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Rocket Launcher Dune 2

Rocket Launcher Dune 2

Rocket Launcher is a Dune 2 unit in Westwood's RTS Game of 1992, Dune 2 RTS.

Rocket Launcher Stats

  • Short name ID: 208
  • Name string reference: Launcher
  • Long name ID: 209
  • WSA filename string ref = rtank.wsa
  • Generate shadow: No
  • Is factory * = No
  • (Unused bit flag 03): No
  • No concrete needed * = No
  • Can receive airdrops * = No
  • Worm camouflage: No
  • Has a rotating turret: No
  • Can be captured * = No
  • Pick up for repairs: Yes
  • No death message: No
  • TAB selects this: Yes
  • Full CPU outside screen = No
  • Can target air units: Yes
  • Is a priority target: Yes
  • (Unused bit flag 07): No
  • (Unused bit flag 08): No
  • Infantry spawn chance: 64/256 (25%)
  • Hit points: 100
  • Sight: 5
  • Sidebar icon: 85 - Icon: Rocket Lnchr.
  • Cost: 450
  • Build Time: 72
  • Tech level * = 0
  • Prerequisites: (none)
  • Build icon order: 26
  • Upgrades needed: 2
  • Sidebar command #1: Attack
  • Sidebar command #2: Move
  • Sidebar command #3: Retreat
  • Sidebar command #4: Guard
  • CHOAM status (unusable) = 0
  • Hint string ID: 0
  • AI build priority: 100
  • Threat level for AI: 150
  • Owner: Harkonnen,Atreides,Fremen,Sardaukar,Mercenary
  • Unit array range min: 22
  • Unit array range max: 101
  • (Unused bit flag 01): No
  • Is a bullet: No
  • Explode when dying: Yes
  • Sonic Immunity: No
  • Bumpy Movement: No
  • Tracked crushing: Yes
  • Ground unit: Yes
  • Stay on map (air units) = No
  • (Unused bit flag 01): No
  • (Unused bit flag 02): No
  • Fires Twice: Yes
  • Sand impact (bullet): No
  • Deviation immunity: No
  • Has two anims (bullet) = No
  • Is inaccurate (bullet) = No
  • Is a normal unit: Yes
  • Sprite dimensions: 16
  • Unknown 031 (unused?): 3
  • Movement type: Tracked
  • Move animation speed: 0
  • Speed: 30
  • Turning speed: 1
  • Unit graphics: 111 - Small Tank body: N
  • Turret graphics: 146 - R.Launcher turr: N
  • Default AI command: Hunt
  • Unit display mode: Normal (unit)
  • Death animation: 162 - Sm tank burn (#1)
  • Weapon rate of fire: 120
  • Weapon range: 9
  • Weapon damage: 75
  • Explosion animation: Impact explode
  • Weapon type: Rocket
  • Weapon sound: -1 - None

Rocket Stats

  • Short name ID: 0
  • Name string reference: Rocket
  • Long name ID: 0
  • WSA filename string ref = <no reference>
  • Generate shadow: No
  • Is factory * = No
  • (Unused bit flag 03): No
  • No concrete needed * = No
  • Can receive airdrops * = No
  • Worm camouflage: No
  • Has a rotating turret: No
  • Can be captured * = No
  • Pick up for repairs: No
  • No death message: Yes
  • TAB selects this: No
  • Full CPU outside screen = Yes
  • Can target air units: No
  • Is a priority target: No
  • (Unused bit flag 07): No
  • (Unused bit flag 08): No
  • Infantry spawn chance: 0/256 (0%)
  • Hit points: 70
  • Sight: 0
  • Sidebar icon: 0 - Mouse: arrow
  • Cost: 0
  • Build Time: 0
  • Tech level * = 0
  • Prerequisites: (none)
  • Build icon order: 0
  • Upgrades needed: 0
  • Sidebar command #1: Stop
  • Sidebar command #2: Stop
  • Sidebar command #3: Stop
  • Sidebar command #4: Stop
  • CHOAM status (unusable) = 0
  • Hint string ID: 0
  • AI build priority: 0
  • Threat level for AI: 0
  • Owner: Harkonnen,Atreides,Ordos,Fremen,Sardaukar,Mercenary
  • Unit array range min: 12
  • Unit array range max: 15
  • (Unused bit flag 01): No
  • Is a bullet: Yes
  • Explode when dying: No
  • Sonic Immunity: No
  • Bumpy Movement: No
  • Tracked crushing: No
  • Ground unit: No
  • Stay on map (air units) = No
  • (Unused bit flag 01): No
  • (Unused bit flag 02): No
  • Fires Twice: No
  • Sand impact (bullet): Yes
  • Deviation immunity: Yes
  • Has two anims (bullet) = Yes
  • Is inaccurate (bullet) = Yes
  • Is a normal unit: No
  • Sprite dimensions: 16
  • Unknown 031 (unused?): 6
  • Movement type: Winged
  • Move animation speed: 7
  • Speed: 200
  • Turning speed: 2
  • Unit graphics: 258 - Med rocket 1: N
  • Turret graphics: None
  • Default AI command: None
  • Unit display mode: Normal (weapon)
  • Death animation: 0 - Mouse: arrow
  • Weapon rate of fire: 0
  • Weapon range: 8
  • Weapon damage: 75
  • Explosion animation: Impact explode
  • Weapon type: None
  • Weapon sound: 42 - Rocket (VOC)

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