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Hoover Dam Civilization 1

Hoover Dam Civ1

Hoover Dam is one of 21 Wonders of the World in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1991, Civilization 1.

Hoover Dam acts as a Hydro Plant in every city on the continent.

  • Hoover Dam Cost: 600
  • Hoover Dam Prerequisite: Electronics

For centuries mankind has been harnessing the power of rushing water to power waterwheels, but more recently water was found useful for generating electricity. To derive power from rivers, dams were built to assure a dependable supply of water, then the overflow was released through special chambers where the moving water turned giant turbines, generating electricity. The Hoover Dam was one of the earliest hydroelectric dams, taming the Colorado River to bring electricity to the deserts of Arizona.

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