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Rocket Rifle, Auto Rocket Rifle, Jagged Alliance 2

Rocket Rifle

In Jagged Alliance 2, six experimental Rocket Rifles are found in the Orta research facility basement, one is found in Alma, and Iggy in San Mona has one as well, after we've slain Mike and liberated five towns.

Note that Iggy only appears in Franks bar (C5) during the day. To get the six in Orta, it's easiest to just threaten Ernest until he unlocks the door to the storage room.

There are three kinds of minirockets that can be loaded into rocket rifles: APHE and HEAP. Rocket Rifles loaded with HEAPs will devastate crepitus, including Queen Crepitus.

Rocket Rifles penetate all armor. It doesn't matter if the enemy is decked out in full Spectra + Compound 18 / Royal Jelly + Ceramic Plates: that minirocket is going through everything like a laser-beam.

cf. Rocket Launcher PC Games.

Rocket Ridle Location

The Rocket Rifle is usually first found in Alma. The Rocket Rifle is given to us by Sergeant Krott.

Auto Rocket Rifle Location

The Auto Rocket Rifle is found in a locker in Deidranna's sanctum located in P3-B1: Meduna - Shelter. However, in order to find it you need to access the underground shelter from the secret access point in the O3: Meduna garden maze (where the statues are). The access point is opened with a remote control found in one of the houses.

As its name suggests, it is burst-capable. In single-shot mode, it is also cheaper to fire than a conventional rocket rifle.

Rocket Rifle Description

Annihilate your opponents with the cutting edge in weapons technology. This rocket rifle comes with its own laser scope and computer security system.

Auto Rocket Rifle Description

The bleeding edge in weapons technology, this experimental version of the rocket rifle is capable of emptying its entire clip in a single devastating burst!

Auto Rocket Rifle Stats

  • Damage: 38, Range: 60
  • AP single shot: 7, AP Burst fire: 11
  • Per burst: 5
  • Ammo: minirockets: APHE and HEAP
  • Clip size: 5
  • Weight: 11.0
  • Mods: built-in Sniper ScopeLaser Scope
  • Price: 10000
  • Coolness: 0
  • Reliability: 0
  • Repair Ease: -5
  • Rate of Fire: 0
  • Ready Time: 2
  • Shots Per 4 Turns: 12
  • Shots Per Burst: 5
  • Burst Penalty: 10
  • Bullet Speed: 20
  • Impact: 38
  • Deadliness: 97
  • Range: 600
  • Attack Volume: 80
  • Hit Volume: 10

Conrad takes out Queen Crepitus solo, with Queen Deidranna's Auto Rocket Rifle (and a light anti-tank weapon, just to mix things up a bit):

He only runs out of ammo because each burst depletes the five rounds. LAWs can only be fired once.

Note that, in sci-fi mode, the game does not end with Deidranna's death if the Queen Crepitus is not yet dead.

Jagged Alliance 2 Weapons Automag JA2 H&K G41 JA2 H&K CAWS JA2
Auto Rocket Rifle JA2 C-7 JA2 M24 JA2 Colt Commando JA2
FN-P90 JA2 FN-FAL JA2 M-14 JA2 Grenade Launcher JA2
H&K G11 JA2 MAC-10 JA2 FN Minimi JA2 Ruger Mini-14 JA2   

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