Tyranny Walkthrough
Welcome to my walkthrough of Tyranny, a cRPG developed by Obsidian (2016).
The following posts will endeavor to cover the Tyranny campaign as I have played it: on Hard Difficulty with the Quickstart Scarlet Chorus Path.
Build-wise, I'm rolling with Diplomat History, Finesse cranked for the accuracy & armor deflection boosts, skill-points dumped into support skills, and Primary & Secondary Expertise in Shortbow for the initial Hobble & Heart Shot talents; most likely branching into other trees on the proviso that I don't spread myself too thin and gimp my character. Hopefully the build will remain viable and I'll find a decent tank companion to hold back the aggro so that I'm mostly free to fire from safe distance, but I guess we'll see!
So yeah, please note that this walkthrough is written on my first run of Tyranny (i.e, a blind play) and that not all content offered in reactive cRPG campaigns such as this can possibly be covered in a single run.
This walkthrough records my experiences and impressions as I play, offering tips along the way for people who might appreciate them. Tyranny has only just been released and I'm only starting to come to grips with its systems, so expect my posts to be revised in the light of my progression to ensure accurate and vigorous coverage that is in keeping with my other walkthroughs.
Tyranny Abbreviations
- GvA = Graven Ashe
- VoN = The Voices of Nerat
- Chorus = Scarlet Chorus faction
Tyranny Technical
- Saved games are stored in C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\Tyranny. You can edit the XML files if you unzip them. You might like to occasionally clean the folder out, too.
- If Tyranny refuses to run update your display drivers.
- You can change a couple of basic settings by holding down the shift-key when you double-click the exe.
- Long loading time "fixes" are "get an SSD" and "disconnect/disable non-standard networks".
Tyranny Overview
For over 400 years the armies of Overlord Kyros have swept across the known world. All who stood against them fell before their might. Even the Archons, women and men of immense power, were forced to kneel, chained to the Overlord's will.Now Kyros' final conquest has come to our corner of the world. And two of the Overlord's armies compete for the honor of taking our lands: the elite Disfavored and the teeming horde of the Scarlet Chorus.The Voices of Narat, spymaster and Archon of Secrets, guides the fierce and undisciplined mass of the Scarlet Chorus. With each battle, the Scarlet Chorus grows stronger, as the defeated are given a simple choice: serve, or die.Graven Ashe, Archon of War and the Overlord's most loyal general, leads the Disfavored. Though small in number, Kyros' iron-clad legion has never meet true defeat in open battle.Watching over the two generals is Tunon the Adjudicator, Archon of Justice, eldest of Kyros' minions. Tunon brings Kyros' laws to newly conquered lands, aided by the Fatebinders, judges and executioners of the Overlord's laws. You were among the youngest of the Court of Fatebinders when Kyros' armies came to our lands. How could we have known that the fate of thousands would rest in your hands.
From left to right: Tunon the Adjudicator: Archon of Justice, Graven Ashe: Archon of War, The Voices of Nerat: Archon of Secrets, & The Fatebinder (i.e, You).
Scarlet Chorus Path
This temple focuses on maximizing your relationship with the Scarlet Chorus faction. Over the three years of Kyros' Conquest, you traveled to the Bastard City, Lethian's Crossing, and Azure.At the Bastard City you fought beside the Scarlet Chorus at the Gates of Judgment, ordered that prisoners be conscripted to serve your allies, and helped the Chorus ignite the city into a fiery inferno.Granted governorship of Lethian's Crossing, you helped the Archon of Song out of a tricky situation, affirmed the right of the Scarlet Chorus to recruit from the Forge-Bound, and granted control of the city to the Chorus.In the final year of the Conquest you joined the Scarlet Chorus in their efforts to tame the land of Azure. You aided them in recruiting packs of Beastmen to their number. When the Archon of Stone betrayed the Overlord, you sent the Disfavored - rivals of the Scarlet Chorus - to die.At Kyros' order, you read the Edict of Stone that destroyed Cairn.
Abilities: Searing Palm (cooldown: 24s, dmg: 8-15 Fire vs. Magic, Effects: Foe Target: Magefire Affliction for 9s, Range: 2m.)
The Situation
The year is 431, and Kyros' invasion has shattered all major opposition in the Tiers. The Younger Realms, the Bastard Tier, the Free Cities - all who defied Kyros lay broken by battle or bowed in surrender. The two armies of the Overlord - the Disfavored and the Scarlet Chorus - now control our lands.But our will is not yet extinguished, not entirely. In the valley of Vendrien's Well, those of us unwilling to bow to Kyros have banded together in defiance. Violating an oath of surrender from two years prior, we have staged a bloody uprising - murdering the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus garrison in the mightnight assault.With their main forces spread across the Tiers, the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus redeploy to Vendrien's Well to crush the resistance, but months pass with no definitive battle.As disagreement and discord paralyze the Archons, we bide our time and wait for our message of insurrection to spread across the Tiers.The Overlord is not amused, and Kyros has one message for the Archons: crush the Oathbreakers or die. Kyros backs this threat with an Edict, a magical commandment that can slay all the valley should the order be ignored.The honor of proclaiming this Edict fell to you. Sent across the mountains to Vendrien's Well, you carry the Overlord's Edict to read before the Archons.As you finally make your way through the winding mountain passes into the valley, the ground trembles, and Kyros' magic seals the way behind you. You are trapped in Vendrien's Well with Kyros' armies and the Oathbreakers. The only way to survive is to fulfill the terms of the Overlord's Edict, in any way you can...
Edgering Ruins: Outskirts of Vendrien's Well
Upon your entry to the ruins Kyros' magic will cause a rockslide to block the pass behind you, sealing the valley off so that neither friend nor foe may escape from it. Such is the Overlord's reach and power.
As a result of Kyros' Conquest blood cascades from the eye sockets of the ancient Weeping Mother statue that towers above the ruins.
As a result of Kyros' Conquest blood cascades from the eye sockets of the ancient Weeping Mother statue that towers above the ruins.
PRIMARY QUEST. Your orders are to deliver Kyros' Edict of Execution to the Archons of the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus factions: they are to put down the troublesome Vendrien Guard rebellion (aka "The Oathbreakers"); otherwise, every living thing in the valley is going to die - friend and foe, alike. So yeah, DEATH SENTENCE. You must proceed southeast through Edgering Fort and from there travel to the Disfavored Camp where the Archons are meeting to discuss their strategy.

Aurora. First up, speak with Crescent Runner Aurora of the Disfavored faction, who waves you down and salutes you. Inform her that you bear an Edict of Kyros leveled against everyone in the valley, and she will realize the gravity of the situation and smarten up.
Dialogue skill checks. Now, you may notice that a couple of your skills are being checked in dialogue; in this case, Lore & Subterfuge:
[Lore: 20] Can you hear that hum in the air — that glow around the rocks? The avalanche is Kyros' magic — the Overlord has sealed the valley.
[Subterfuge: 20] Your first instinct is to blame the Scarlet Chorus... no wonder Kyros resorts to an Edict to enforce order.
The qualifier for both checks is 20, meaning you need to have at least 20 ranks in those skills to receive those options to choose as responses. My ranks were 38 & 36. So yeah, no problems. All weapon skills & support skills - with the notable exception of spell buffs - increase when they are used; for example, my character received +18 Lore and +9 Subterfuge experience towards the next ranks by choosing the two options. In addition, the gains are dependent on how many ranks you already have in the skill: on a specific check, a character skilled in Lore will gain fewer experience than one who is unskilled (assuming the latter qualifies, of course — which isn't likely). Anyway, from my limited testing it seems that you want solid investment in Lore, Subterfuge & Athletics in order to regularly qualify and maximize your enjoyment of the Tyranny campaign.
Speaking of lore, I like how seamless its immersion is thanks to the UI's "hypertext" feature: simply mouse-over and "right-click" the green & orange keywords in dialogue to get more info on the characters and locations in Terratus, the world in which Tyranny is set. This is better than an NPC burdening you with an unsolicited lore-dump.
Quest: Welcome to Ruin. The Vendrien rebels have broken through the fort's defenses and are making their way through the ruins in an attempt to flee the valley. You need to head them off and assist the Disfavored in dispatching them. Ok, your first combat scenario. Well, this one is pretty straightforward: just one schlub to fight? Well, it's better than rats in a basement... Now, assist Aurora in taking out the Vendrien Honor Guard who is attempting to flee up into the mountains to deliver a message (not knowing that the valley has been sealed off). I just hung back and let loose a few arrows as Aurora got in his face. EZPeeZ. Loot his corpse for Whetstone, Potion of Protection and five copper rings. Note how quickly weapon skills increase when you use them in combat, in comparison to the above-mentioned support skills. It doesn't take long to get up to speed if you start low with the former, which is why one probably shouldn't bother raising them in chargen.
Below Left: I line up the Heart Shot from behind Aurora.
Below Right: It hits its mark!
Remember to regularly tap-hold the Tab-key in order to display the spyglass (inspection indicator) and hand icons (interaction indicator) at points of interest on the playing field. These can occasionally offer flavorsome lore and even material and experience rewards.
Non-essential exploration. Backtrack to your starting position and proceed south a bit to spy a length of rope leading down to the ledge below. Behold, your first Interaction check. The panel that pops up gives you two options: Climb Down or Jump Down (and incur a wound) (Athletics: 14, +26 exp).
A note on wounds. It might sound blatantly obvious, but you really DON'T want to get wounded because it reduces your health pool and penalizes all of your skills. And let me tell you, that is not good. So don't just stand there taking hits until you are wounded: DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Either quaff a healing potion before your health drops too much or change your tactics. Because wounds in the early game can only be healed by resting and leveling up. Potion of Revival are rare and only heal one wound per potion. Not only that, but a character will die permanently if they incur too many wounds (10, I think. And assuming you are playing with Death set to On, which I am).
Once safely down on the ledge "left-click" on the Abandoned Memorial for your second Interaction check. I recognized the torc in the memorial as "a relic of Tiersman folklore" (Lore: 35) and took the Battle-Worn Torc (Form: +1 Vitality). Note its high value in comparison to most of the rubbish you will find in the early game! Don't forget to loot the two crates beside the tent for random treasure.

Ok, climb back up the rope and rejoin Aurora who is crouched down behind a rockslide; on the other side of which a single Disfavored is up against a trio of Vendriens.
Interaction check: Squeeze through the gap, or - better yet - I just pushed the boulder (Athletics: 30, +45 exp) so that it rolled over and squished one of the Vendrien Sun Soldiers. Eew, talk about bone-crunching overkill. She really didn't deserve that, but maximizing the fun dictates it. Take out the other Sun Soldier and Honor Guard whom the Stone Shield is tanking, and loot their corpses for the Sun Soldier's Javelin and Waking Death, respectively.

Companion: Scarlet Fury Verse. Proceed eastward just in time to witness a Scarlet Fury fall to three Sun Soldiers, who then focus their aggro on Verse, a feisty, fiery second level Duelist & Skirmisher of the Chorus faction, who auto-joins as your first companion when you come into her proximity. I gained Average Loyalty with Verse by remarking on her ability to handle herself in a fight.

Note the per-encounter "companion combo" that allows you to act in concert with Verse: Blood Soaks Stone (See image). What happens is, Verse leg sweeps to knock the target prone, and you follow up with an armor-penetrating downward strike that also inflicts a bleeding wound. Sweet. Oh, and I'm liking the blood and gibs that fly about when Verse's twin-blades are arcing back and forth. Very, very cool.
At battle's end each party member gains +33 experience, divided among their skills. I agreed to continue fighting alongside Verse, but you certainly don't have to. I also agreed with her that looting the corpses of the fallen is "practical", resulting in an Average Loyalty gain. The corpses are holding Scarlet Fury Helm, Lesser Healing Potion, Scroll: Lesser Sigil of Reaching Grasp (Accent), Hide, Vendrien Guard Heavy Bronze Gauntlets, Broken Helmet (x2).
In regard to companion control: my preference is to toggle Party AI to "off" and micro-manage each party member. It's just a habit I got into starting with the Infinity Engine cRPGs.
At this point you might like to switch on Auto-Pause on "Enemy Spotted", too. It can be a life-saver if you are slow to hit the spacebar. Fast & Slow game-play modes are toggled with +/- on the NumPad. The reason this is a great lil' feature will become evident as you play.
Ok, the object now is to defeat the remaining rebels. Proceed down to the encampment where Vendrien Guards, five-strong in number and led by Captain Tarkis Demos, will stand against you. On cue, Blood Chanter Mocking Blaze will arrive at the gate and lead the Chorus Hordes into the camp to run them down. The difficulty steps up a gear for this encounter, but I still found it a cakewalk by making sure Verse and I were using our talents. Focus all aggro on Tarkis, mop up the others, and loot their corpses for Broken Armor and Lesser Healing Potion. The nearby crate is holding Grain and Headwrap. Criticism: I don't like how scripted encounters break the party's stealth. I have two stealthy characters in my party and it just seems wrong that they have to square up to face off against these brutes. The many D&D titles I have played in the past are superior in this respect because they allow you the freedom to scope the place out and find a good vantage point from which to mount an attack. Here's hoping the scripted stuff is few and far between as the campaign wears on...

Post-battle, a Crescent Runner will hurry over to report that the Disfavored commander has been captured at the cliffside in the west. Loot the barrel and Vendrien corpse en route for Skycap (+10 Lore, +10 all magical skills, +4 wits: 120 secs), Vendrien Guard Heavy Bronze Greaves and Agate.
You will arrive at the cliff's edge to find Vendrien Pelox Tyrel holding a blade to the throat of Drastus, a commander in the Disfavored. I was able to wrest the blade from Pelox (Athletics: 30, +52 Athletics exp, +67 XP) to save Drastus' life and gain Minor Favor with both the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus factions. Pelox was then slain by Disfavored soldiers, leaving behind Honor Guard's Bronze Falx, Quickfinger Bangles (Haste: +1 Quickness), Grain, Scroll: Sigil of Distant Impact (Expression). Again, note the high value of the Bangles in comparison to most of the rubbish you will find in the early game!
Ok, the rebels here have been defeated and Commander Drastus has been saved! Quest: Welcome to Ruin (Complete): Each party member gains +67 experience, divided among their skills. Speak with Aurora for an update on current events. I took sides with neither Aurora nor Verse (Lore: 30, +26 Lore exp, Verse: Gain Average Loyalty, Disfavored: Gain Average Favor).
Climb up the rope to the crumbling Edgering Fort (Athletics: 35, +46 Athletics Exp) and procure the Potion of Invisibility lodged under a loose stone.
Merchant/Vendor. Now that you have defeated the Vendrien Guard at the fort, Kosma the merchant is no longer cowering in the corner - she's open for business. I gained Minor Favor: Chorus and 50 copper rings by first being a busy-body in requesting proof of her Stewardship, then lying about the validity of her scripts, and then blowing off the rules and telling her not to worry. How awful a person am I? But you can do worse to her than that, if you are so inclined... Anyway, Kosma offers a range of wares for sale; namely: Bronze Greatsword, Bronze Warmace, Lesser Staff of Atrophy, Lesser Staff of Boreal Frost, Lesser Staff of Titans, Shortbow, Bronze Axe, Bronze Dagger, Bronze Hammer, Bronze Javelin, Bronze Spear, Bronze Sword, Leather Buckler, Lesser Healing Potion x4, Scroll: Lesser Sigil of Limitless Boundaries (Accent), Scroll: Lesser Sigil of Timeless Form (Accent), Scroll: Sigil of Lightning (Core), Camping Supplies x5.

Return to the camp to find Mocking Blaze and Drastus (or Aurora) standing on either side of the wounded Vendrien Captain, Tarkos Demos, debating whether to let him live or not. I gained Major Favor with the Chorus when Mocking Blaze pointed me out as a Governor (of Lethian's Crossing: Quickstart Chorus Path); then, Average Favor when I took his side concerning the fate of the rival Captain (he will be taken to VoN and conscripted, rather than executed).
To wrap up, exit the fort's gates and proceed west along the outside of its walls to find a climbable section (Athletics: 30, +4 exp) that leads to a chest holding Light Leather Gauntlets and Scroll: Sigil of Proximate Action (Expression) (Subterfuge: 39).
Ok, that's it for the introductory Edgering Ruins segment! The transition point to the world map lies outside of the gates and to the southeast. Gather your party and venture forth on the three hour hike to our next area — the Disfavored Camp!
Disfavored Camp Outer Grounds
PRIMARY QUEST: THE CONQUEROR'S WILL. You have arrived in the Disfavored Camp in order to proclaim Kyros' Edict to the Archons, Graven Ashe & the Voices of Nerat.

Upon entry to the camp you will spy merchant Sterling Hagnon, standing before his wagon, surrounded by three Disfavored who are ready to seize his goods for not having a trade permit. I wondered if the merchant could give me a good reason to come to his aid... In response, he offered up "family" recipe freebies to the soldiers of the camp. I likened his recipe to a Chorus concoction and suggested he stole it (Lore: 30, +26 exp). Then, I picked him up by the collar when he protested his innocence (Athletics: 30, +46 exp). Fearful, he confessed to looting corpses in the aftermath of battle. The Crescent Runner was indignant that the merchant was trying to sell the wares of Disfavored dead back to them, pointing to the iron in the wagon as proof.
Nevertheless, I allowed the merchant to continue trading, warning him that future lies will be punishable by death. The Crescent Runner protested my decision and questioned my authority on the matter, but she gave in after I intimidated her (Athletics: 40, +44 exp). Ergo, the disgruntled Disfavored left the scene in peace, leaving me to receive a discount from the grateful merchant. Sterling offers a small range of wares, some of which he looted from the corpses of fallen Disfavored; namely: Iron Walker Helm, Hero's Insignia (Courage: Immunity to Frightened & Terrified), Sabelroot, Vagrant's Chaw, Healing Potion x5, Potion of Elemental Barrier x5, Potion of Protection x5, Lesser Healing Potion x3, Scroll: Sigil of Guarded Form (Expression), Camping Supplies x5. The crate on the back of the wagon is holding Merchant's Bracers (Subterfuge: 39).
Verse interjection. Verse took time out to probe me for info on my mission. In response I suggested that she might be a spy for VoN (Subterfuge: 32, +13 exp, Verse: Gain Average Loyalty). When she persisted I made up a story about being sent to "tally the expense of the siege" (Lore: 32. +28 exp), which she didn't quite buy into. Verse expressed doubt that Graven Ashe and VoN will be able to see eye to eye in their strategy-making, but I assured her that, by my authority, the Archons will fall in line (Verse: Gain Average Loyalty). Anyway, Verse agreed that it's time to meet up with them (Verse: Gain Average Loyalty).
Proceed down the road and present yourself to the Stone Shields guarding the gate to the Disfavored Camp. They will recognize you as a Fatebinder and grant you and Verse immediate admittance.
Disfavored Camp Inner Grounds

Pentibor the merchant is standing by his wagon and will wave you down to offer a range of wares for sale; namely: Bronze Axe, Bronze Hammer, Bronze Dagger, Bronze Javelin, Bronze Spear, Bronze Sword, Brotherhood Stout x10, Cheese x5, Fruit x5, Grain x5, Lesser Healing Potion x5, Mead x5, Water x5, Scroll: Sigil of Frost (Core), Bloodmoss x5, Camping Supplies x6. The History check with him is strictly for flavor. I stole the Stone Shield Gloves from his armor rack and then picked the entire camp clean of loot. Whatever was not nailed down, I took it: Crate (Subterfuge: 27): Grain, Crate (Subterfuge: 30): Nobleman's Bracers, Scroll: Lesser Sigil of Strength (Accent), Crate on wagon (Subterfuge: 37): Heavy Leather Armor, Spear Rack: Imperial Iron Falcata, Barrel: Water, Sack: Grain. I'm not sure of the exact check, but with Subterfuge: 39 I was able to detect a hidden crate on the right side of Ashe's Tent, holding Garnet, Topaz, Agate x3.
The heavily-armored Barik is standing sentry in the training grounds, arms folded. He won't lend you his ear, let alone join your party, until you have proclaimed the Edict. Blood Chanter Bitter Quip is in-camp as Emissary for the Chorus. He offers nothing but chit-chat until you reach Echocall Crossing.
Disfavored Trainers: Marcus & Lucia. For a sum of rings, Marcus will train you in One-handed Weapons, Two-handed Weapons and Parry, and Lucia will train you in Thrown Weapons, Dodge and Athletics. You should seek to train the full five ranks that are allowed each and every time your character and companions levelup; otherwise, the opportunity for faster advancement is wasted. Btw, you will need sufficient Reputation with the Disfavored faction to learn more about the trainers.
Quest: Forge-Bound Iron. Isotanis the Blacksmith requests that you retrieve a shipment of iron that went missing around Echocall Crossing. This quest is covered in Part III of this walkthrough. His wares are as follows: Earth Shaker Staff, Oathbound Dagger, Stone Shield Tower Shield, Oath Bound Helm, Stone Shield Helm, Crescent Runner Armor, Stone Shield Armor, Stone Shield Boots, Stone Shield Gloves.
Ashe's War Tent: Proclamation of the Edict

We are here to cap off PRIMARY QUEST: THE CONQUEROR'S WILL. Inside you will witness two Archons, the hulking Graven Ashe & the rod-twirling Voices of Nerat, engaged in a heated debate regarding how to deal with the rebellious Vendrien faction. I announced my presence and my intention to proclaim Kyros' Edict, also informing them that the valley has been sealed off by Kyros' magic. I gained Major Favor with the Chorus and VoN, who recognized me as the Governor of Lethian's Crossing; after which, I bowed and saluted (History: Diplomacy) to gain Minor Favor from both Archons. VoN then courteously thanked me for gracing them with my presence, referring to me as Quakebringer, Executioner of Cairn (VoN & Chorus: Gain Major Favor). Not to be outdone on diplomacy, GA thanked me for saving Commander Drastus back in the Edgering Ruins, for which deed I gained Average Favor with the stalwart Archon of War.
The boot-licking over, I proclaimed Kyros' Edict of Execution to the Archons: "In honor of your incompetence and disarray, the Edict will execute every living thing in this valley unless Ascension Hall is taken by Kyros' Day of Swords" — darkening the room and shaking the earth (GA: Gain Average Wrath, VoN: Gain Average Favor, Verse: Gain Minor Loyalty). After a lil' more back and forth the Archons finally stopped bickering and agreed on their strategy: the Disfavored will tackle the Matani river while the Chorus scour the outer valley.
PRIMARY QUEST: THE CONQUEROR'S WILL (COMPLETE). Each party member gains 67 experience, divided among their skills.
Ok, the towering Iron Marshal Erenyos will pipe up to report that Barik and his band are ready for the assault on Echocall Crossing. Of similar stature, Crimson Spear Fifth Eye affirms that Chorus forces will be ready to secure the outer valley in the event that the Disfavored are successful in taking the Crossing; after which, both he and the Archon of Secrets take their leave of the tent.
Note the countdown: 7 days until Kyros' Day of Swords! Yes, the time limit is REAL; that is, if Kyros' forces have not taken Ascension Hall by the deadline you will receive the following message:
While the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus argued, unable to decide on a plan of attack, thereby delaying their assault on the citadel, Kyros' Day of Swords came to an end. When the last of sunlight fell behind the mountains, the weight of the Overlord's Edict descended upon all who remained in Vendrien's Well. As a price for failing to satisfy Kyros' demands, everyone in the valley was struck down. When the remnants of the Tiers finally succumbed, this moment was spoken of as the point when all resistance to Kyros ceased.
... And it will be GAME OVER and the credits will roll. So yeah, be mindful that travel takes time, camping to rest and heal wounds takes time, and standing around doing nothing wastes time, too.
Second Stage of the Campaign
Graven Ashe will refer you to Marshal Erenyos to learn about the Disfavored battle plans. In turn, she will request that you meet her in the training grounds. In addition, the noble and dignified Marshal will advise you to travel to the Scarlet Chorus Camp to assist Fifth Eye with the Chorus war effort.
PRIMARY QUEST: THE BATTLE OF ECHOCALL CROSSING. You need to assist the Disfavored in wresting control of the Crossing from the Vendrien Guard so that Kyros' forces are free to push on to the citadel.
PRIMARY QUEST: TAKING THE OUTER VALLEY. Likewise, you need to assist the Chorus in their failing operation in Tripnettle. Note how receiving this quest unlocks the Scarlet Chorus Camp on your world map, meaning you are free to go there whenever you wish.
Loot the tent for all it's worth before taking your leave of it: the chest is holding Iron Walker Gauntlets and Garnet (Subterfuge: 32), and the barrel is holding Whetstone.
Tyranny Walkthrough - Part II, Barik:

Wander over to the training grounds to meet up with Iron Marshal Erenyos, as she requested. I inquired into the previous defeat suffered by the Disfavored at the river, which she blamed on the absence of Chorus backup. I shared Verse's view that lack of caution was probably to blame and not the Chorus (Verse: Gain Average Loyalty, Disfavored: Lose Minor Favor). I also agreed with Verse that Chorus assistance would be more forthcoming if the Disfavored were less inclined to mock (Verse: Average Loyalty, Disfavored: Gain Minor Wrath: Disfavored). The trading of insults over ("Fucking Northern swine" and "Shut your snout, filthy mongrel"), I bribed Erenyos for 850 copper rings by citing my "fighting expenses" (Subterfuge: 32, +13 exp, Disfavored: Gain Minor Wrath). When she coughed up the coin, I agreed to assist the Disfavored.

Companion: Barik: Punisher & Sentinel. Upon agreeing to assist the Disfavored Erenyos will introduce you to Stone Shield Barik, whom Verse knows well.
"When the Tiers are fully under our command, I'll take you to whatever passes for a watering hole in this forsaken country. We'll drink the local swill to honor the fallen".
"Forget the fallen. I know a great brothel in Lethian's Crossing where we can watch something rise, then fall, then rise again".
Barik is ordered to accompany you as arbitrator in cooperation between his band and the Chorus. To Erenyos' "I hope you don't mind the company" I responded "I do mind, but I'll allow it anyway — if only so that I can put a large object between myself and the enemy" (Barik: Gain Average Fear, Disfavored: Gain Average Wrath) — a doubly appropriate response for a character focused in Shortbow, who needs a tank. Anyway, Barik will then join the party and Echocall Crossing will be unlocked on your world map.
Unlike Verse, you get to assign Barik's second level attribute & talent. Of note, his armor, helm, gauntlets and grieves are "fused" to him, and are therefore non-transferable. When you get the chance, ask him how he vacates his bowels, takes pleasure from life, and swims.

Quest: Earthshaker's Reinforcements. In the middle of camp - and only after you have proclaimed the Edict - you will overhear an Earthshaker reporting to Commander Ceveus that Radix, leader of the Earthshakers, has gone missing en route to the Northeastern Pass. Accept Ceveus' request to travel to the Northern Clearing in search of Radix and his reinforcements, and he will mark the location on your world map.
Reputation breakdown. Faction-wise, I have gained almost two full points (tiers) of Favor with Chorus (and no Wrath), about one-half point of both Favor and Wrath with Disfavored, and one-quarter point Wrath with the Vendrien Guard (and no Favor). Archon-wise, I have gained one-half point Favor and one-and-one-half point Wrath with Ashe, and two-and-three-quarters Favor with VoN (and no Wrath). Companion-wise, I have gained three-and-one-half points of Loyalty with Verse (and no Fear), thereby unlocking the Death From Above companion combo. I have gained one-half point of Fear with Barik (and no Loyalty), and two points of Loyalty with Eb (and almost one point of Fear) (see below).
The party takes their leave of the Disfavored Camp and embarks on the two hour hike to the Scarlet Chorus Camp.

Companion: Eb. En route to the Scarlet Chorus Camp (or any destination from the Disfavored Camp) you will be ambushed by mage Eb of the Vendrien Guard, who, from an elevated position and flanked by guards, will courteously inquire into the fate of Tarkis Demos and Pelox Tyrel, and offer to negotiate their release in exchange for five captured Choirmen. I told her the truth: the Captain is with the Chorus (Eb: Gain Average Fear) and Tyrel is dead. I then questioned Eb at length, finding out that their overthrow of the garrison cost them many lives, and that the leader of the insurrection is Tarkis Arri, sister of Demos. At her request I revealed the wording of Kyros' Edict (Barik: Gain Average Fear, Barik: Lose Very Minor Loyalty), confirming that, indeed, "all" lives in the valley are at stake (Eb: Gain Average Loyalty). Eb is inquisitive: No, the Fatebinders are not able to smell truth from falsehood; it's just mystique (Verse: Lose Minor Loyalty, Eb: Gain Average Loyalty), Yes, Edicts can be broken but only if Kyros provides a clause within the proclamation allowing it to end (Lore: 37, +38 exp, Eb: Gain Average Loyalty), and (Full point of Loyalty with Eb): The Overlord is both mother and father; your question is irrelevant. Finally, Eb wished me well before taking her leave (Eb: Gain Average Loyalty). So yeah, I was not able to recruit her at this point in the proceedings.
You will find Marshberry, Vagrant's Chaw and Bloodmoss lodged in the rocks just here.
Ok! The party continues on to the Scarlet Chorus Camp, arriving without further delays.
Scarlet Chorus Camp: Outer Grounds
PRIMARY QUEST: TAKING THE OUTER VALLEY. You have arrived at the Scarlet Chorus Camp to assist Fifth Eye in securing the outer ring of Vendrien's Well so that Kyros' army is free to march on the citadel unhindered by the Vendrien rebels.

Verse banter. Click the dialogue icon on Verse's portrait to have a chit-chat... or rather, engage in an extended dialogue in which you will learn much about her and Scarlet Chorus lore. Note that some dialogue threads are gated by Loyalty/Fear tiers, similar to companion "influence" in Mask of the Betrayer. Anyway, Verse expressed surprise at my ability to proclaim the Edict so casually, to which I responded that it wasn't the first time: the Edict of Stone in Azure was also proclaimed by me (Quickstart Conquest). I agreed with Verse that she is a killer and is therefore better off in the Scarlet Chorus rather than bearing and raising children (Verse: Gain Average Loyalty); also approving of her description of Scarlet Fury artistry in killing (Verse: Gain Average Loyalty). Verse rebelled at my suggestion that she absorbed the minds of her sisters, a la VoN, preferring to chalk her gifts up to a good memory and her close bond with the Scarlet Fury (Subterfuge: 37, +18 exp). Finally, by training with Verse you can gain five ranks in either Shortbow or Dual-wield weapon skills, not both. These bonuses do not contribute to your levelup.

Barik banter. The factional rivalry between Barik and Verse manifests often. I remark that their bickering is worse than that of Ashe and VoN, and order them to cease at once (Barik: Gain Average Fear). Barik's remark that "Ashe put loyalty to his troops before personal pride" was dismissed by me as "bending a knee to a Conqueror" (Barik: Gain Average Fear). I blamed the legion for the current uprising in Vendrien's Well: "The Disfavored are Kyros' elite. The duty was theirs to fail" (Barik: Gain Major Fear); then remarked that the Disfavored are foolish in their refusal to recruit Tiersman into their ranks (Barik: Gain Average Fear). I insisted Barik discuss the removal of his armor (Barik: Gain Average Fear), asking him how he takes "pleasure" from life (Barik: Gain Average Fear), how he vacates his bowels, and how he fares in water. Pretty amusing. I also unlocked the Blade Grave's Grasp companion combo by reaching third tier Fear with Barik (verging on the fifth already). As with Verse, by training with Barik you can gain five ranks in a weapon skill: either Two-handed or One-handed, not both.
Ok, just to the east of your starting position you will encounter a stand-off between two wannabe gang leaders, Quiet Shiver & Shivershank. I let them fight it out and then looted the corpses of Shivershank's defeated side for Bent Bronze Sword, Scarlet Chorus Leather Armor and Horde Boots x2 (Chorus: Gain Minor Favor). The crate in the west holds Shattered Iron Spaulder.
At camp's entrance the Horde recognized me as a Fatebinder and granted the party admittance (Chorus: Gain Major Favor).
Scarlet Chorus Camp: Inner Grounds
Pick the place clean of loot. Chest: Bent Bronze Sword, Chest (Subterfuge: 37): Healing Potion, Lesser Healing Potion, Camping Supplies, Crate: Mead, Bronze Dagger, Weapon rack: Bent Bronze Sword, Weapon rack: Bronze Hammer, Bloodhound Leathers, Crate: Stalwart Bronze Sword, Fruit, Chest (Subterfuge: 47): Momentum Gauntlets (?). A unit of Rotspear may be found at Salveros' camp.

Crimson Spear Fifth Eye. On Fifth Eye's left is an interaction check that will net you Sigil of Illusion (Core) if you qualify to read the scroll (Lore: 32). Now, Fifth Eye has hitherto failed to deal with Captain Florian and his crew, who have been running amok. He is currently attempting to extract the location of the Vendrien Guard's secondary camp from a prisoner, Variah Kel. I accepted his request to interrogate her on the proviso that he share with me some Blood Chanter lore in exchange; however, the reward must wait until after we have dealt with the Oathbreakers. Follow Fifth Eye to the middle of camp, where he has the prisoners tied to posts, and speak with Variah Kel who is one of them. She desperately demands a guarantee of conscription to the Chorus before she shares her info, fearful that she will be executed once the location of the camp is given. I detected insincerity in her claim and asked her to try again (Subterfuge: 30, +11 exp). Next, she identified a nearby Vendrien corpse as holding orders, but when Fifth Eye checked them out he found naught but gibberish, laughed out loud, and ordered a Fury to slay the wretch for wasting his time. However, I stepped in and suggested that she be given the initiation rights (Chorus: Gain Minor Wrath) and then sent back to infiltrate the Oathbreakers as a Chorus agent (Vendrien Guard: Gain Minor Wrath). As a result Variah Kel was cut down from the post, and saved.

Companion: Lantry. Tied to an adjacent post is Vendrien Sage Lantry, who will pipe up and offer to read the orders. He identifies the shorthand as probably being Sage Selwin's, and requests a few hours to decipher it, preferably unbound. I called for his immediate release, but Fifth Eye stubbornly refused — "He is our prisoner. He is our property" — and demanded trial by combat (i.e, the party going up against a Chorus mob). However, I cited Kyros' law that states Lantry can become my property by swearing fealty to a Fatebinder (Lore: 32, +26). Still, Fifth Eye would not see reason until I grabbed him by the mask and threatened to humiliate him in his own camp, which was funny (Athletics: 32, +46) (I could have used second tier Favor with the Chorus to convince him, too). Anyway, after the time-lapse (that represents the time it takes to decipher the shorthand) Lantry marks the location of a meeting spot on your world map: just west of Tripnettle. Finally, a lead! His freedom won, I accepted the grateful Sage into the party (Lantry: Gain Average Favor). The third level Lantry offers Quill, Sage and Preservation trees, and at first glance looks to be a valuable companion to have on-side.
Lantry banter. Not much dialogue can be explored at this point. But, even without a full tier in Loyalty/Fear, I was able to receive the Sigil of Life (Core) and gain five ranks in the Control Life skill (Lantry: Gain Minor Loyalty).
You can now speak with Fifth Eye on a general level. When Barik threatened him for speaking poorly of Ashe, I ordered him to stand down (Chorus: Gain Average Favor).
Scarlet Fury Trainers: Regg & Baz. For a sum of rings, Regg will train you in Magic Staff, Subterfuge and Lore, and Baz will train you in Bows, Dual-wield and Unarmed Combat. You should seek to train the full five ranks that are allowed each and every time your character and companions levelup; otherwise, the opportunity for faster advancement is wasted. Btw, you will need sufficient Reputation with the Chorus faction to learn more about the trainers.
Sniggler Dagos (merchant). Ripper, Bloodchanter Staff, Bronze Dagger, Scarlet Chorus Leather Armor, Horde Boots, Scarlet Fury Gloves, Scarlet Fury Helm, Fire-Eye Stone (Sigil of Fire: +10 Control Fire), Lesser Healing Potion x4, Scroll: Sigil of Channeled Strength (Expression), Scroll: Lesser Sigil of Precise Action (Accent), Scroll: Sigil of Vigor (Core), Staggering Burn x3, Scarlet Poison x5, Camping Supplies x5.
Scarlet Fury Death Knell. Quest: The Way of the Horde. Death Knell informs you that Chorus numbers are thinning. In order to address the issue she requests that you link up with a gang of Horde who are raiding a Remote Settlement, the location of which she marks on your world map. Ok, let's do that quest now...
Remote Settlement
Make your way towards the settlement where you will be beset on all sides by Vendriens who cannot be bargained with. Criticism: As mentioned in Part I, I don't like how scripted encounters break the party's stealth. The design literally takes control of the party and forcibly walks them into the line of fire. Why would the party be so stupid as to walk right in between two buildings, with the enemy no doubt poised for attack around each corner and in elevated positions, as shown below?
Would we not have called out from behind the trees? Or, trained in subterfuge, would not Verse or I sneak up behind the leader and hold a knife to her throat, forcing them to surrender and be conscripted?

Anyway, you will be forced to defend your scrambling party against coordinated Vendriens consisting of Sun Soldier, Honor Guard and Sage. There is also an Archer perched atop the roof. Slay them all and loot the Honor Guard's corpse for Vendrien Guard Heavy Bronze Helmet and Vendrien Guard Heavy Bronze Gauntlets. Post-bloodbath the Scarlet Fury will come out of hiding, run onto the field, and thank you for dealing with the rebels. You see, they wisely held back and used you as bait to lure the enemy out... sigh. Ok, loot the stack of crates on the rooftop for Tierforged Bronze Greatspear, Gain and Cheese. The other crate is holding Staggering Burn, and the barrel Fruit and Cheese. Image: The Death From Above companion combo in action.
Return to Death Knell in the Chorus Camp, confront her about using you as bait (punch), and accept the compensation awarded you: Cleansing Charm (Purifying: Immunity to Poisoned) and Twisted Iron Sword. Demand more and she will cough up 550 rings in addition. Quest: The Way of the Horde (Completed). Each party member gains +80 experience, divided among their skills.
Tripnettle Wilderness

We are here to tackle PRIMARY QUEST: TAKING THE OUTER VALLEY. Upon your arrival to the wilderness you will be greeted by Fake Limp, whose gang is a bit stretched on resources and in dire need of backup. Fake Limp will make it clear that VoN wants Captain Florian taken alive. I assured him that we will round up the Vendriens in short order (Chorus: Gain Very Minor Favor) (+13 party experience).
Crate (Subterfuge: 21): Potion of Revival and Agate.
Make your way south and east, looting as you go. Crate: Bronze Axe, Waking Death, Lesser Healing Potion, Camping Supplies, Hidden crate (Subterfuge): Staff of Boreal Frost.
Farther east you will have to contend with one each of Sun Soldier and Honor Guard. Disarm the proximity trap (Subterfuge: 32) as you make you way east and north around the edge of the camp, preferably scouting under the effects of stealth or invisibility. Here you can disarm another trap right under the nose of four-strong Vendrien (Subterfuge: 34): Retreat, buff up and return to take them out.
Disarm the trap just to the north (Subterfuge: 34) and proceed into Florian's Camp to confront him in person. The Captain surrendered when I allowed his soldiers to go free (Vendrien Guard: Gain Minor Favor). In addition, he was pleased by my suggestion that being taken as prisoner may provide him with an opportunity to assassinate VoN (Subterfuge: 39, +12 exp) (+13 party experience).
Loot the camp. Stack of crates: Heart of Battle (Frenzy: -10% Recovery time while has wounds), Studded Iron Gorget (Parrying: +10 Parry), Crate on wagon (Subterfuge): Scroll: Sigil of Frostfire (Accent) and Agate.

Upon leaving the camp Fake Limp will catch up with the party to take the Captain into custody (Chorus: Gain Average Favor). Before escorting the Captain away to VoN he will warn you that the morning patrol is on its way back to camp (+123 party experience).
Backtrack to the camp's entrance, dispatch the Honor Guard and three Archers that stand in your way, and head back to the Chorus Camp. PRIMARY QUEST: TAKING THE OUTER VALLEY (COMPLETED) (+122 party experience).
Scarlet Chorus
Upon your return you will notice a few new people in camp to talk to.

Companion: Archon of Song Sirin. Sirin scoffed when she caught sight of me, referring to me contemptuously as "Mother" and charging me with using her "flock as chaff for the Chorus". This is a result of the Quickstart Conquest decision, in which Sirin's "enthralled" (conscripted by song) were sent to the front lines by the Fatebinder. Now, having entranced the camp with a single sound, Sirin ordered me to remove her ornate helmet, but the ruby headpiece on her brow glowed in warning, so I questioned her intent (Lore: 40, +31 exp). Disappointed, she dismissed me in no uncertain terms. Loremaster Lantry was dumbstruck to have been in Sirin's presence, amazed that I knew her (Lantry: Gain Average Loyalty). I spoke with Sirin again. This time, she commanded "the one in the tin barrel" to remove her helmet, but I stepped in and restrained the enthralled Barik, before he did so (Athletics: 34, +46 exp). "Once again the worm dares defy the songbird. Don't worry, little worm, one day the bird will get her prey". So yeah, as with Eb I was not able to recruit Sirin into the party at this point in the proceedings.

Beastmen. Just south of Sirin, and in the starkest contrast imaginable, you can't help but notice Night Yowl and the bare-breasted Claws-at-Throat scratching their hairy asses and otherwise behaving unsociably. After she dominated her male counterpart I told the Beastwoman I could take her on but she chickened out with some excuse about having to train the "whelp-cur" (Athletics: 22, +32 exp). There is lots of beast-lore to peruse in this dialogue.
Two-Tooth & Vittles. You will notice Vittles standing alone with his back to the camp. In speaking to him you will discover that he was forcibly conscripted into the Chorus; moreover, he is underage. Having ordered him to summon his gang-leader for an explanation, Two-Tooth - who was gambling nearby - trudged on over and demanded to know why I was pestering his Choirman. I quoted the law to him twice, thereby saving Vittles from enslavement (Lore: 34, +22 exp, Lore 36, +25 exp).
Ok, that's it for the Chorus Camp - at least for the time being. In the next post the party will take on the Vendriens at Echocall.
Tyranny Walkthrough - Part IV:
Northern Clearing
We are here to tackle Side Quest: Earthshaker's Reinforcements, which we accepted from Commander Ceveus in the Disfavored Camp (see Part II).

Loot the Earthbreaker corpses strewn about for Earthshaker Hood, Earthshaker Staff and Potion of Elemental Barrier. The overturned wagons are holding Heavy Bronze Ridge Helm and Fatiguing Toxin (Subterfuge).
Dispatch the Honor Guard, Sun Soldier, Archer, Sage and Outrunner just to the north and loot their corpses for Broken Armor and Sun Soldier's Shield.
Once the Vendriens have been vanquished Earthbreaker Helspar will recognize you as an ally and magically move the massive stone that protected them against the ambush (Disfavored: Gain Average Favor). Helspar will inform you that Commander Radix Ironstone is not among them. Regardless, the circle of Earthbreakers will leave to fulfill their duties in the valley once you inform them of the Edict (+50 party experience).
Ok, return to the Disfavored Camp to find Ceveus and Iron Marshal Erenyos questioning Helspar about Radix. Erenyos will reward you for services rendered: 750 rings & Emerald Pin (Regenerating: +1% Heal every 6 secs) (Disfavored: Gain Average Favor). Side Quest: Earthshaker Reinforcements (Completed) (+100 party experience).
Echocall Crossing

PRIMARY QUEST: THE BATTLE FOR ECHOCALL CROSSING. The battle will have already begun when you arrive at the crossing. Speak with Antio and Bitter Quip to learn that Disfavored forces are in disarray: they attempted to cross the river's western bridge but were washed away by agents of the School of Tides, who are assisting the Vendrien rebellion (i.e, Eb). I told Antio that a direct attack was dumb and that Bitter Quip was wise to hold back his Furies (Chorus: Gain Minor Favor) (Disfavored: Gain Minor Wrath). Then, Quip started to get precious about putting his Furies in harm's way, but changed his tune when I threatened to let VoN know of his cowardice (Subterfuge: 36, +8 exp) (+20 party experience). Anyway, the party agreed to create a distraction on the eastern bridge while the Fury set a rope to the broken western one, so that it may be crossed.

Loot the two crates outside the nearby abandoned home, one of which requires Subterfuge to detect. They are holding Tiersman Hunting Bow, Broken Armor, Bronze Greataxe, Fruit, Lesser Healing Potion x2, Water and Camping Supplies.
Ok, follow the road northeast towards the eastern bridge, looting Disfavored corpses and disarming the traps along the way. Corpses: Red Moss Poultice, Potion of Revival, Broken Falx, Vendrien Guard Heavy Bronze Helmet, Broken Helmet. Traps (Subterfuge: 23, 23).
Just to the north, two Outrunners are poised for attack at the southern end of the bridge. Slay them.
Two Vendriens will flee to the northern end of the bridge and raise it when they catch sight of you attempting to cross it. I recognized Matani Sybil's heraldry as that of House Mitani (Lore: 36, +24 exp) and called for her to lower the bridge and surrender, but she dismissed the demand with phallic gestures (+20 party experience).
The distraction created, I return to Antio and Quip to learn that, in the meantime, they had been successful in setting the rope to the collapsed bridge. I credited Quip for this change in circumstances (Chorus: Gain Minor Favor, Disfavored: Gain Minor Wrath), unlocking the Merciless reputation ability (+5% Hit Precision on targets below 35% health) (+20 party experience).

Interaction check. You will need Athletics: 29 to negotiate the rope crossing and arrive safely on the river's northern side (+20 party experience).
Assist the lone Fury who is outmatched by four-strong Vendrien. Loot the archer's corpse for Vendrien Guard Light Bronze Grieves and the Sage's for Sage's Hood and Staff of Boreal Frost.
Kyros' butchers have come! Flee! The settlers will run screaming as you circle around toward the outskirts of the village. Loot the sack here for Bloodstone & Topaz.
Next, proceed east along the northern side of the river to confront Sybil, who will command her outnumbered troops to flee. One of the soldiers broke ranks when I brandished my weapon (Athletics: 36, +46 exp). Sybil also fled the scene and left the party to take on yet another generic Vendrien crew, whose corpses yielded Imperial Iron Falcata, Broken Bow, Vendrien Bow x2.
Image (below): Here Matani flees as Verse and I concentrate ranged fire on the hapless Vendrien Sage.
Addenda to Side Quest: Forged-Bound Iron. On this side of the river, and to the east, you will find two clues pertaining to the whereabouts of the missing iron shipment; namely the waterlogged crates in the northeast and the Shattered Iron Sword held in a wooden chest by the bridge control. The updates are not quest-critical. Loot the barrel here for Grain & Rotspear; the crate for Light Leather Boots (Subterfuge).
The grateful Antio and Bitter Quip will cross the eastern bridge once you have lowered it. When you are ready, push on into the village itself to track down Sybil and locate the iron shipment.
Echocall Village

Echocall settlers will flee and cower in fear when they catch sight of your party. Dispose of the two Sun Soldiers who stand against you in the marketplace, which you should then pick clean of loot. Crate: Potion of Revival, Potion of Protection. Barrel: Water. Wagon chest (Subterfuge: 23): Fish & Grain.
Next, slay two more Sun Soldiers as you weave your way north, being wary of the traps en route (Subterfuge: 36, 36). Loot the crates in the far northwest for the Mending Grips (Vigilant: +2% Health while has wounds every 6 secs) (Subterfuge), Lesser Healing Potion x2 & Camping Supplies, the barrel on the roof for Mead & Water, and the crate for Light Bronze Ridge Helm.
Sybil will appear on the rooftop in the south to command a trio of hillfolk to take you out: Honor Guard, Sage Apprentice & Sun Soldier. Slay them and loot one of the corpses for a Broken Helmet. The crate here just holds a Lesser Healing Potion (Subterfuge: 36).
Climb to the roof in pursuit and you will find her boxed in, flanked by Sage, Outrunner, Sun Soldier & Honor Guard. I showed them mercy by allowing them to escape before the Disfavored arrived in the village (Vendrien Guard: Gain Major Favor). Of course, that was against Barik's wishes (Barik: Lose Minor Loyalty x2) (+154 party experience). I told Antio that I let Sybil go (Disfavored: Lose Minor Favor), and then ordered the settlement to be preserved and the settlers conscripted into the Chorus (Vendrien Guard: Gain Minor Wrath, Chorus: Gain Average Favor) (+33, +22 party experience).
Antio will then inform you that the Archons are meeting in the Disfavored Camp, and that your presence is required there. (The stack of barrels on the roof holds Iron Greatsword & Imperial Iron Falcata.)

As you backtrack out of the village you will notice Old Man Mua standing outside his abode, muttering about the "purple imbeciles". Now, there is an interaction check on the door to his home: use Subterfuge: 41 to pick its lock or Athletics: 36 to break it.
Inside, you will find Heavy Bronze Crested Helm and Scroll: Lesser Sigil of Strength (Accent) in the crate, and, more importantly, the Forge-Bound Iron Ingots stashed in a barrel. The old man will barge in and tell you to get out, but question him about the iron to find out that he was forced to hide the it by the Vendriens who stole it from Disfavored supply lines. The party left him in peace (+33 party experience). Deliver the ingots to the Disfavored blacksmith and he will reward you with 1,000 rings (Disfavored: Gain Average Favor). Side Quest: Forged-Bound Iron (Complete) (+134 party experience).
Ashe's War Tent

To no surprise GvA and VoN are still "going at it" when you return. I reported that the missions in Tripnettle and Echocall were successful, no thanks to the Disfavored (GvA: Gain Minor Wrath). In regard to the former I added that Pelox Florian will demoralize the enemy by being on our side, since he is from an influential family (VoN: Gain Minor Favor). In regard to the latter Iron Marshal Erenyos reported that the Fatebinder backed the Chorus claim not to torch the village (GvA: Gain Minor Wrath). Erenyos' then inquired into the fate of Matani Sybil, to which I responded honestly: that I let her go. This got GvA pretty steamed. I then gave the Archons their orders: The Chorus will lead Kyros' forces to the Citadel (GvA: Gain Very Major Wrath, VoN: Gain Very Major Favor). This agitated the Archon of War greatly. He vowed to carve a path of his own to the Citadel, convinced of Chorus incompetence; then, he lifted his mighty maul and slammed it into the ground with a thunderous boom — his way of declaring war between the Archons. To be clear, the Disfavored & Scarlet Chorus factions are now in a state of CIVIL WAR. PRIMARY QUEST: THE BATTLE FOR ECHOCALL CROSSING (Complete) (+60 party experience).

PRIMARY QUEST: ASSAULT ON THE CITADEL. You will be timelapsed to the outer grounds of the camp, having been knocked out by GvA's AoE and carried there by Barik. When you "come to" Fifth Eye requests that you meet up with VoN at the Chorus Camp, post-haste. Barik was understandably pissed with the allegiance made by the Fatebinder — and ready to leave the party as a result! He roared with fury and shoved the Fatebinder, who promptly reminded him that she is an agent of the Court (Lore: 38, 25 exp). And, by my office - and in dire need of a tank - I commanded Barik to remain in the party: Very well. Know that whenever I raise my arm in combat, I would rather... I would rather bring it down on your head. It will be interesting to see what becomes of our "relationship", if you wanna call it that. This lumbering paragon of war is verging on fifth tier Fear, btw.
(The gates to the Disfavored Camp are now closed to me.)
Scarlet Chorus Camp

The Eve of battle. The Fatebinder found the Voices of Nerat waiting in the middle of camp, surrounded by the corpses of Vendriens impaled on spikes. I accepted to lead the vanguard of the Scarlet Chorus. VoN will now mobilize the camp and meet us at the staging grounds of the Citadel. Sell off any loot you don't need, buy up on whatever you do need, make sure everyone is trained up for their level and healed of wounds, and then set off on the seven hour hike to the towering Citadel of Vendrien's Well! (+26 party experience.)
Tyranny Walkthrough - Part V, Eb, Mountain Spire of Vendrien's Well:
Vendrien's Well Citadel Outer Grounds
PRIMARY QUEST: ASSAULT ON THE CITADEL. Upon your arrival Fifth Eye will wave you down and explain the situation to you. Magical wards on the gates to the Citadel are being maintained by the Vendrien Sages from the inside. You will have to scale the Citadel walls and deal with them so that the Blood Chanters are free to unleash fire on the gate to blow it away, burn the Vendriens, and instill terror to their ranks. We also need to be on lookout for rival Disfavored forces that are assaulting the Citadel independently of us (+26 party experience).
First up, help the Chorus take out the two Sun Soldiers and Archer who attack from the north. Corpse: Broken Helmet.
Wagon on the right of the warded gate: Potion of Elemental Protection, Staggering Burn, Hide, Iron Ingot.
Ok, disarm the traps (Subterfuge: 38) as you head north to face off against five-strong Vendrien who have set up camp to guard the destroyed section of the Citadel's western wall. Sun Soldier x2, Outrunner, Honor Guard, Archer.
Chest (Subterfuge: 37): Merchant's Boots, Drowsy Drop, Tierforged Bronze Spear.

My tactics are to buff the party with Spectral Blur (+graze & +hit deflection), Surge of Glory (+dmg, +resolve) and Greater Renewal (+armor penetration); then, I fire a Penetrating Shot from cover of stealth to instill terror and make them run around in a panic (From the Shadows). (I usually prioritize Outrunner units because I find their Blink Strike quite annoying.) I also have Verse open up with Eternal Flame in the same way (from stealth), causing her target to flail their arms about and scream as they burn. Then I send in Barik to taunt the others with Clash of Iron and tank them with Stance: Phalanx I and Shield Wall while Lantry unleashes cone AoEs and Verse and I sit back taking potshots. We let loose Hobble & Hobble Prey to keep the heat off, too. Image: A Penetrating Shot whizzes in from left of screen to strike two enemies at the same time and inflict terror and bleeding status on them. If you can line several victims up, it's pretty effective. Btw, I intend to branch out from my Range tree into Agility for Sneak Attack and Magic for Enfeeblement. This should make my opening volley even more devastating than it already is. I've noticed that it's possible to lure units out and break up the mobs into more manageable numbers, if you're careful. There are "calls for help", but one or two tend to overstep the mark and commit themselves to taking you on, to their demise.
Ok, another interaction check: Climb the wall (Athletics: 31) (+26 party experience). Once on the wall, proceed along its northern section to arrive at a staircase leading down to the courtyard, dispatching the Sun Soldier and Archer along the way.
Chest (Subterfuge: 24): Merchant's Hat, Heavy Leather Gloves.
When she catches sight of you down in the courtyard Tarkis Arri (sister of Demos) will order her entourage to fall back to Ascension Hall, but not before commanding the rest of her troops to hold the courtyard against you. Slay the Honor Guard, Sun Soldier and Outrunner and then take out the two Sages maintaining the wards on the gate.

The Blood Chanters will then blow away the gate and bust through into the courtyard, led by Fifth Eye. Likewise, Erenyos' Disfavored will charge in via the other gate that has been breached by them. STAND OFF. Fifth Eye will order Erenyos to withdraw, but she isn't the type to back down. You will have no choice but to continue into the Keep and leave the two factions to war among themselves.
Chest: Cheese, Chest in wagon (Subterfuge): Light Bronze Ridge Helm, Weapon rack on wagon: Bronze Dagger, Sage corpse: Potion of Invisibility & Sage's Boots.
Citadel Barracks

Ok, the party has made its way into the keep (+26 party experience). The enemy will be alerted to your presence thanks to the Sun Soldier whose whistle echoes throughout the halls. But, despite their numbers, they don't all come out to meet you head-on. Instead, it seems they prefer to stay put and be picked off, pack by pack. Also, there are zero traps in the barracks. I would have thought they had the time to lay SOME down, but I guess not. Ammo crate: Chalcedony, Weapon rack: Sun Soldier's Shield.
Proceed into the next chamber to take out the Outrunner, Sun Soldier, Honor Guard, Sage, and Archer.
The barricades in the hallways force you to head towards the kitchen, where you will find two Sun Soldiers waiting for you to come and get them. One of them drops Broken Armor & Vendrien Guard Heavy Bronze Grieves. Shelf: Bronze Dagger, Table: Fruit, Loose stone (Subterfuge): Potion of Protection & Lesser Healing Potion.
Next, cross the main hallway and enter the study, slaying the Sage, Sage Apprentice and Outrunner holed up within. Loot the place. Bookshelf: Scroll, Chest (Subterfuge: 43): Marshberry. Interaction check on the table: Read the scroll to learn the Sigil of Force (Core) (Lore: 30).

Lastly proceed north down the main hallway to reach the entrance to Ascension Hall. Oh, Variah Kel! You will remember that she was tied to a post by Fifth Eye back in his camp, but I had her conscripted and sent back to infiltrate the Vendriens as a Chorus agent. As a result, she flashed me a knowing look and a slight nod, which I returned; then, she gutted the Honor Guard adjacent to her but was immediately struck down by the other Vendriens as they charged the party. Slay the remaining Sage, Outrunner and two each of Sun Soldier and Archer to complete your assault on the barracks (+26 party experience). Variah Kel corpse: Beastblood Pollen, Sage corpse: Sage's Robes, Barrel: Agate x2.
Ascension Hall

March down the hall to the throne room and confront Tarkis Arri, sister of Demos and "defacto leader of the dwindling Vendrien Guard". Her head held high, she is prepared to fight to the death for the pride and dignity of all her kinsmen. That the rebellion has landed them all in deep trouble with Kyros' factions does not phase her in the slightest (Subterfuge: 43, +8 exp), and she won't be bargained with or reasoned with in this situation: a battle is inevitable.
Arri is backed up by Tidecaster Eb and a support crew that includes Sage, Sage Apprentice, Archer, Honor Guard and Outrunner. To cap off this encounter you will need to slay the support crew and wear down Arri and Eb to the point of them kneeling on the ground in defeat. Easier said than done. Pull out all stops!
The blood-thirsty Fifth Eye then charged into the hall crying, "Crush them! Crush them all!", but the battle was already over. I told the gleeful Crimson Spear that I was honored to have a hand in the glory (Chorus: Gain Average Favor). He gifted me Rending Edge (One-Handed Axe, Jagged: inflicts bleeding on critical hit) in thanks but you may receive another item such as the Pillar of Courage (Two-handed Staff. Quality: Superior, Damage: 9-10 Crush [Base: 10-11] [DPS: 7] vs. Dodge, Recovery: 0.5s [1.5s total], Attack Skills: Control Vigor [39] & Magic Staff [50], Courage: Immunity to Frightened) or Mirrored Stompers (i.e, the reward is random). There was an option here to betray my alliance with the Chorus and declare the valley my own, but I won't be doing that.

Anyway, Arri was defiant in her defeat: "May Pox take your children." (Chorus: Gain Average Favor, Vendrien Guard: Gain Major Wrath, Disfavored: Gain Average Favor). For me, this unlocked the third tier Wrath Vendrien Guard reputation ability, Unnerving Presence (nearby enemies are afflicted with an accuracy penalty). Finally, I lay claim to Ascension Hall and declare all in the valley free from the Edict. So yeah, the Edict of Execution is ENDED. (You will notice that you gain 400 points of Power, but more on that later.)
Suddenly, the Fatebinder levitates above the hall as the Citadel crumbles around her, and the party are transported to who-knows-where, leaving Bitter Quip and the other Chorus forces to stare about dumbly in the hall, wondering what just happened. PRIMARY QUEST: ASSAULT ON THE CITADEL (COMPLETE) (+244 party experience).
Mountain Spire of Vendrien's Well
The party step out of the portal to find themselves standing upon a slab of ancient stone suspended above the clouds, the masonry of the hall all torn away to reveal a masterfully crafted structure that no Tiersman could build. This is the pinnacle of the Mountain Spire of Vendrien's Well. To the east can be seen the Burning Library, and to the west the Spire of Lethian's Crossing.

Fifth Eye, Eb and Arri are with us, too. I ordered Fifth Eye to send word to VoN of our success - "Our Glory overfloweth!" - and to send my compliments to the Archon of Secrets (Chorus: Gain Minor Favor, VoN: Gain Minor Favor). I COULD have declared the Spire an extension of Tunon's Court but my intention is to "hunt with the Chorus" to the very end, if that's feasible.
Companion: Eb. Tidecaster Eb bowed and pledged her life to the Fatebinder, who forgave her on the proviso that she serves well (Eb: Gain Major Loyalty). Upon her recruitment you will have five attribute points and five talents to assign to two trees (Tidal & Gravelight) in order to tailor Eb to your liking. You also have access to the party manager window, in which you may hire and fire your companions. The maximum is a four-person party, so you need to carefully choose who you go with in order to compose a party in which each member complements one another and is able to pull their weight under various combat scenarios. Common sense, really.
Anyway, the next stage of the campaign has begun... :: Fade to black and slideshow ::

Vendrien's Well has fallen. For the second time since the conquest began Kyros' armies take the citadel from its defenders. With your help, the Vendrien Guard rebellion has been crushed.
Having taken Ascension Hall with your Scarlet Chorus allies, you satisfied the terms of the Edict. You and the forces of Kyros are free from the Overlord's death sentence.
With the threat of execution no longer looming overhead, the Overlord's armies turned their attention away from the citadel and toward each other. The tensions that flared over the long siege reached an explosive crescendo as the Disfavored and Scarlet Chorus armies clashed iron and bronze in a hasty, disorganized battle.
After a brief exchange that left his soldiers bloodied, Graven Ashe withdrew his army from the valley, pulling the Disfavored back to their secure fort in the Blade Grave.
Once his army finished licking their wounds, the Voices of Nerat ordered the Scarlet Chorus to gather in the Stone Sea and prepare for war - this time against their former allies.
The Archon of Secrets instructed his soldiers to respect your lawful claim over the Spire. Though a few greedy stragglers still lurk in the valley, the Scarlet Chorus were content to leave your stronghold uncontested.
As days pass, the wounded and injured were nursed to health. You explored your strange bastion and planned your next steps with careful deliberation.
As word spreads that the Scarlet Chorus and Disfavored turned on each other, factions once resolved to bend the knee are inspired instead to continue fighting. The Archons' feud has heralded the collapse of Kyros' offensive.
Tunon, the Archon of Justice, observes the chaos and discord spreading across the land. The Archon summons his Fatebinder to return to court at the Bastard City and report on her actions in Vendrien's Well.
Tyranny Walkthrough - Part VI:
Please refer to the end of the previous section for the intro to the Spire and the narrative that explains the situation in which the party currently finds themselves. But basically, the Fatebinder-led Scarlet Chorus were successful in quelling the Vendrien rebellion to end the Edict of Execution, but Kyros' conquest of the tiers has hit a snag thanks to the civil war being waged between the Chorus and Disfavored factions. Moreover, after defeating the rebel leader in the pivotal battle in Ascension Hall, it was revealed that the Fatebinder possessed mystical powers of her own, enough to awaken a several hundred year old Spire, and make the Tiers of Terratus tremble...
PRIMARY QUEST: KYROS' VOICE. Ok, Crimson Spear Fifth Eye reported that VoN has pulled back to the base at Cacophony and that we should meet him there to discuss the civil war waged against the Disfavored. I agreed to meet up with him but not before I meet up with Tunon, the Archon of Justice (Chorus: Gain Average Favor). The Fatebinder must travel to Tunon's Court in the Bastard City and get Tunon up to speed on what went down at Vendrien's Well.
PRIMARY QUEST: STIRRING VISIONS. Highly satisfied with the current situation, Fifth Eye strolled over to the portal to descend the Spire, but suddenly squealed in panic as it deactivated before he could step into it. Interact with the mysterious sculptured device in the center of the platform and you will have an out-of-body experience as you form a mystical connection with the Spires scattered across the Tiers. When you return to awareness the portal will have reactivated (and Fifth Eye will take his leave) (+37 party experience). To continue this quest the Fatebinder must travel to Lethian's Crossing and investigate its Spire.
Both the Bastard City & Sunset Spire locations should now be marked on your world map. But first, we have some business to attend to, here, at Vendrien's Well.

Lantry Banter. The Vendrien Sage inquired into whose side I intend to take in the civil war, to which I responded that I roll with the Chorus. The 84 year-old Lantry was relieved that I didn't much care about his origins (Lantry: Gain Average Loyalty). But then I probed him on his more recent past, making it clear that I know he is smarter than he acts (Subterfuge: +45, +7 exp). He revealed that, 30 years ago, an agent for VoN sent him to the School of Ink & Quill, where he eventually became part of VoN's earlier "invasions"; that is, the under-handed moves he made that preceded the current war. Lantry was supposed to win the School over to the notion of surrender, but the militant tiersmen elders grew defiant and took a stand against Kyros' forces - culminating in the Edict of Fire. I thanked him for the info and asked him not to keep secrets from me in the future (Lantry: Gain Major Loyalty). Lantry is the quintessential sage, able to offer insights into the nature of Edicts, Archon magic, Spellcraft, the Oldwalls and the Spires. I bled him dry for the lore and unlocked the third tier Loyalty companion combo ability, Wheel of Ages.

Verse & Barik banter. Verse revealed that Barik and her share the same father (requires tier 3 reputation with either). I observed that they fight well together, perhaps as a result of their shared heritage; however, they both refused my request to train together even when I bluffed that perhaps they are not up to the challenge (Subterfuge: 45, +7 exp); and even though my reputation with them is pretty solid: Verse is at tier 3 Loyalty (94% to tier 4) and Barik is at tier 4 Fear (95% to tier 5). I thought that perhaps I required fifth tier reputation with them (only achievable with a Very Major gain), but the simple encouragement of "I want you to give it a shot" was enough to get them to spar and unlock the Arrow Storm companion combo between them. Barik is of course still majorly steamed. To his mind, I have betrayed GvA, the legion, the northern countrymen and the campaign itself. To him, I am an agent of great misdeeds, an ally of VoN, an enemy of GvA, and no friend of his. He leaned in looking like he was going to throttle me, so I punched him in the guts (Athletics: 25, +28 exp). "Let us be clear on one point - You have my blade, but my heart belongs to Ashe and the north. I am a weapon bound to you only by duty. Nothing more". Then, he turned away and was silent. So yeah, I still have my meatshield in the party. But for how long?

Eb banter. As with Lantry, if you chase the lore-dump with Eb she can certainly oblige. Walking, talking encyclopedias - the both of them. With tongue in cheek Eb wondered how she should address me: "the lady of Vendrien's Well, Queen of the Spires, Princess of the suggestive vertical slab?" But Lilura will suffice. Then, when she inquired into my plans, I responded that "the Chorus, Disfavored - all of the Overlord's minions will fall" (this is actually false: I'm exploiting the dialogue to gain Loyalty with Eb in order to receive her Sigil) (Eb: Gain Average Loyalty). I thanked Eb for any assistance she can offer (Eb: Gain Average Favor, Lose Average Fear). I inquired into whether she controls water or mimics the tidal effects that moons have on water, to which she responded "both"; then, I observed that she signs her magic with a great deal of anger (Lore: 45, +26 exp, Lore: 40, +21 exp). I did not push her to tell me about Cairn (Eb: Gain Average Loyalty). Finally, fourth tier Loyalty enabled me to convince her to share the Tidecaster legacy; that is, I received from her the Sigil of Terratus (Core) and gained five ranks in the Control Gravelight skill. (Third tier Loyalty previously unlocked the Terratus' Embrace companion combo ability, too. However, I won't be recruiting Eb into the party at this point. I would really like to, though. We'll see.)
Companion reputations. Verse: Loyalty 3 (94% to tier 4), Barik: Fear 4 (95% to tier 5), Lantry: Loyalty 4 (92% to tier 5), Eb: Loyalty 4 (85% to tier 5), Sirin: Loyalty 1.
Faction reputations. Scarlet Chorus: Favor 4.5, Disfavored: Wrath 2.1, Vendrien Guard: Wrath 4.1.
Archon reputations. Graven Ashe: Wrath maxed, The Voice of Nerat: Favor 4.2.
Spire & Upgrades
So, you now have access to your very own stronghold! Resting here grants you a rest bonus that bestows +5 to all skills. You can also purchase upgrades to your Mountain Spire in the form of trainers, vendors, and perhaps other services down the track (*to be updated). You will have to hire them for a sum of rings and then "area transition" for the NPCs (a max of six at any one time) to actually appear atop the Spire (e.g, descend to Ascension Hall and reascend to the Spire); however, Kenrick of Forge-Bound & Lone-Fang of Stonestalker Tribe will not offer items straight away because it takes time to collect consumables and forge weapons & armor. These NPCs can be hired and fired at will but there is no reimbursement. Remember, also, that being "locked out" of both faction camps means you no longer have access to their trainers & vendors, so choose carefully who you initially hire with your limited cash-flow. But really, if you're not an obsessive pack rat you should have the cash to hire six NPCs on the spot.
Trainers. Saetus (10 rings): Unarmed Combat, Parry, Dodge, Subterfuge. Isolon (20 rings): One-Handed Weapons, Parry, Athletics. Sword-Breaker of Bronze Brotherhood (5 rings): Two-Handed Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Dodge, Athletics. Tanara (7 rings): One-Handed Weapons, Two-Handed Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Parry, Dodge.

Vendor: Corpse Eye's Questionable Wares (20 rings). (You can gain Minor Favor with the Chorus if you meet Corpse Eye's insolence with silence.) Corpse Eye is a battlefield scavenger who has managed to amass quite a selection of weapons and armors; namely: Crimson Greatspear (Two-handed, Quality: Exquisite, Damage: 22-32 Pierce [DPS: 9] vs. Parry, Accuracy +8, Recovery +1.5s [3s total], Range: 2m, Attack Skill: Two-handed Weapons [25]), Tiersman Spinebow (Two-handed, Quality: Exquisite, Damage: 19-24 Pierce [DPS: 6.77] vs. Dodge, Accuracy +8, Recovery +0.75s [3.25s total], Range: 8m, Attack Skill: Bows [84]), Scarlet Fury Scythe (One-handed, Quality: Superior, Damage: 14-17 Slash [DPS: 5.82] vs. Parry, Recovery: +1.25s [Base: 2.75s total], Armor Penetration: 7, Attack Skill: One-handed Weapons [29]), Twisted Iron Sword (One-handed, Quality: Superior, Damage: 12-15 Slash/Pierce [DPS: 6] vs. Parry, Recovery: +0.75s [Base: 2.25s total], Armor Penetration: 5, Attack Skill: One-handed Weapons [29]), Tiersman Spinebow (Two-handed, Quality: Fine, Damage: 13-17 Pierce [DPS: 4.77] vs. Dodge, Accuracy +4, Recovery +1.75s [3.25s total], Range: 8m, Attack Skill: Bows [84]), Twisted Iron Sword (One-handed, Quality: Fine, Damage: 10-13 Slash/Pierce [DPS: 5.11] vs. Parry, Recovery: +0.75s [Base: 2.25s total], Armor Penetration: 4, Attack Skill: One-handed Weapons [29]), Crimson Spear Armor (Heavy Armor: Bronze, Quality: Exquisite, Armor: 7, 15.75 [Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Pierce/Frost Armor], Recovery: +0.7s), Crimson Studded Leather Gloves (Light Armor: Leather: Quality: Superior, Deflection: 15% [Base: 6], Recovery: +0.2s, Precision +9%, Unarmed Attack: Damage: 14-17 Crush [DPS: 10.33] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total, Bloodthirsty: Enraged on kill), Scarlet Fury Armor (Light Armor: Leather, Quality: Superior, Armor: 4, 8 [Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Crush/Frost Armor], Deflection: 22% [Base: 13%], Recovery: +0.5s), Crimson Spear Gauntlets (Heavy Armor: Bronze, Quality: Exquisite, Armor: 2, 4.5 [Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Pierce/Frost Armor], Recovery: +0.4s, Unarmed Attack: Damage: 18-21 Crush [DPS: 13] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total), Scarlet Fury Gloves (Light Armor: Leather: Quality: Exquisite, Deflection: 15% [Base: 6], Recovery: +0.1s, Precision +12%, Unarmed Attack: Damage: 16-19 Crush [DPS: 11.67] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total), Crimson Spear Armor (Heavy Armor: Bronze, Quality: Fine, Armor: 5, 8.75 [Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Pierce/Frost Armor], Recovery: +1s), Crimson Spear Gauntlets (Heavy Armor: Bronze, Quality: Superior, Armor: 1.5, 3 [Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Pierce/Frost Armor], Recovery: +0.4s, Unarmed Attack: Damage: 16-19 Crush [DPS: 11.67] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total), Crimson Spear Helm (Heavy Armor: Bronze, Quality: Superior, Armor 1.5, 3 Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Pierce/Frost Armor, Recovery 0.4s), Scarlet Fury Helm (Light Armor: Leather, Quality Superior, Deflection 15% [Base: 6%], Recovery: 0.2s, Accuracy: +9), Scarlet Fury Armor (Light Armor: Leather, Quality: Fine, Armor: 3, 5.25 [Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Crush/Frost Armor], Deflection: 21% [Base: 12%], Recovery: +0.5s), Crimson Spear Helm (Heavy Armor: Bronze, Quality: Fine, Armor 1, 1.75 Slash/Fire Armor, 0 Pierce/Frost Armor, Recovery 0.5s), Scarlet Fury Gloves (Light Armor: Leather: Quality: Fine, Deflection: 14% [Base: 5], Recovery: +0.2s, Precision +6%, Unarmed Attack: Damage: 12-15 Crush [DPS: 9] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total), Scarlet Fury Helm (Light Armor: Leather, Quality Fine, Deflection 14% [Base: 5%], Recovery: 0.2s, Accuracy: +6), Barbed Fur Mantle (Accessory, Quality: Fine, Only Kills-in-Shadow can equip this, Thorns: When critically hit 1-10 Pierce vs. Parry, Range: 6m), Camping Supplies x5.

Vendor: Revos & The Discerning Eye (10 rings): Fatebinder's Shield (Off-hand only, Quality: Superior, Recovery: +0.2s, Parry +7, Dodge: +26, Endurance: +4), Fatebinder of Tunon Armor x2 (Light Armor: Leather Armor, Quality: Superior, Armor: 4, Deflection: +22% [Base: 13%], Recovery: +0.5s), Fatebinder of Tunon Armor (Light Armor: Cloth, Quality Superior, Deflection: +12% [Base: 3%]), Fatebinder of Tunon Boots x3 (Light Armor: Leather, Quality: Superior, Deflection: +15% [Base: 6], Recovery: +0.2s, Disengagement Defense: +9), Fatebinder of Tunon Gloves x2 (Light Armor: Leather, Quality: Superior, Deflection: +15% [Base: 6], Recovery: +0.2s, Precision +9, Unarmed Attack: Damage 14-17 Crush [DPS: 10.33] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total), Fatebinder of Tunon Headwrap (Light Armor: Leather, Quality: Superior, Deflection: +15% [Base: 6%], Recovery: 0.2s, Accuracy +9), Fatebinder of Tunon Helm (Light Armor: Leather, Quality: Superior, Deflection +15% [Base: 6%], Recovery: 0.2s, Accuracy +9), Fatebinder of Tunon Gloves (Light Armor: Cloth, Quality: Superior, Deflection: +11% [Base: 2], Precision +3, Unarmed Attack: Damage 12-15 Crush [DPS: 9] vs. Parry, Recovery: 1.5s total), Fatebinder of Tunon Hood (Light Armor: Cloth, Quality Superior, Deflection +11% [Base +2%], Accuracy +3), Healing Potion, Lesser Healing Potion x4, Scroll: Sigil of Phasing (Accent), Scroll: Sigil of Directed Force (Expression), Scroll: Sigil of Material Force (Expression), Scroll: Sigil of Proximate Action (Expression), Scroll: Sigil of Deflecting (Accent), Camping Supplies x7, Alchemy Supplies x3, Bronze Ingot x2, Hide, Iron Ingot x2, Scroll x2.
Indeed, lots of decent gear that you probably won't be able to afford at this time. I have my eye on the exquisite Tiersman Spinebow.

Kenrick of Forge-Bound (25 rings). After a few days Kenrick offered me a few freebies; namely: Iron Mace, Cheese, Raw Meat and Camping Supplies. IS THAT IT? (*to be updated)
Lone-Fang of Stonestalker Tribe (25 rings). I'm not sure what triggers this THING to offer up her wares, but it certainly isn't a week spent on the world map. EARN YOUR KEEP. (*to be updated)
Anyway, you might like to return to Ascension Hall, Citadel Barracks and Vendrien's Well Citadel maps in order to loot them for anything you missed during your initial assault. Some receptacles may also be updated with new items; for example, at the Barracks entrance I found Fish & Mead in the wooden crate and Greater Healing Potion, Lesser Healing Potion and Camping Supplies in the wooden box. In addition, with the barricades removed you should have access to a smaller barracks, where you will find a chest holding Research: Dagger Plans (Subterfuge: 45, requires Spire Library upgrade). I found a hidden crate in the far northwest holding an Iron Javelin and removed a loose stone in the kitchen wall to reveal a stash holding Iron Ingot & Hide (both are Subterfuge checks). In the sages' study you will find a stack of crates holding Plans: Iron Gauntlet (requires Spire forge upgrade). Lastly, in Ascension Hall I detected a loose stone in the wall, behind which was a secret stash holding Trickster's Tooth (One-Handed & Thrown Weapon, Quality: Fine, Quickening: On weapon crit -10% Recovery for 14s on self).
At this point I have the Bastard City (Tunon's Court) & Sunset Spire (Lethian's Crossing) marked on my world map.
My intention is to head to the former, first, to tell the Voice of Kyros what happened in Vendrien's Well. So yeah, the party embarks on the two-day-and-twelve-hour journey to Tunon's opulent Court.
The Bastard City Tunon's Court

That's right, you don't get to explore the City itself; instead, you are just dropped straight into the Court (+150 party experience).
The audience chamber is packed with City nobles who have come to settle grievances and pledge fealty to Tunon the Adjudicator, Archon of Justice. Lady Anda Lucretius is one of them: her family's ancestral hall of Thistlehome became collateral damage during the conquest of the City. She complained about the belt of rings and outlying plot of land assigned to her by Tunon in compensation - Tunon told me to build anew and start farming. Farming! Can you believe that? - to which I responded, in simple terms, that Tunon's word is Kyros' law and that he isn't one to change his mind (Tunon: Gain Average Favor x2). So there. But yeah, why is she still standing there? Can't she be scripted to take her leave of the chamber? Guards? We have a loiterer.
Now, the Court will already be in session; in fact, in its closing stages. A rabble of representatives from the Vendrien's Well siege (Albertronas, Aurora & Ceveus of the Disfavored and Blood Mulch, Bitter Quip & Mocking Blaze of the Chorus) have gathered to testify before Tunon, who, from his podium, will welcome you and inform you that he is in the process of cross-examination (Tunon: Gain Average Favor). Having heard the conflicting accounts from opposing lieutenants, Albetronas & Blood Mulch (and enough of their blame-game) Tunon will silence them, turn his gaze to you and, since it coincided with your arrival, request an explanation as to how war could have broken out between Ashe & VoN. I responded that the Archons could not agree on who would lead the siege, so I chose to side with the Chorus and lead them to the Citadel with an unstoppable advance (Tunon: Gain Average Favor).
Why did I choose the Chorus over the elite Disfavored? VoN was willing to win the Citadel at any cost, whereas GvA values his army more than his duty to Kyros. At that, Tunon will accept your testimony, dismiss the petitioners of both factions, and summon you to a private audience in the terrace above his Court (+150 party experience).

PRIMARY QUEST: A TRIAL OF THE ARCHONS & PRIMARY QUEST: THE DISSONANCE OF WAR. Now speaking privately, I agreed with Tunon that the civil war is an affront to Kyros' Peace and that it should not have taken the better part of a year to quell the Oathbreaker rebellion (Tunon: Gain Average Favor). Tunon charged me with conducting an investigation into the Archons in order to find out who was principally responsible for the civil war and unrest; to that end giving me permission to use force against the Disfavored and cunning against VoN (i.e, enter into his confidence, become a friend, and get him to divulge his secrets). The Chorus stronghold of Cacophony should now be unlocked on your world map.
The object is to continue accumulating evidence against both Archons. Here is what I have on them thus far:
Evidence against GvA:
The Disfavored were ineffectual at gaining Cairn, the Archon of Stone, to follow orders.
Evidence against VoN:
He unleashed the Archon Sirin, who sowed chaos and even enthralled a Disfavored soldier.
During the conquest, the Scarlet Chorus sought to conscript new recruits from the Forge-Bound, who are under Tunon's protection.

Tunon then moved onto a more "sensitive" issue. He complimented me on proclaiming Kyros' Edict, on resolving its demanding conditions, and on ascending the Spire - deeds that are worthy of recognition by the highest authority (Kyros) - but such accomplishments I humbly credited to my privileged position as Fatebinder (Tunon: Gain Average Favor). Nevertheless, Tunon wisely acknowledged that my deeds have transcended a hierarchical title and captured the attention of Kyros' armies and those of the local tiersman; ergo, he encouraged me to exploit my new standing to its fullest, bring justice to the lawless frontier, and bring glory and honor to the Tiers in Kyros' name. He then dismissed the Fatebinder, rapped his gavel on the floor, and blinked back to his podium. PRIMARY QUEST: THE VOICE OF KYROS (COMPLETE) (+300 party experience). Back on the podium, Tunon can be milked for much lore on Kyros (to whom he refers in the feminine), Bleden Mark (Archon of Shadows) and - especially - matters of law. I expressed a wish to extensively understand law, and Tunon's execution of it (Lore: 58, +22 exp, Tunon: Gain Major Favor). He told me his history, how he used law and order to win a bloodless victory for Kyros and become her Adjudicator. Then, in response to Tunon's statement that the Fatebinder was not selected for her independent thought, that her intellect is of value in the tasks that lie ahead but that unwavering obedience is of greater value, I questioned that perhaps he didn't want me to interpret Kyros' laws to fit any circumstance (Lore: 58, +21 exp). In answer, Tunon simply cautioned me not to overstep my bounds (as some of his pupils have done in the past, and to their detriment). Tunon reputation. Favor: Tier 4 (95% to tier 5).

Back down in the audience chamber, lieutenant Blood Mulch acknowledged the Fatebinder's role in granting the Chorus control of Lethian's Crossing (Chorus: Gain Major Favor, Quickstart Conquest Chorus Path). He shared with me some Blood Chanter lore that was promised to me by Fifth Eye back in the Chorus Camp; namely, Scroll: Sigil of Blood Magic (Accent). At this point I broke into fifth tier Favor with the Chorus and gained the Visage of Terror reputation ability as a result (AoE cone that immobilizes and terrifies enemies). Also, Bitter Quip lived up to his name: Nice job making it out of Vendrien's Well in one piece. Must be easy when you can hide in a Spire. On the other hand, and to no surprise, the Disfavored are not all that talkative or sprightly. A curt nod is about all I got out of them.
You can engage in extensive dialogue with Fatebinders Calio, Nunoval & Rhogalus but (info-dumps aside) there is nothing to be gained.
As you take your leave Bleden Mark, the Archon of Shadows, will appear from stealth and engage you in conversation. I lost Average Favor and gained Average Wrath with the Archon for having sided with the Chorus. I jokingly took an evasive stance to his rhetorical questions (Bleden Mark: Gain Average Favor) but thanked him for his advice on VoN; that is, be mindful that VoN will attempt to exploit my unique powers for his own gain (Bleden Mark: Gain Average Favor).
Anyway, I'm going to put Lethian's Crossing and its related PRIMARY QUEST: STIRRING VISIONS on hold while I meet up with VoN at Cacophony, a five-and-a-half day trek from the Bastard City. Oddly, the party encounters not a single waylay/ambush or object of interest en route. I mean, they could have at least pitted us against some Disfavored - especially after all that dialogue and lore - but they just didn't. FIVE-AND-ONE-HALF-DAYS OF TRAVEL AND NOTHING HAPPENED. Gimme some crap to kill, please. And we couldn't even harvest a single consumable in the wilds along the way, not even a lowly Marshberry?
Back to:
Awesome Lilura, I was waiting for this game! I've got it but I've still to start, so I think I'll read the walkthrough after playing once, but I've a question about characters:
ReplyDeleteDo you think that a hybrid warrior/mage build is viable? The specialization possibility choice seem to suggest so, but I'm not sure (being a new system) and I don't want to start the game building a sub-par character.
The choice of taking the same spec two times (as you did) seems a solid choice, maybe a specialized character is better, anyway I don't know which kind of companions will be found or the magic system complexity, so I'm still not sure about which character I should play for the first run.
Any suggestion?
I can only comment on my fledgling RANGE tree build at this stage, but I can see myself investing in other trees in order to make my opening volley more devastating; for example, AGILITY for Sneak Attack and MAGIC for Enfeeblement. So yeah, it seems that, far from weakening a build, investment in other trees can actually strengthen its core combat role.
DeleteAnyway, stealth is quite effective despite it being broken by scripted dialogue. I'm reporting on my tactics as I go through the walkthrough, but it's still only early days...
I noticed that mixing the trees could be really interesting: I've started a two handed warrior, but I see that finesse could be really useful, and some abilities (like Flurry of Blows, earned choosing the Two Weapon specialization) can be used with any weapon style.
DeleteI did that to focus on Might and Finesse (and avoiding having to spend points on Wits too), but I'm still at the beginning.
I'm not a big fan of stealth characters (I've never been able to play them efficiently, I prefer using mage or fighter types)but I absolutely agree with the Scarlet Chorus choice... so far I prefer them!
A last (technical) question, regarding what you wrote about the pictures: what programs do you use to improve and upscale them? They look very good, sure, Tyranny has already good graphics, but probably you did the same with NwN ones too, so I was curious.
Let me know how you fare with Two-Handed Weapons! I have Barik wielding sword & board, so I haven't really seen them in action. I also haven't done much experimentation in builds or reactivity at this stage.. I barely have enough time to report on the campaign as I have played it. But yeah, I'm quite enjoying the Quickstart Chorus path and I don't see myself regretting that decision.
DeleteImages are cropped, upscaled, and spliced together using GIMP, which is fairly EZ to use and free to download. It's not as feature-packed as Photoshop, and is has a couple of annoying quirks, but it does everything I need it to do and doesn't eat up all my resources (My laptop could just barely be called a "gaming laptop", so it doesn't have all that much grunt).
And yeah, I do like Tyranny's graphics and animations. They are a solid evolution on the Infinity Engine visuals. The UI is great, too. All the info is there and it's pretty EZ to gain access to your stats, and the interesting lore.
Well I've just started the game but I can say that it's quite powerful and slow, so it's probably better using light armor (or even no armor). The nice thing is that some abilities found in other trees synergizes well with Two Handed, like Flurry of Blows or Riposte. I've read somewhere that a dodge/deflect tank with a 2h weapon is really powerful.
DeleteOh ok, I'm using Corel Photopaint but I'm not an expert when there's to resize/upscale images, so I was interested. (my pc isn't a grat machine too, that's why I play old games, I could barely run Fallout 4 with ultra low settings!)
The UI is great, I especially like how do you manage the inventory (seeing the inventory of everyone all at once is really helpful), the dialogues (never liked the "dialogue wheel" of some other modern titles) and some mechanics like how armor weight is handled and the combo abilities.
For me it's also an improvement on Pillars of Eternity, both for story and gameplay.
I'm just wearing cloth to avoid Recovery time, too. Verse and I are pretty mobile and otherwise hang back to fire bows behind Barik, who draws the aggro, so there doesn't seem to be a need for armor at this point.
DeleteWell so far Barik has been quite useless to me, despite using light armor I could dispatch enemies rather quickly without needing a tank, and usually I take only minor damage. Verse is really useful thanks to her ranged attacks, anyway I noticed that scripted events preventing sneak attacks that you mentioned... pity
DeleteOh and now I've a full party but everyone here says that Sirin is the best companion... we'll see if this is true.
Yeah, it's not really a traditional RPG in the sense that you need a conventional tank, because there are so many other ways to inflict crowd control.
DeleteFunny thing is that you can create a great riposte-tank main character with two handed parry deflection that kills enemies without even attacking.
DeleteWell Barik can become a good tank if his armor is upgraded, but it would drain resources as a black hole!
But yes, that's not necessary.
ReplyDeleteLong time lurker, one-time commenter (that I can remember anyway).
I finished Tyranny a little over a month ago. Good game, IMO, and I particularly enjoyed running through as an ally of the Disfavored. That led me to asking the next question. Is a Pillars of Eternity walkthrough on your agenda for the future? I apologize if I've missed previous commentary or potential answers on that subject.
Thanks, again, for your work in keeping these types of games alive. By far, your Aielund write-up has been the one I've most referenced. I'm replaying that series again, and the walkthrough has proved fun to review, in companion with the blog re-read through.
Hi Wayne,
DeleteI'm glad you found my Aielund Saga walkthrough useful; it was fun to write and get lots of feedback from people, as I wrote it.
I might cover PoE oneday, but I already have several incomplete walkthroughs sitting in my draft section, and they have become a burden to me. :P So yeah, not in the foreseeable future.
But cheers, and thanks for de-lurking and following my blog!
My pleasure. Thanks for writing for us!