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Ring of Archwizardry, grants +3 spell slots to circle three

Ring of Archwizardry

• Ring of Archwizardry. CMRIQ03, +3 third circle spell slots.

Long ago, a grand wizard from Amn was rumored to have defied Mystra's limitations on the magical arts. Legends spoke of this wizard being able to cast spells without the limitation of memorization. In the end it was found that his powers stemmed from the several magical rings that he had made for himself.  His proclaimed "everlasting memory" was a hoax, though his rings continue to be one of the most sought after items in the Realms.

Two such rings can be found in Dark Horizons: one on the corpse of Madeline in the Section H.Q, and the other on the corpse of George in the Oversight Estate cellar.

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