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Pyramids Civilization 1

Pyramids Civ1

Pyramids is one of 21 Wonders of the World in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Civilization 1.

Pyramids allows the civ to change to any government without an interval of Anarchy.

  • Pyramids Cost: 300
  • Pyramids Prerequisite: Masonry

Built by the fourth dynasty of Eqyptian rulers on the Giza plateau outside modern-day Cairo, the Pyramids represent the pinnacle of ancient Egyptian cultural achievement. These Wonders were burial tombs and monuments for the Pharaohs and may have required generations and tens of thousands of workers to complete. They were ancient monuments when visited by Herodutus, centuries before the time of Christ. They are the only one of the generally accepted seven wonders of the ancient world that still stand. The construction of the Pyramids implied a highly stable government and well organized society.

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