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Robe of Dh'arlo'me

Robe of Dh'arlo'me

• Robe of Dh'arlo'me. CLCKDS10, DSCLCK08. AC +3, MR +25%, Immunity to arcane circles 1-3, immunity to non-magical weapons, usable by All classes.

This powerful Mage Robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack while at the same time increasing one's magical resistance. Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be removed by remove curse.

Note that the above description is wrong in that neither temple priest Remove Curse nor the same-named third circle arcane Abjuration will unequip the robe once its been donned. But then, Oh no, I'm forever cursed with AC +3, MR 25% and immunity to normal weapons and spell circles 1-3! Whatever will I do?

Added by Dark Side, and found on the corpse of Drow mage Jabress Auvryndar in her lair located in the deepest of all dungeons, this robe is powerful because the vast majority of enemies in Baldur's Gate wield non-magical weapons. Add to that +AC, +MR and immunity to circles 1-3, and keeping in mind that such immunity is rare even in BG2 (werewolf form, Aslyferund Elven ChainBhaaltear), and we've got something special.

Note that Dark Side also itemized arcane scrolls of Protection From Normal Weapons (fifth circle Abjuration). However, its duration is only 1 round per level of the caster.

Also, the cursed Ethric quarterstaff, which is itemized in the same encounter as the above robe, bestows immunity to normal weapons as well, but only for Evil-aligned single-class Mages (THAC0 +1, 2d3 +1 piercing). This would be a good wield for Necromancers such as Xzar, who don't have access to conventional castings of Mirror Image.

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