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Executioner's Wife, Icewind Dale 2

Executioner's Wife IWD2

Executioner's Wife is an Icewind Dale 2 weapon in Black Isle's cRPG of 2002, Icewind Dale 2. Executioner's Wife is purchased from the Gallaway Trading Depot in Targos IWD2.

Executioner's Wife Stats

  • Damage: 1d12 + 1
  • Attack Bonus: +1
  • Enchantment: +1
  • Damage Type: Slashing
  • Weight: 20 lb.
  • Required Feat: Martial Weapon, Axe
  • Type: Two-handed
  • Executioner's Wife Item Code: 11AX2HEW

Tale of the Executioner's Wife

  • Damage: 1d12 + 3
  • Attack Bonus: +3
  • Enchantment: +3
  • Damage Type: Slashing
  • Weight: 20 lb.
  • Required Feat: Martial Weapon, Axe
  • Type: Two-handed
  • Tale of the Executioner's Wife Item Code: 11HFAXEW

In the filthy port town of Luskan, executions are a daily occurrence and a welcome relief from the monotony of town life. This greataxe was the only possession of the town executioner, who was reported to never let the blade leave his side, giving it the name of the "Executioner's Wife." As the years passed, however, the town executioner eventually found a willing mistress in one of the town's brothels who seemed untroubled by his profession, and he paid her numerous visits over the following months. When the town authorities came to arrest the harlot (who was actually an accomplished thief) for thefts within the city walls, they found the city executioner in her bed and the woman nowhere to be found. The executioner was implicated in her escape, and his own axe was used to behead him in the town square. The execution had a record turnout, and many agreed that the "executioner's wife" had had her final say on his adultery.

Icewind Dale 2 (Index) Weapons Icewind Dale 2 Best Weapon Icewind Dale 2

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