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Pheasant Civilization 2

Pheasant Civ2

Pheasant is one of 32 Terrain types or resources in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2. Pheasant increases the amount of Food produced in Forest Terrain from 1 to 3.

  • Terrain Type: Forest
  • Food: 3
  • Shields: 2
  • Trade: 0

Since ancient times, hunting of game animals has been important both for survival and for sport. Forested areas containing a large concentration of deer, elk, and smaller game were very valuable as a source of food for nearby settlements and cities. Though the widespread practice of farming domestic animals for food purposes has made hunting for sport much more common than hunting for food, certain animals such as geese, ducks, and deer are still frequently hunted and killed for food.

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