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Troop Transport Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Troop Transport SMAC

Troop Transport is a SMAC Module in Firaxis' TBS Game of 1999, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (SMAC). Unlocked by Doctrine: Flexibility, Troop Transport is most notable for granting land, naval and airborne units troop-transport capability.

Troop Transport Stats

  • Troop Transport Cost: 4
  • Troop Transport Prerequisite: Doctrine Flexibility
  • Troop Transport Foil: No. of units 2x reactor value
  • Troop Transport Cruiser: No. of units 4x reactor value

The Troop Transport module allows a unit to transport other units by land, sea, or air, depending on the unit's chassis.

Only sea-going units can transport more than one unit at a time. A Foil can transport a number of units equal to twice its reactor value. A Cruiser can transport a number of units equal to four times its reactor value.

Transports can normally transport only ground units, but seagoing transports can be given the Carrier Deck special ability to allow them to transport and refuel air units. 

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