Doufas' Sabre, ApR +2, on-hit Hold, 1-4 magical dmg

• Doufas' Sabre. CMSWQ08, THAC0 +2, 1d8 +3, +1d4 magical, ApR +2, save vs. Polymorph or be Held for 3 rounds.

The Doufas' Sabre was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that possess it do not do so for long.

Another highly effective Dark Horizons wield, this Large Sword is found on the corpse of Section assassin, Tristan, in the wilderness area just south of Beregost. Natively facilitating a high attack rate, its AC-nulling immobilization triggers frequently unless the target sports godly saves or is resistant to or immune to magic. The immobilization will hold in place some of the toughest enemies up to and including the lich known as "The Dark One" - though we can't just kill this lich like we can the phylactery-less BG2 ones (recap pic). The magical damage is also unique, and icing on the cake.

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