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River Civilization 2

River Civ2

River is one of 32 Terrain types or resources in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2. River allows faster movement and provides a 50% Unit Defense Bonus. In addition, River provides irrigation access.

  • Terrain Type: Any Terrain except Ocean
  • Food: As per terrain type
  • Shields: As per terrain type
  • Trade: 2

Fed by natural springs, snow melt, and small tributary streams, rivers flow from mountains and other upland sources into larger rivers, lakes, and oceans. Rivers can be found in almost any terrain, from lush jungles and forests to arid desert regions. Since the dawn of civilization, towns and cities have grown up around rivers because the land in river valleys is usually very fertile, and well-suited for farming. In addition, the river provided easy and quick access between towns by boat for trade and travel. Water could be channeled from rivers via aqueducts to cities some distance from the river for the purposes of irrigation. Rivers are also good sources of mineral resources, and can provide power to run machinery and generate electricity.

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