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SPIKE GROWTH Neverwinter Nights NWN

Spike Growth [X1_IT_SPDVSCR304]

  • Caster Level(s): Druid 3 
  • Innate Level: 3
  • School: Transmutation
  • Descriptor(s):
  • Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
  • Range: Long
  • Area of Effect / Target: Large
  • Duration: 1 hour / level
  • Additional Counter Spells:
  • Save: Reflex partial
  • Spell Resistance: Yes

Covers the terrain with small spikes. Any creature will suffer 1d4 points of damage each round that they remain within the afflicted area. These spikes can damage the victim's legs, so that even once they are free of the spike growth, their movement rate is slowed for a day.

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