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FN-P90, Jagged Alliance 2

FN-P90 Submachine Gun

The FN-P90 5.7mm submachine gun is statistically the best submachine gun in Jagged Alliance 2 (cf. MAC-10), but it's also the rarest weapon in the game; rarer even than the G11. As such, not many players know of its existence.

FN-P90 Submachine Gun Location

The FN-P90 is found randomly itemized in sectors E11: WoodsH5: HillsH10: Desert, J12: Woods, M9: Plains, the depots for which are themselves randomly generated. For example, in one game the depot may be located in E11: Woods but in another it may be located in H5: Hills. And then, the FN P90 may not even spawn in the depot. Instead, you might just find C-7s, M-14s or MAC-10s. 

My best find ever was in the depot of M9: Plains:

That was a great find because bonus G11.

Ammo is rare as well. Up to five magazines can be farmed from Tony in San Mona.

Best dual-wielded by an Ambidex/Auto-Weapons I.M.P:

FN-P90 Submachine Gun Description

This Belgian weapon is one of the most advanced submachine guns in the world, and is highly coveted by several special forces.

FN-P90 Stats

  • Damage: 30, Range: 22
  • AP single shot: 6, AP Burst fire: 10
  • Per burst: 5
  • Ammo: 5.7mm
  • Clip size: 50
  • Weight: 3.7
  • Mods: Sniper ScopeLaser ScopeRod & SpringGun Barrel Extender
  • Price: 2750
  • Coolness: 9
  • Reliability: -2
  • Repair Ease: -4
  • Rate of Fire: 900
  • Ready Time: 2
  • Shots Per 4 Turns: 15
  • Shots Per Burst: 5
  • Burst Penalty: 8
  • Bullet Speed: 21
  • Impact: 30
  • Deadliness: 42
  • Range: 225
  • Attack Volume: 75
  • Hit Volume: 7

Magic JA2 -- an ambextrous badass with MRK 99 and AGY 99 -- takes out Deidranna while dual-wielding the rarist of guns: FN-P90s:

Things of note:

  • Magic gets 4 single-shot attacks per turn.
  • We can't dual-wield in burst mode.
  • Deidranna loses her turn because she is on her last legs.
  • Deidranna usually runs to her fireplace which leads down to her underground shelter, but she isn't given the chance.

FN P90 Jagged Alliance 2 1.13

Jagged Alliance 2 Weapons Automag JA2 H&K G41 JA2 H&K CAWS JA2
Auto Rocket Rifle JA2 C-7 JA2 M24 JA2 Colt Commando JA2
FN-P90 JA2 FN-FAL JA2 M-14 JA2 Grenade Launcher JA2
H&K G11 JA2 MAC-10 JA2 FN Minimi JA2 Ruger Mini-14 JA2   

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