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Arc of Gold, Icewind Dale 2

Arc of Gold IWD2

Arc of Gold is an Icewind Dale 2 weapon in Black Isle's cRPG of 2002, Icewind Dale 2. Arc of Gold is purchased from Riki on the fourth level of Severed Hand IWD2.

Arc of Gold Stats

  • Damage: +6 (missile)
  • Attack Bonus: +6
  • Weight: 9 lb.
  • Feat Requirement: Martial Weapon, Bow
  • Type: Two-handed
  • Arc of Gold Item Code: 00BOWCAG

Mithral Arc IWD2

  • Damage: +7 (missile)
  • Attack Bonus: +7
  • Weight: 9 lb.
  • Feat Requirement: Martial Weapon, Bow
  • Type: Two-handed
  • Mithral Arc Item Code: 00HFBCAG

It can be argued that the Arc of Gold and its sister, the Mithral Arc, brought about the end of the dwarven-elvish alliance in the North many years past, and led to the destruction of the Severed Hand and the fall of Dorn's Deep. Many tragedies have occurred around these two items, and many are the deaths they caused although no arrow was ever shot from them.

At the height of the dwarven-elvish alliance in the North, a disagreement arose between the two races over the matter of trading enchanted weapons to the men of the south, who were beginning to establish a foothold in the North. The dwarves were of the opinion that the many great works that had been built through the joint efforts of the dwarves and elves should be offered up to man and the profits used to fill the coffers of both races. This suggestion was not well-received by the elves nor by their leader, the arch-mage Larrel, and the matter was quickly dropped.

However, when the Arc of Gold, one of the items fashioned jointly by dwarven and elven weaponsmiths was found in the hands of an orcish war party not long after the debate in the alliance councils, the elves accused the dwarves of selling the weapons to the goblinoids out of greed. The dwarves, insulted, broke the shafts of their hammers in the middle of the council and broke talks with the elves, returning to their halls in Dorn's Deep and never speaking to them again. The two races, now divided, were soon swallowed by the Dark Horde that was devouring the North beneath its banner.

At the time of the fall of the Severed Hand, the Arc of Gold was mounted within the halls of Severed Hand as a reminder of the dwarven treachery and dwarven greed. When the Severed Hand fell, the Arc of Gold silently watched as the goblinoids tore apart the elvish defenders and laid waste to tower after tower, until the elvish archmage Larrel, in a desperate measure, brought about the Mythal cataclysm that sealed the fate of the Severed Hand once and for all.

When the Mythal was cast, the Arc of Gold vanished from the halls of the Severed Hand and has not been seen since... until now.

Icewind Dale 2 (Index) Weapons Icewind Dale 2 Best Weapon Icewind Dale 2

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