Weapon Proficiencies BG3

The Weapon Proficiencies are Simple (Club, Sling) and Martial (Warhammer, Longbow).

Some weapons are one-handed (and we can wield a shield off-hand), some are Two-handed (Greataxe, Greatsword) and some can be wielded one- or two-handed (Versatile). 

In addition, some weapons have Reach (Pike, Lance) and only Light weapons can be dual-wielded.

Two-Handed or One-Handed Weapons BG3

Two-handed weapons inflict more damage, but we can't hold a shield in the off-hand. The question then is: do we want more damage or better defense?

Versus spellcasters or foes with spell-like abilities (non-physicals), what does AC from a shield even matter? (Though some shields confer spell resistance and elemental resistances as well as immunities, which are indeed be useful vs. spellcasters.)

Shield builds don't do as much damage because we're wielding one-handed weapons, but the +2 AC conferred increases survivability in general combat scenarios. If we're getting mobbed by tough enemies or fired upon by crackshot archers, one-handed and shield is the best setup.

Imagine if Baldur's Gate 3 had lots of accurate, hard-hitting enemies, didn't throw healing around like confetti and enforced rest restrictions to ban rest-spam. Suddenly, shield is superior.

For dual-wielding builds aka two-weapon fighting builds to be effective, we want a Dex-based build, high weapon enchantment level, lots of attacks per turn and on-hit damage bonuses and on-hit effects that take advantage of those attacks per turn, such as on-hit elemental, stat-drain and immobilization.

Damage Types BG3

The three physical-based damage types are slashingbludgeoning and piercing. Note that some monsters are resistant, immune or vulnerable to certain damage types.

List of Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3

Simple Melee Weapons BG3

  • Club: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Light, Concussive Smash
  • Cleaver: 1d6 Slashing, Lacerate
  • Dragon's Clasp, 1d6 Slashing, Lacerate, Burned Alive
  • Dagger: 1d4 Piercing, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Piercing Strike
  • Ritual Dagger, 1d4 Piercing, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Piercing Strike, Blood Sacrifice, The Pain Maiden's Blessing
  • Worgfang, 1d4 Piercing, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Piercing Strike, Goblin's Undoing
  • Greatclub: 1d8 Bludgeoning, Two-Handed, Concussive Smash, Tenacity
  • Handaxe: 1d6 Slashing, Light, Thrown, Lacerate
  • Javelin: 1d6 Piercing, Thrown, Rush Attack
  • Light Hammer: 1d4 Bludgeoning, Light, Thrown, Concussive Smash
  • Mace: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Concussive Smash
  • Xyanyde, 1d6 Bludgeoning, Concussive Smash, Xyanyde's Fire
  • Quarterstaff: 1d6 Bludgeoning, Topple, Shillelagh
  • Mourning Frost, 1d8 +1, Two-Handed, Topple, Heart of Ice
  • Staff of Crones, 1d8 Bludgeoning, Topple, Ray of Sickness
  • Sickle: 1d4 Slashing, Light, Lacerate
  • Sussur Sickle, 1d4 +1 Slashing, Magical, Light, Lacerate
  • Spear: 1d6 Piercing, Thrown, Reach, Versatile (1d8), Rush Attack
  • The Watcher's Guide, 1d6 Piercing, ThrownReachVersatile (1d8), Rush Attack, Death's Promise
  • Unarmed Strike (fist): 1 Bludgeoning

Simple Ranged Weapons BG3

  • Dart: 1d4 Piercing, Finesse, Thrown
  • Light Crossbow: 1d8 Piercing, bolt ammo, Range: 80/320, Loading, Two-Handed, Piercing Shot
  • Sharran Crossbow, 1d8 +1 Piercing, bolt ammo, Range: 80/320, Loading, Two-Handed, Piercing Shot
  • Shortbow: 1d6 Piercing, arrow ammo, Range: 80/320, Two-Handed, Hamstring Shot
  • Sling: 1d4 Bludgeoning, bullet ammo

Martial Melee Weapons BG3

  • Battleaxe: 1d8 (1-handed) or 1d10 (2-handed) Slashing, Versatile (1d10), Cleave, Lacerate, Crippling Strike
  • Flail: 1d8 Bludgeoning
  • Glaive: 1d10 Slashing, Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
  • Greataxe: 1d12 Slashing, Heavy, Two-Handed, Cleave, Lacerate, Prepare
  • Blooded Greataxe, 1d12 Slashing, Heavy, Two-Handed, Cleave, Lacerate, Repair, Relentless Revenge
  • Greatsword: 2d6 Slashing, Heavy, Two-Handed, Cleave, Lacerate, Pommel Strike
  • Githyanki Greatsword2d6 Slashing, Heavy, Two-Handed, Cleave, Lacerate, Pommel Strike, Psionic Vengeance
  • Sword of Justice, 2d6 +1 Slashing, Magical Heavy, Two-Handed, Cleave, Lacerate, Pommel Strike
  • Halberd: 1d10 Slashing, Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed, Cleave, Lacerate, Rush Attack
  • Lance: 1d12 Piercing, Reach, Special
  • Longsword: 1d8 Slashing, Versatile (1d10), Lacerate, Pommel Strike, Rush Attack
  • Phalar Aluve, 1d8 +1 Slashing, Magical Versatile, Magical, Pommel Strike, Lacerate, Rush Attack
  • Maul: 2d6 Bludgeoning, Heavy, Two-Handed, Concussive Smash
  • Morningstar: 1d8 Piercing, Concussive Smash, Tenacity, Heartstopper
  • Pickaxe: 1d8 Piercing, Two-Handed, Crippling Strike, Piercing Strike, Weakening Strike
  • Deep Delver, pickaxe, 1d8 Piercing, Magical, Crippling Strike, Piercing Strike, Weakening Strike, Dig Deep
  • Pike: 1d10 Piercing, Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
  • Rapier: 1d8 Piercing, Finesse, Piercing Strike, Flourish, Weakening Strike
  • Sword of Screams, 1d8 Piercing, Magical, Finesse, Magical, Flourish, Weakening Strike, Piercing Strike
  • Scimitar: 1d6 Slashing, Finesse, Light, Lacerate, Flourish
  • Shortsword: 1d6 Piercing, Finesse, Light, Piercing Strike, Flourish
  • Trident: 1d6 Piercing, Thrown, Versatile (1d8), Piercing Strike, Crippling Strike, Rush Attack
  • War Pick: 1d8 Piercing, Concussive Smash
  • Warhammer: 1d8 Bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10), Concussive Smash
  • Intransigent Warhammer1d8 Bludgeoning, Magical, Versatile (1d10), Concussive Smash, Impulse Blast
  • Whip: 1d4 Slashing, Finesse, Reach

Martial Ranged Weapons BG3

  • Blowgun: 1 Piercing, needle ammo, Loading
  • Hand Crossbow: 1d6 Piercing, bolt ammo, Light, Loading, Piercing Shot, Mobile Shot
  • Firestoker, hand crossbow, 1d6, Piercing, Magical, Piercing Shot, Mobile Shot, Burned Alive, bolt ammo, Light, Loading
  • Heavy Crossbow: 1d10 Piercing, bolt ammo, Range: 100/400, Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed, Piercing Shot, Brace
  • Giantbreaker, 1d10 +1, Piercing, bolt ammo, Range: 100/400, Magical, Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed, Piercing Shot, Brace, Heavy Hitter
  • Longbow: 1d8 Piercing, arrow ammo, Range: 150/600, Heavy, Two-Handed, Hamstring Shot, Brace

Baldur's Gate 3 Weapons Ranked in Tiers

The ranking doesn't factor in feats, tactics or magical versions of the weapon (campaign itemization), which can tip the balance. This ranking is based only on what the weapon offers in itself.

Tier 1

  • Greatsword: 2d6 Slashing, Heavy, Two-Handed
  • Longsword: 1d8 Slashing, Versatile (1d10)
  • Battleaxe: 1d8 Slashing, Versatile (1d10)
  • Warhammer: 1d8 Bludgeoning, Versatile (1d10)
  • Rapier: 1d8 Piercing, Finesse
  • Spear: 1d6 Piercing, ThrowReachVersatile (1d8)
  • Longbow: 1d8 Piercing, arrow ammo, Range: 150/600, Heavy, Two-Handed

Baldur's Gate 3 BG3 Best Weapons BG3 Best Companions
BG3 Best Classes BG3 Best Armor BG3 Best Races

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