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Musk Ox Civilization 2

Musk Ox Civ2

Musk Ox is one of 32 Terrain types or resources in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2. Musk Ox increases the amount of Food produced in Tundra Terrain from 1 to 3, and increases Shields from 0 to 1.

  • Terrain Type: Tundra
  • Food: 3
  • Shields: 1
  • Trade: 0

Settlements in the sparse tundra regions of the arctic cannot raise crops and domestic animals for food due to the harsh conditions. They are, therefore, much more dependent on the hunting and trapping of local wildlife for food. The many species of birds and small game, as well as larger animals such as elk and caribou, provide a source of food in an environment that is otherwise barren and inhospitable.

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