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DIVINE MIGHT, Neverwinter Nights 1, NWN1

Divine Might NWN

Divine Might is a General feat in BioWare's cRPG Definition of 2002, Neverwinter Nights. Due to its divine prerequisites and reliance on Charisma for duration, Divine Might is usually only taken by Paladins, and some Clerics. As I found out in my Aielund Saga run, the divine damage from DM stacks with the divine damage of Divine Wrath -- and bypasses wards against weapons.

Divine Might Feat Rules

  • Type of Feat: General
  • Prerequisite: Turn Undead, Cha 13+, Str 13+, Power Attack.
  • Specifics: The character may spend one of his turn undead attempts to add his Charisma bonus to all weapon damage for a number of rounds equal to the Charisma bonus.
  • Use: Selected.

Divine Might NWN Divine Shield NWN Divine Wrath NWN

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