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CONTINGENCY: Baldur's Gate 2 BG2

Contingency is a Baldur's Gate spell in BioWare's cRPG of 2000, Baldur's Gate 2.

  • Contingency (Evocation) [SCRL7U]
  • Level: 6
  • Range: Visual range of caster
  • Duration: 1 day/level 
  • Casting Time: 1 turn
  • Area of Effect: Special 
  • Saving Throw: None

Upon casting this spell the wizard is allowed to choose a spell out of his repertoire of known spells.  One spell level for every three levels of the caster is allowed up to 18th level or 6th level spells.  Once the spell is chosen the caster is allowed to choose a condition of some kind from the list provided.  The starting condition can be anything from reaching 10% of his/her hit points to an enemy being sighted.  Once this starting condition is satisfied the spell that was chosen will be cast automatically.  For example a 12th level wizard could place the spell stoneskin in a contingency with the starting condition being 'the wizard reaches 50% of his hit points'.  Then in combat once the wizard is reduced to 50% of his hit points or below, stoneskin would be immediately cast upon him.  This requires no action by the wizard, it happens automatically and instantaneously.  The limitation of this spell is that the target of the spell placed in the contingency must be the caster.  Therefor it cannot be an offensive spell and cannot target any other party members.

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