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Future Wars IBM PC MS-DOS 1990 Delphine Software International

Future Wars IBM PC 1990

Delphine Software International released Future Wars for IBM PC MS-DOS in 1990. Future Wars was the first Delphine game to employ the Cinematique engine; that is, Future Wars is a point and click adventure game that features right-click pop-up menus and cinematic audiovisuals and presentation.

Future Wars was originally designed and programmed by Paul Cuisset for the Atari ST and Amiga in 1989. Éric Chahi drew the graphics. The IBM PC version of Future Wars was programmed by Daniel Morais.

Future Wars is the predecessor to Operation Stealth of 1990 and Cruise for a Corpse of 1991.

Future Wars Criticism: Pixel-hunting, poor pathfinding, need to be right on top of something to interact with it.

Future Wars is also known as Future Wars: Time Travellers and Future Wars: Adventures in Time.

Future Wars was distributed on 3x 5.25" 360K DS DD floppy disks or 2x 3.5" 720K DD diskettes. The install size is 970K (21 files).

Future Wars Cinematique Engine

  • 256-color VGA 320x200.
  • Point and click on actor or object to move to the actor or object
  • Point and click to a position on the playfield to move to that position
  • Right-click calls up the Activation Menu: Examine, Take, Inventory, Use, Operate, Speak.

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