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Prophesy of Pendor Warband

Prophesy of Pendor Warband

Prophesy of Pendor is a Warband Mod for Taleworlds' cRPG of 2010, Mount & Blade Warband. The attraction of Prophesy of Pendor is its massive roaming armies, overworld spawn variety and Custom Knighthood Orders. This mod is for people who like to feel powerful and epic. There is a lot going on, so the player always feels busy. Also, Propesy of Pendor features firearms.

Prophesy of Pendor Best Troops

Pre-acquisition of Noldor Twilight Knights, the best shock-troops are 60th level Maiden Nobles, Hero Adventurers and Heroine Adventurers. With a force of 200 HAs, there is no army -- unique spawn or not -- that we can't put a massive dent into.

Any army <=1,000 would surrender immediately if it had any sense of self-preservation. HAs can soften up hundreds of elite Empire Immortal infantry units with their Horse Archery 9, Power Draw 9 and Ranged Weapons 500. They can bring down a Lord's 100-strong cavalry charge, stopping stampedes in their tracks. Also, they can take out 300 besieged by virtue of their marksmanship alone (before the charge on the walls begins). Indeed, I've taken out entire factions with HAs. It is satisfying to train peasant women all the way up to eighth-tier HAs, and then dethrone Kings. HAs are like Native Mamluks + Khergit Veteran Horse Archers rolled into one, multiplied by 5.

HAs have the same skillranks as Noldor Twilight Knights. The differences are that NTKs have +100 to all weapon proficiencies (600), +18 STR, +14 AG and +18 HPs over HAs as well as better arms, ammo (+9 dmg over HAs), armor, shield and steed. They actually both wield Noldor Composite Bows though HAs can spawn with Maiden Crossbows loaded with Siege Bolts (12 dmg).

However, HAs are much easier to field and train up than NTKs, which require Qualis Gems when fielded through Quigfen in Laria or Arandur in Elacrai (and Noldor Trade Goods if we want to max our fielding to 5 units per). Thus, 20 Qualis Gems can net us 100 NTKs (capture the leaders of 20 unique spawns).

The best troops for capturing enemy units (up to and including 60th level Noldor Twilight Knights), are Sheriff cavalry units as well as Inquisitor and Battle Brother infantry units. These are the strongest combat units that can wield blunt weapons, which allow us to capture enemies aka knock them out on the battlefield. But since they are not strong when compared to the Noldor, we need hundreds of them. 

Note that in PoP v.3.9.5 Heretic Magnus cavalry are bugged not to wield blunts (only Heretic Worshippers wield blunts).

When assessing combat unit (troop) effectiveness, not just their level, stats, skills and proficiencies but also their ITEMS come into play. The arms and armor that troops come decked out with can make a big difference to their DPS, versatility and staying power. The player should know this from their experience with their own character: a first level character with good arms and armor can kick massive amounts of ass. In addition, troop combat effectiveness is impacted by the player's style of play, what troops they're fighting against, the terrain, whether they are the aggressor or the defender in a siege, and what allied troops are on the battlefield to complement them.

Prophesy of Pendor Battle Reinforcement Waves

By default, Battle Reinforcement Waves are set to 14. What that means is, our army of 100 Hero Adventurers are going to go up against up to 14 waves of a 1,000-strong army. But our HAs don't get refreshed. So even though they take out the first 200 enemies, they're now on their last legs but have no sense to retreat. Which means the next 200 enemies are going to take out say, 20 of them (because they're in a weakened state), and only THEN do we get our reinforcements? But 20 of our best combat units are DEAD. Reinforcements coming in after taking casualties is nothing but a slap in the face. Reinforcements are supposed to prevent casualties. They're supposed to allow the initial force to retreat and rest, not come in and charge over the corpses of our fallen.

But if BRWs are set to 0 our 100 Hero Adventurers take out the first 200 enemies with no casualties, REFRESH before the next charge (and we can even save the game if we leave the battle momentarily), then kill the next 200 without casualties as well. Rinse repeat until 1,000-strong army is defeated. In addition, we're getting more Heroes on the field each time in comparison to the dwindling army of the enemy (usually starting at 200 units and ending with 300). And we have time to line them up for "volley followed by charge" each time as well.
Which is better and why?

Bug or limitation: Let's say you assign a Hero companion to be your steward in a castle or town. You then ask him or her to rejoin your party, but your party is full. Well, instead of telling you that your party is full like other recruits do, that Hero companion will attempt to join, won't be able to, and will vanish from the gameworld forever. Be careful!

Prophesy of Pendor Qualis Gems

These gems are gained by demanding captured Unique Spawn leaders give them to us (sometimes, they are found as loot after US battles: Seers). Note that we can no longer save-scum to get Qualis Gems from Unique Spawn leaders. Whether or not a Unique Spawn leader is captured or not is set when they spawn.

Note that Snake Cult Armies can besiege player controlled towns and fortresses.

Prophesy of Pendor Custom Knighthood Orders

While the Knighthood Orders are a passable concept, the CKO for the player is not implemented well. By that I mean, we don't get to actually train our custom Knights on the battlefield. What happens is, we assign companions to auto-train them for months on end; after which, we throw money their way to progressively up-tier their stats. It's something like a 10 million gold outlay to develop Knights that aren't much better than top-tier Adventurers. And we can unlock equipment for our CKO as well (some of which is unique), but it isn't much better than what top-tier Adventurers have.

For example, I captured both Elf-lords and unlocked their equipment, but wasn't impressed with the selection when my CKs finally had the stats to equip it (the armor was Noldor Ancient Plate, which wasn't even Reinforced let alone Lordly).

It takes years of game-time to get something going that is only 10% better than what we can get within the first year or so. My view is that, by the time CKOs become truly great most players will have burned out on PoP. Once the player character has found the best equipment, conquered a couple of factions and taken out most of the Unique Spawns, there isn't all that much of interest left. As in Native Warband, it becomes a grind.

Prophesy of Pendor Roaming Armies

Big roaming armies

  • Ithilrandir: 667 (army) / 875 (prisoners)
  • Aeldarian 518/617
  • K'Juda the Ravager (Jatu) 339/40

Other roamers

Inquisition Holy Army, Heresy Hunters, Robbers, Brigands, Desperate Highwaymen, Thieves (Brigands, Highwaymen), Forest Outlaws, Angry Peasants (Notorious Outlaw, Pillager, Robber, Bandit, Refugee), Vanskerry Raiders, Meletine Scouting Force, Mettenheim Expeditionary Force, Singalian Warband, Yasafzai Omen Seekers, D'Shar Afridi Warriors, Death Seekers, D'Shar Pathani Tribesmen Raiders, Outlaw Merchant House of Felin, Deserters, Questing Honor Knights, Ebony Knights Hunting Cadre, Heretic Coven, Snake Cult Raiders, Snake Cult Worshippers, Snake Cult Virgin Hunters, Snake Cult Patrol.

Prophesy of Pendor Best Items

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