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Alpine Troops Civilization 2

Alpine Troops Civ2

Alpine Troops is a Civilization 2 Unit in MicroProse's TBS Game of 1996, Civilization 2. Alpine Troops treat all squares as road squares; that is, they use only ⅓ movement point per square moved.

  • Cost: 50
  • Movement: 1
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 5
  • Hit Points: 2
  • Firepower: 1
  • Prerequisite: Tactics

In the colder regions of the world, where winter months tend to leave the ground snow covered, skiing often became one of the most reliable means of transportation. In the alpine countries of Europe, it became commonplace to train special groups of soldiers to take advantage of the snow covered, mountainous terrain by traveling on skis. This proved to be a huge advantage, especially if the enemy forces were not likewise equipped. In November 1939, for example during the Russo-Finnish War, the  Finns managed to cut off the supply and communications lines of the vastly superior Russian army through the use of their extremely mobile ski troops, and the Finns continued to hold an advantage throughout the winter months. Alpine troops continue to be trained and utilized in military forces of the present day.

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